Fairy tail #12: Goddess of Fire

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They finished their job in just a blink of eye. Hikaru is very good in making the plan and Nashi is good in combat although she didn't used her magic, just her hands and feet. Lucy and Natsu admit it that Nashi, their daughter grown up into a great wizards.

Since it was finish in just blink of an eye, they considered to go and have fun on the Kaji Island. Natsu was more focused on playing around, joking with Happy, Hikaru, Nashi, and making Lucy laugh, than actually concentrating on their surroundings. " Papa, can I go there. I have something to buy off. you can continue on your walk. " Nashi said.

" You sure Nashi. " Lucy asked her daughter. Making Nashi smile as she nodded.

Natsu saw how Hikaru take care of their daughter, so she let Hikaru to stayed by her sides. As for the three of them, they'd been walking looking on those houses that captured of Lucy eyes. Natsu been walking backwards hands behind his head and a grin on his face as Lucy giggled at a joke he'd made. She'd told him he was funny, and to stop or she'd get the hiccups, and right after the last word had left her mouth, a man came from out of nowhere and turned Natsu's world upside down.

He hadn't seen the man before in his life, nor did he believe that the man had anything to do with the job request. Natsu couldn't place a single reason that the masked man would want to hurt them, especially someone as innocent as Lucy.

Whatever magic the man had, had made it unable for Natsu to move, his entire body seemingly disconnecting from his brain until he was unable to move even a finger. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move an inch, even when the man grabbed Lucy around the neck, smirking to himself as he placed a palm on the side of her head.

" LUCY" Natsu shouted on the top his lungs, trying to move every single muscle of his body. " HAPPY... " He said, silently saying to asked for a help, the blue Exceed had complied, sending a nod before zooming away, his wings carrying him quickly toward the direction where Nashi and Hikaru brought something.

The salmon-haired Dragon Slayer watched, his heart cracking, as Lucy looked at him, panic in her eyes, almost pleading with him to do something to help her. He couldn't.

He doesn't want to see Lucy hurt again. Specially now that Lucy's pregnant. But his eyes widen when he saw Lucy covered in water bearer. And that what it hits him, Hikaru put a shield on Lucy so that no one can hurt her.

" A water bearer? huh Let see" The man said, before a circle came out on his left hands. Lucy felt fear.. Fear for her unborn child.

The man was about to attacked with magic that can destroy the bearer but the explosion happen in front of them, making Natsu in shock.

Now then and there. Nashi punch the man on his face, making him collide on the ground. Hikaru used some spell and the next moment, Lucy is on the arms of Natsu. Natsu still looking in horror as he saw Lucy's eyes close. " Lucy, don't leave me. " he murmured on her neck.

" She's okay Uncle. She was sleeping. " Hikaru said making Natsu look on him.

" Is my Mama get any injury Hikaru? " Nashi said coldly.

" Just your father. " when Hikaru said it, Natsu felt pain on his left shoulder only to find out that he was injured. The bloods are all over his shoulder, but he doesn't mind the pain.

Nashi jaw tighten, making her eyes turn into red, the magic power around of her is heavy, and hot. Nashi slowly walked towards the man, didn't mind if she didn't know what kind of magic she used. All along Nashi is very angry right now. Hikaru put a water bearer around the three of them, making sure that they're safe. " What the hell are you doing? why don't you help my daughter out there " Natsu asked.

Hikaru shook his head before putting his hands on Natsu's shoulder " You don't understand, Uncle. Nashi's angry so we better get off on her way. Or she'll burn us." He said.

" What?" Natsu said.

the man grabbed Nashi around the neck, smirking to himself as he placed a palm on the side of her head. Natsu was about to stood up but Hikaru grab his hands shaking his head, saying that don't interfere with them. Then, when the man had soaked up enough of the sight, he had pressed his palm to Nashi's head harder, whispering something to himself that Natsu couldn't decipher. A black and purple haze surrounded the man's hand before making a loud snapping sound. The haze dispersed, fizzling out of existence and for a moment Natsu wondered if the man had decided against hurting them, or if it had all been just some cruel joke.

" NASHI" he shouted.

" How dare you hurting my mother and my father. " Nashi said. Then fire started to come out on her body, burning everything including her body. The man look shock, but he didn't let go of her. " I will show you the living hell. "

And with that Nashi disappeared in thin air. But they can actually felt her magic power. Natsu heard Hikaru sighed " Uncle Natsu " he pouted.

" Yes. "

" Our rewards will be burn" he said making Natsu confused. He was about to open his mouth but the loud explosion happen. If they weren't in the force field, they probably hit. " Nashi, don't burn the whole island please " Hikaru shouted.

Natsu look in front of her. The man is now injured, but Nashi is nowhere to be found. The only thing that they can see is the girl in front of the man. She had a blazing-haired, her clothes are red kimono with a white cream. Her eyes are bloodly red.

" Who is that girl? " Natsu asked.

" That your daughter Uncle Natsu.. The true form of Nashi Dragneel. " Hikaru smile putting his hands on her pocket " The Goddess of Fire"

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