⌜ seven ⌟

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while waiting at the lobby, ten had his brows furrowed as he stared at his friend who has been smiling like he has won the lottery— when he should be worried of his situation right now. but nonetheless, the thai male was glad to see that he's not being gloomy. ❝you look happy today?

snapping out from his trance of thoughts, kun remained smiling, but planned to hide it from his friend, which intrigued the latter more. ❝oh, it's nothing.

not believing what the chinese had claimed as nothing, ten had to make a very wild guess. ❝did hansol get to fuck you again?

that caught kun off guard, having heat rise up to his cheeks. ❝w-what?

like morning sex,❞ he continued, making things more awkward between them, but he's just purposely doing this to tease the life out of his friend since he won't tell him anything. ❝you did admit to me that catching fishes in the morning is your favorite.

with his face burning red from what the male said out in the open, kun buried his head down to the palm of his hands after lightly nudging the laughing friend to the side. ❝please, s-stop.

a laugh escaped from ten's mouth, putting to a halt with his teases as he knew the boundaries of when not to get too annoying. though, he was itching to just spoil and tell this young qian kun his dirty deeds with his husband. but maybe, just a possibility he's saving up, he might do that just for amusement. he'd love to taint this young (in mind) friend of his. ❝by the way, did you guys managed to bring sian to school today?

this subject then sparked excitement inside the chinese, nodding his head happily. ❝hm, hansol was the one driving. it was fun because he sang a lot of children's song inside the car, we also had to stop by at an ice cream parlor because sian was craving for one this early.

that then irked the thai male, ❝kun, kids aren't supposed to eat dessert in the morning.

yeah, but sian was asking for it! he had a cute pout, i can't resist it. hansol scolded me for giving in, disappointed because it's unusual for me to do so—❞ the chinese was then cut off.

well, yeah, because you should know, as a parent, what's best for the kid.❞ even though ten was missing his old friend who's the most mature and most sane one among all of them, he was enjoying his time watching his young spirit take over and have experience.

i'm a consideration because technically, i still have no idea about parenting.❞ kun defended himself with a proud smile, ❝still, we managed to get ice creams, because hansol is also a weak old geezer who gave in to my pout.

ten's jaw then dropped at how he worded it out, cracking him out. ❝weak old geezer. damn, why do you two always roast each other's age? there's not much age gap in between. doyoung and taeil hyung aren't even like this.

despite of getting the gist about this, it put an interest to kun in knowing more. ❝we do?

yeah, and you're not the only one who exaggerate things, hansol would also treat you like you're some spoiled brat. he never fails to treat you like a kid each day.❞ reminiscing the memories, it always entertains ten whenever these two argue and ends up roasting about their age. ❝maybe it's because of the height difference you both have? i don't know, but i find your relationship with him quite cute.

looking away, kun was reminded of how that man just openly told him about how much he loves him last night, when they were on their way home. it made him go back to blushing as it did flatter him, finding it wholesome to know that someone loves him this much. ❝i m-mean, he can be sweet too.

can be? please.❞ ten prolonged the last part as he was exasperated at how much of an understatement that is. ❝if we were to compare, which i don't want to, but for your sake to know, i would— hansol is the most sweetest man out of all husbands combined.

he is?❞ thinking about it, kun had only met the bunny's husband, and he could tell that they would have petty fights like before, nothing much changed about that. as for the thai male, he might not know much about the man he married, but he's glad to find out that he ended up with someone who can match his vibe. the both of them look like they'd be the most fun parents around.

at first, he thought that travelling to the future all of a sudden was outrageous, and he wanted to go back, but now, he might take consideration to stay for a short while to know more.

of course, our friends' husbands are also perfect in their own way. johnny is also the perfect man for me, but hansol, i can clearly see the effort.❞ this isn't supposed to be ten's role to flex another man, but it's just for today, just for his friend to know how lucky he is. ❝he never was in a rush with you, he waited till you are ready. he gave you time, he gave you space, he gave you love, he gave you his everything. he's such a patient man, and i bet you can tell that by now, and he understands you the most.

kun was listening carefully to each word he just said, putting it all in mind and making sure he would learn from it.

at first, i was doubting. i'll admit, i found it odd to see you two together. but after a while, and after really seeing how both of you compliment each other,❞ a giggle was heard from the man that's saying their story, feeling like a teenage girl reading a book about romance. ❝i finally understand now.

understand what?❞ the chinese then asked, clearly immersed to the narration.

hansol,❞ ten told him, ❝he's the one that completes you.

he has never felt this way before. his heart was beating so fast, his cheeks were turning bright red, and kun could feel the butterflies in his stomach going wild with what he said. he doesn't know why, when he really hasn't been here to witness all of that, but that statement felt perfectly right for him.

he might not be there with you during your past, he might have not been your present during those times when you had to focus on your studies first,❞ he felt the needs to say this, ❝but he became your future, he's the one you're growing old with.

kun remembers that line, it's something that haunted him to his sleep as he could see how upset the man was as he said that to him.

this is your future,❞ holding his friend's hand, ten continued. ❝your future with him.

biting his bottom lip, kun was holding himself back from letting out sniffles and especially a sob that already itching at the back of his throat. he came here to meet up with his thai friend to continue the business they have left yesterday, not to cry about how he has undeniably been a brat to someone who's trying his best to understand him and their situation.

enough on being emotional about this, let me flex his efforts towards you.❞ saving the moment of having his friend crying, ten didn't want that to happen since they are at a public area, he started to snap his fingers at every point he made. ❝anniversaries, cruise ship. birthdays, parties held and organized by him. valentines, he'll spend it with both you and sian as he knows how much you want him to be included in every memory you'll have. he'll basically spoil you, and at this point, he might as well just be your sugar daddy.

with widened eyes, that caught kun off guard. ❝that's too much.

very,❞ even ten agrees with it, but who is he to stop the man from giving everything to his husband? ❝he's slowly becoming the next hendery, minus the grumpy part.

hendery?❞ the chinese repeated the name while having a brow raised.

oh, you know, dejun and yangyang's sweet father.❞ not literally, but that has already been an inside joke for them. ten soon noticed the puzzled expression, making him have a reassuring smile. ❝it's okay, you have enough time to know more about them. at least you're at a good start knowing who dejun is.

right,❞ nodding his head, kun was trying to take this slow and steady as he didn't want be overwhelmed like yesterday. ❝god, i feel so bad.

and ten also felt sorry for him, but then, he'd like to brighten up the mood. ❝by the way, did you manage to give your baba a kiss before letting him drop you off here?

the blush on kun's cheeks heated his face up again at how he brought that up all of a sudden. ❝ten lee, don't just casually ask that! and please, stop reminding me that i call him daddy in chinese.

why would you be ashamed of that? it's not like you guys are sexualizing the word. it's your endearment towards each other, and that's what you two get for always teasing each other's age.❞ ten felt like this is something that needed to be clarified. ❝it's like ji eun tak calling the goblin, "ahjussi", but with feelings.

kun was slowly starting to understand, but this might take him a while to get used to. ❝so you mean, i can just go around calling him that—

i'm here! i'm sorry, i still had to finish some things inside the company and also got caught up with traffic.

the two's conversation was cut off by a certain bunny getting inside the building with his usual suit on, carrying a coat with him, and despite of his hair being disheveled, he still managed to look like a god with those visuals. his familiar face made almost everyone turn their heads at him, but because of his status, they didn't dare to approach him. well, even if they do plan on doing so, this bad bunny would just snob without feeling bad.

ten then felt the urge to complain and annoy their friend who just arrived. ❝you're always late, doyoung, what's new?

shut up,❞ the man clicked his tongue and smacked his head the moment he had approached them at the lobby. ❝i'm really busy this time because nakamoto is being controversial once again.

what did he do?❞ kun stood up asking, doing the honors in fixing his friend's hair.

someone spotted him at a bar last night being violent.❞ doyoung groaned at the problem he had to deal for his artists. ❝let's not talk about it. ten, did you book an appointment?

yeah,❞ rolling his eyes, ten knew he had prepare himself. ❝i can't believe i'll be seeing that asshole's face again.

wait, i never really got to question this,❞ this was supposed to be the first thing kun had to ask, but got carried away with talking about his husband. ❝why are we here at the hospital?

well,❞ clinging to the chinese's arm, ten finally dragged him as they were now complete to go. ❝you'll be having a check up!

can someone explain to me why he's looking at me like he's going to murder me in my sleep and bury my body where no one can find it?

both ten and doyoung gave each other a look before letting out nervous laughter to somehow ease the tension, pulling their friend towards them and making him stand behind their backs just so they can save a life for today. the thai male was then the first one to break the ice between them. ❝well, doctor jung, how about we focus more on our purpose in arranging an appointment with you?

ten,❞ the doctor leaned back to his seat as he gave the latter an apologetic look, ❝no need to be so formal with me. didn't we clear things up from the past already?

you asshole of a jerk, jaehyun, how dare you break my friend's heart and act like nothing happened, huh?! were you that heartless—❞ kun had his mouth being covered by hand, having his next words being muffled.

and doyoung only faked a giggle when he saw the disoriented expression on the doctor's face. ❝he meant that he's thankful for giving us your time today, and hopefully, you'll be able to help us.

let me at him!❞ harshly yanking the bunny's hand from his mouth, the chinese charged towards the desk and didn't hesitate to take a grip on the collar of the man's lab coat, forcing him to stand up. ❝i knew something was up when i saw you looking at our math professor. i can't believe you, jaehyun. no matter what fucking reason you have there with you, i don't tolerate cheating, especially when you're doing it to my bestfriend who has done nothing but to love you.

letting the fuming man lash out on him, jaehyun darted his gave at the thai male who's just quiet at the corner as he watched him already in the verge of being punched. ❝so, this is what you mean when you called me last night? time travel.

kun and doyoung were taken aback by how calm the doctor was while he was being shouted at by someone who's known to be calm and collected. actually, they had expected for him to react like how the bunny did. heck, he'd probably be the most hard convince about this.

you didn't believe me, so here's my proof.❞ ten said, that's why he didn't join the ceo in pulling their friend away from the doctor.

doyoung then scoffed at how betrayed he felt for not knowing about this, ❝you already told jaehyun? and here, you were looking like you'd be seeing hell.

the thai male had already predicted that the bunny would be the first to come at him for this. ❝calling someone is different from meeting them in person. plus, i know kun would act like that, might as well give him a heads up.

feeling the grip loosening from his lab coat, jaehyun slowly moved away and finally got to sit back down on his seat. heaving out a sigh, he ran a hand through his hair. ❝ten, why would you come to me for this? i'm a cardiologist, i have little knowledge on where this is connected. shouldn't you be the one to handle it? you proceeded to neurology, you must have known the cause of this.

moving aside, the two were letting both the doctors communicated, feeling small as they argued. ❝i already told you. this is caused with kun's accident in the past. he has been stressing out about this for quite a while now, and we witnessed how drained he looked during his birthday.

and at the same time, his past self, but with a different time zone, met an accident, which caused the two to clash?❞ as complicated as it sounds, jaehyun couldn't believe that he was able to understand that. ❝if the three beans aren't crazy enough to make me suffer each day with their shenanigans, i would have had a hard time believing this.

exactly!❞ approaching him towards his desk, ten gave the doctor a pleading look. ❝so, is there any way you can help us on how we can return him back to the past? or if possible, fix all of this so that we won't even remember that this ever happened.

having his face buried down on to the palm of his hands, it took jaehyun a while to think of something. ❝there is one.

the three of them now neared towards the doctor as they answered in chorus, ❝what is it?

make kun go through another accident.


after making sure that he had put their boy to sleep, hansol quietly closed the door to his son's room and made his way towards his shared room with his husband. he was hesitant to open the door, he just stood there for a while, thinking if he should really do this. however, he did ask him a favor, it would be rude of him if he doesn't go along with it. closing his eyes, he opened the door and he was started to see that the chinese was still wide awake. he could have sworn he arrived home looking exhausted, he would have been sleeping from being tired by this hour.

asking, the man got inside their room which the dim lamp is their only source of light from the dark, ❝you can't sleep?

upon hearing his voice, kun turned his head towards where the tall figure is and puckered his lips, hugging his legs as he watched the man roam around the room. ❝i was m-making sure you would join me here. i thought you just agreed with it, but will still sleep on the sofa anyways.

a chuckle escaped from the man's mouth, marching towards their closet and taking a new shirt out to change. out of habit, he just immediately took his own shirt off without thinking about the circumstance he is in, only realizing when he turned around catching his husband staring at him with eyes widened and cheeks being flushed.

wait, sorry.❞ pointing a finger at a certain door inside the room, hansol then asked permission. ❝i'll just go and change inside the bathroom instead.

that snapped kun out from his trance of gazing at the man's built torso, making him shake his hands frantically. ❝n-no, it's alright! you c-can just change there. it's just a shirt.

just a shirt? that gave hansol the confidence to tease him. ❝oh, but what if i'd also take my pants off?

i-i'll—❞ gulping, kun wasn't thinking this far of their conversation. out of panic, he brought his hands up and covered his eyes, still feeling the heat from his cheeks. ❝pretend to have no sight, eyes empty!

the younger's adorable actions gave hansol a good laugh, echoing inside the four walls of their room. not dallying time anymore, he just wore his shirt and immediately went off to take a pillow from the bed, not even telling his husband that he's already done changing.

a-are you done?❞ kun was actually counting inside his head as he composed himself down, estimating it as a good minute of silence. he waited for a few more seconds in case, not wanting to see something so impure like the first time he woke up here. after that, he first adjusted his sight before scanning the room and not seeing the man who claimed to be changing. did he really go to the bathroom? ❝hansol?

here,❞ ears twitching, the chinese lowered his head down to the side and had his mouth agape once he saw him laying down the floor with just a pillow. ❝now, sleep.

what are you doing down there?❞ kun asked, concerned for the back pain that he might have first thing in the morning.

hansol was quick to answer his question. ❝to sleep, what else?

that's not a very comfortable place to be in.❞ the chinese would rather agree him being at the sofa that on the floor with just a pillow.

and you won't also be comfortable if i sleep right next to you, what's the difference?❞ slurring with his words, hansol sure is trying his best to put himself to deep sleep just so he won't have this conversation with him.

puffing his cheeks, kun was not liking at how against the man is of them being in the same bed. aren't they married? then they should be doing this, he shouldn't be the only adjusting, because the two of them are facing this together. which is why, with a strong perseverance, the chinese also took a pillow with him and startled the man when he placed it down beside him. that made hansol have his eyes widened like saucers, witnessing how his husband was getting himself to position on the floor.

it made him click his tongue. ❝kid, how stubborn can you get?

even though he was aware that he's starting to irritate him, kun only gave the older a smile. ❝if you won't sleep next to me, then i will.

now both of them are going to have back issues the following morning. the two then locked gazes with one being a glare, and the other just innocently looking up at him. until one of them finally gave in, and that happens to be hansol who's groaning in annoyance. he pushed himself up from the floor and threw the pillow back to the bed. ❝fine.

that caused for his husband to cheer, ❝yey— ah!

but kun didn't expect for the older to carry him up all of a sudden, making him throw his arms over the man's shoulders out of panic. he had his eyes full of admiration on him, staring up at him till it was broken off when he was being gently placed on the bed.

he watched hansol take the pillow from the floor and give it to him as he finally flopped himself down beside him. ❝okay, sleep.

with the corner of his lips curved up to a smile, kun took this chance to memorize every single detail the man has. the latter already has his eyes closed, maybe also dozing off to sleep, so he knew he wouldn't be caught staring.

but boy was he wrong when he heard his husky voice echo inside the room, ❝kid, seriously.

i was just making sure you won't ditch me here and go to the sofa!❞ by now, kun is just finding a reason just so he wouldn't be obvious on subtly admiring his man.

another click of his tongue, hansol reached one arm out and snaked it around the younger's waist, also pulling him closer till their bodies were touching. this is his way of reassuring his husband that he won't go anywhere, that he'll just be there right beside him. ❝there, i'll hold you like this.

kun could definitely hear his heart pounding fast on his chest, and surely, it can be heard. though, he didn't mind. for now, he didn't mind at how close they are, at how they weren't giving even a tiny bit of gap to separate them. ❝baba..

grunting, the man didn't know how long he'll be able to keep his patience. ❝kun, i swear to god—

good night, sweet dreams.❞ in the most softest voice he can muster, he told him that before snuggling to him and burying his head on his chest.

fortunately for hansol, the younger won't be able to see how burning red his face is just because of that. though, he was holding himself back from showing much affection as he knew not to make things awkward for them. ❝just sleep.

for now, kun is going to cherish this moment they are having. he's going to treasure the presence that's just right beside him. he's going to use this opportunity to cuddle with him for the whole night.

and worry about what jaehyun suggested later.

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