⌜ one ⌟

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someone said that this could be the most chogiest book— watch me test your knowledge in chogiverse here.

fuming towards their table, ten finally got something to say to this friend of his who thinks that he's all smart. he failed to do this a while ago as the bell rang for his first class, thus having him to be separated from the two.

and now that they breathing the same polluted air inside the cafeteria, he slammed his books down the table and glared at him, startling the chinese who was quietly eating his lunch. ❝okay, first off, kim dongyoung—

ten, not here, we're at the cafeteria.❞ stopping him, kun took the thai's hand gently pulled him down on to the seat right next to him.

but being one of the people who can't deal with the latter's temper, doyoung also had to talk back. ❝go on, let him speak.

you're rude.❞ that was the first thing that ten said once he was given permission. ❝and this is coming from a friend.

and as a friend you are, you should know that something was strange from how that man is acting.❞ doyoung said back at him. ❝he was attracting attention from other students.

but that doesn't mean you have to push him away and drag kun with you!❞ ten then let out a scoff of disbelief because of what his friend has done.

i was only saving kun from the situation.❞ doyoung got back to his meal and ate peacefully, as if someone didn't just ruin his lunch.

and this someone just doesn't know when to stop. ❝from what, from having him be in a relationship with someone?

no matter how much he tries to stop them, kun always fails. at situations like this, he wonders how he got himself associated with stubborn people. ❝guys, please, they are looking at us.

getting no response from the latter, the thai male wasn't going to let this friend of his give him a silent treatment. ❝ah, i get it. you're just bitter that someone is professing their love to our kun here. see, i have connected the two dots!

you didn't connect shit, ten lee.❞ slamming his metallic chopsticks down his tray, doyoung gave him a glare. ❝and i am not bitter.

knowing that he can't stop his friends from arguing, the least that kun can do was taking a bow to the students around them and apologize. sighing on his place, he was already considering on running away from them and continue his lunch at the rooftop. ❝please, stop.

uh, yes you are.❞ ten let out a scoff, agreeing with his own statement. ❝both you and kun just recently broke up with your boyfriend and girlfriend. just because you are still hung up on your relationship, doesn't mean kun also gets to suffer with you. let the damn guy move on and taste the rainbow!

giving him a look of disbelief, doyoung was starting to not get his point. ❝ten, you're beginning to talk nonsense. don't force him, he's not even—

and, that's where you are wrong!❞ throwing his arm over the chinese's shoulders, ten had scooted close to him. ❝our friend here is a closeted rainbow.

kun was glad that the thai male had lowered his voice down when he said that news to the latter sitting across them. he's fine with his friends knowing, but telling that to everyone around? he wasn't ready for it, he is not as confident as the smiling male here. though, he could feel himself getting flustered at how surprised the bunny looked.

doyoung then tilted his head to the side in curiosity, ❝kun, you are?

the chinese knew he didn't sound mad for being like them, but more of worries and disappointed that he didn't tell him first. ❝i just f-found out about it the o-other night.

and it's all because of king dong sicheng!❞ ten chuckled, remembering how in awe the chinese was when he was binge watching the actor's variety show compilation.

still confused, doyoung felt betrayed that he wasn't there to be with them, neither was he even the first one to know. ❝how did this happen?

scoffing, ten answered instead. ❝like i told you, sicheng supremacy—

which annoyed the bunny who's now glaring at him, threatening to stab him with the chopsticks he's now holding. ❝shut up, i didn't ask you, neither am i even talking to you.

he didn't know that they'll be talking it here, inside the cafeteria, but it's as if the heavens heard half of his prayer, the students sitting down at a table near them now transferred to another place as they were too loud. or maybe it's just the thai male and the bunny arguing that caused them to go to another table. ❝remember that sleepover?

the one you didn't go because you had things to fix with your boyfriend?❞ ten continued to be more specific to the bunny. but then he covered his mouth as he mistook something. ❝oops? i mean ex, i forgot the ex.

poking his tongue in his inner cheek, doyoung was already this close to committing live murder. the way he was tightening his grip on his chopsticks and how his furious eyes were darting at the thai male who seemed unbothered by his hatred, he was this close to order him a rainbow coffin this instant.

gulping at the tension between the two, kun took this is as a sign to start explaining. ❝okay, so, i was conflicted with my decision in breaking up with her. that's why i called you guys over to finally settle this once and for all, because i really think that studies is not the only reason why i had to call of our relationship.

and even though i was watching yuta's drama,❞ ten stuck his tongue out at the latter sitting across them to rub it on his face of how much of a good friend he is. ❝unlike you, i still went over to kun's house and attended the funeral of his hetero self.

doyoung opened his mouth and was about to spit out a comeback that could shut him up, but it seems like kun had done it for him by smacking his fist to the thai male's head. a part of him hoped that it wasn't that hard, but he has this evil side who's wishing that it hurt as hell.

gasping, the bunny of a friend then showed a smirk. ❝kun, don't be shy, hit him more.

showing a pout to then, ten rubbed the sore spot on his head. ❝hey, that hurt.

as i was saying, ten was there and because he watched yuta's drama, i joined along with him. it just so happens, sicheng was also there.❞ lowering his head, kun played with his fingers as he was hesitating to say it. but nonetheless, he told them. ❝and i may or may have not found sicheng cute.

that's is such an understatement.❞ ten rolled his eyes, exposing the chinese to the bunny sitting right across them. ❝after watching that very episode, he went on full stalker mode and did research about sicheng. if you check his phone, you can even see him as his wallpaper. in just one night, he got to know almost everything about him.

with his mouth agape, doyoung didn't expect to see this comping. ❝so, sicheng really does have this power. one look at him and you're already wrapped around his finger.

i'm surprised you did not know, kun was talking about the chinese actor the whole day.❞ pausing for a second, ten remembered something that caused him to lean over to the bunny across. ❝hey, your ex-boyfriend is also a big fan of sicheng, right?

pushing his head away with his hand, doyoung clicked his tongue. ❝don't talk to me about it, he was one of the reason of our second break up.

hearing that made then furrow his brows in bewilderment. ❝damn, you guys are petty.

like i said, leechaiyapornkul chittaphon, not all relationships are perfect. unlike yours with your boyfriend.❞ among all flavors, doyoung just had to choose salty. he can't really help it, those two are like the most perfect couple around the campus. and not to mention, the both of them are studying under medicine.

and like what i said, too, kim dongyoung, no relationship is perfect in general—❞ and speaking about relationship, here come the thai's boyfriend who caught him off guard by covering his eyes.

both doyoung and kun stared at the sight and could help but fake a gag, feeling like vomiting at how disgustingly sweet these two are. they had the urge to leave as they didn't want to third-wheel the two, but they still had some patience left for their friend who's now puckering his lips, forcing himself to look cute.

whomst the fucketh is this?❞ please, as if ten doesn't know how his boyfriend's hands feel.

instead of saying his name, or at least a word, this guy just let out a deep chuckle before holding the thai male's chin and making the smaller male face him just to he could let their lips collide. they were indeed aware that they are still inside the cafeteria, but the students in this university has already gotten used to this public display of affection. making out at the cafeteria is no where close to what they do behind the school building.

biting his bottom lip, the younger male pulled away with a smirk before sitting right beside the bunny across him. ❝hey, babe and non-babes.

jaehyun,❞ the thai male then can't help but chuckle at how his boyfriend addressed his friends. ❝took you long enough to get out from your class.

the said boyfriend then gulped nervously, as if he didn't want to talk about it. the bunny was still pissed for some reason, ten is still giving his boyfriend those heart eyes, and it seems like it was only the chinese who noticed that suspicious action.

jaehyun was quick to shrug it off. ❝professor lee has been harsh on us lately.

aw, babe, please don't be too hard on yourself, alright?❞ ten was using that tone on his voice that caused for his friends to let out puking sounds.

no relationship is perfect my ass.❞ doyoung commented with a hiss, stabbing the sushi he had on his tray with a single chopstick.

kun has never been in both of his friends' sides, he never did want to take sides even though one is making a point, he knew it would just break them apart if he does so. but just for this one time, he strongly agreed with what the bunny had said.

and his statement got a look from the thai's boyfriend. ❝why is doyoung in a bad mood today?

please, he's always looking like he just woke up from hell when i'm around.❞ ten wished that he was just exaggerating it. ❝but we were talking about how bitter he is towards his ex-boyfriend that he doesn't want for kun to be in a relationship unless he is also in one.

how many times do i have to tell you, i am not bitter!❞ by how loud his voice is, doyoung managed to make the male beside him flinch.

oh,❞ but jaehyun's attention was about someone confessing to his boyfriend's friend, making him tease the chinese. ❝someone confessed to kun today?

yeah!❞ this is ten's attempt in making his boyfriend side with him. ❝believe me, babe, this man is so damn attractive. he even looks like yuta nakamoto!

the younger's ears then perked at the mention of that guy, ❝ah, that actor you are such a die-hard fan of?

come on, who wouldn't like yuta? he's everyone's ideal guy.❞ seeing his boyfriend sulk on his place, ten reached his hand out just to pinch his cheeks. ❝but i got a peach instead, which i am not complaining.

heaving out a long sigh, doyoung went to butt in between their lovely conversation. ❝ten, you're just saying that just because he is tall.

the thai male then had his fuming gaze at him. ❝so what if he's tall—

you're a simp for tall people.❞ he was spitting nothing but fact, and doyoung is aware of it.

while the boyfriend chuckled with that factual statement, ten lifted his fist up and threatened to swing it to the bunny's direction. ❝how damn bitter are you today? you just can't accept what i just said and put the hot seat on me then?

come on, kun doesn't even know the guy, and you're letting him respond to that confession?❞ doyoung let out a huff, stuffing his mouth with his meal before he starts shooting fire at his friend with his words. ❝imagine a stranger appearing and professing their love to you, won't you find that at least disturbing?

and they were back to their argument, which ten had no plans of losing. ❝well, imagine marrying someone you don't love, couldn't be me.

you're really testing me.❞ doyoung's patience would always be on thin ice whenever he talks to him. ❝you can't just fall in love with a stranger just because they confessed to you.

pointing a finger at him, ten had something to counter with that. ❝and you can't marry a man you just met!

as the two were arguing, their voices getting louder and louder, kun was staying safe and keeping himself out of it. however, by staying quiet there on his seat, his eyes laid on his friend's boyfriend and saw how the guy's eyes was settled somewhere. the chinese followed where he was looking and was taken by surprise to know that jaehyun was looking at their math professor, who's eating lunch together with other teachers.

what made kun doubt on his seat was how he noticed about the guy's uniform being disheveled. thus, making him see a certain red mark on the neck of his friend's boyfriend.

neither of the two noticed as they were busy quarrelling at every point they made.

until they have finally made a decision to include the chinese in their argument. ❝kun!

but kun had something else in mind, ❝jaehyun, is that a hickey on your neck?


flopping his body down on the bed, kun kept on switching from one position to another as a lot of things were occupying his head. first was his break up with his ex-girlfriend, but that's the least of his concern, then how he almost made ten and his boyfriend fight for mentioning about having a hickey on his neck, and lastly, which has been taking over his thoughts ever since this happened, it's about that man.

how does he even know me?❞ he asked to himself as he stared up to his ceiling which he had placed glow in the dark stickers of stars on it.

thinking about it, doyoung had a point. there's no way a stranger would come to him and confess all of a sudden. but remembering ten's argument, he also made mention about the man possibly being his secret admirer for a while and just decided to seize this chance of professing his love to him because he's a free guy now.

the thought of having an admirer, kun buried his head down on his pillow with flushed cheeks. ❝oh god, this is making me crazy.

like hell, his heart was beating fast. he didn't know if it was because of the fact that someone confessed to him, or it's because of the man himself. the strange thing is, doyoung seems to know this man and is avoiding him in some kind of way.

sure, he had received compliments here and there of how much of perfect guy he is, heck, even his friends would remind him that. sometimes, they had to check if kun is a real person, because no way someone like him exists. someone so smart, kind, thoughtful— sugar, spice, and everything nice. he would often get love letters and chocolates inside his locker but they were mostly girls.

now that he had just discovered his own true colors, with the help of ten, who can't shut up that night, it felt different.

especially when he's the first guy who had confessed to him.

you know what? i'm going to have a walk.❞ he pushed himself up from his bed and grabbed a thick coat to prevent himself from freezing in this cold weather since christmas is nearing. ❝i need fresh air.

getting out from his room, he quickly wore the coat and made his way down to the stairs, being greeted by his mother who's watching a movie at the living room. he could guess that his father is probably working overtime today. sighing, he walked over towards her and asked permission to go out, kissing her forehead before approaching to the front door.

since you're going out,❞ his mother started before he could finally step out of the house. ❝buy some presents for your cousin's baby shower this coming weekend, he's also going to do a gender reveal.

kun furrowed his brows, curious to know which cousin his mother meant. the closest cousin he could think of is zhong chenle, but why would he have a baby shower this early of his age? he didn't ask questions, nonetheless, and just nodded his head. ❝got it!

upon leaving the house, a curse word was heard from him as he didn't know it would be this cold outside. seems like his coat is not enough. but since he was stubborn and too tired to go back, he just kept on walking to god knows where his feet would bring him. kun then tucked his hand inside his coat's pockets and took deep breaths in as he went passed by people who's shopping for the nearest holiday to celebrate.

little did he know, his life would change the moment he got out of his house.

should i just buy stuff toys for the party?❞ he mumbled to himself, forgetting his purpose for going out just to get fresh air.

passing by a lot of boutiques and stores, none of them seem to have caught his eye. wandering around, kun puffed his cheeks at how busy the streets has gotten, not aware of what occasion it is today to have caused such crowd.

but even with a lot of people around him, his attention got stuck on something across the street he is in.

something.. or someone.

isn't that the guy who confessed to me?❞ he couldn't believe that he was actually going with ten's words and is taking consideration of knowing this man. ❝hey!

the person he was calling is just looking down on his phone, not hearing his shouts. kun tried to jump from his place just to get his attention, but it made the others look at him instead. puffing his cheeks, the chinese huffed at how this man just won't look at him.

he had no choice but to cross the road and approach him.

excuse me—❞ kun's words wasn't continued.

because as he took a couple of steps on to the road, he turned to the side and witnessed a truck moving fast towards him. he could hear a loud honk coming from the vehicle, but the next thing he knew, he wasn't able to see anything anymore.

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