Fairy tail #17: Love

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I smile as I stare on the celestial spirit in the celestial world. The spirits are talking, laughing and smiling in one another. I felt a wind brush on my skin and I know someone is coming to approach me. "Hope." someone called me.

Turning my head to see him; I smile warmly "Hey, Zian..."

He sat down right next to me; his gaze lock on the spirits and smile creep on his lips. "Aren't you going to approach them, Hope?"

"I wanted too... but the celestial King; prohibited me to talk with them." he looks on me frowning; asking me to explain what I'd say. "I don't have a name. To seal my magic; I need a celestial wizard to give me a name. Until then, I can't interact when them."

"I really don't understand why my father doesn't give you a name." he said frowning.

I was about to say something "It because, Hope is different to us, Zian. Can you see the logic?" Zian pouted before turning our head on our back. And right there and then... I saw the beautiful lady; her beautiful white with a bit blue - haired fell on her back freely.

"Hi, Zane." I greeted her. Zane is the spirit of Love and life. I don't have any idea about how is her magic works. But as I know... if Zane is the only spirit that doesn't have the key but you can call her. That information is really confusing, actually. "It's been a long time."

She smiles on me before she murmured something and the next thing I knew... I was covered by a red light. On my peripheral version - I saw Zian stood up. "Hey what the hell are you doing to her?"

Zhaine smiles "I'm giving her bless."

"Huh?" - Zian and Me.

"Soon... you will found your 'the one' and in the same time. You will experience a lot of heartbreaks, pain and more heartbreaks but I want you to remember this day, Hope – that even though you got bad experience in falling in love. Love is the only thing that will help you to survive."

Looking on her confusedly and didn't say anything. I mean, I don't know if that is true – I'm just an unknown spirit and I think I don't have the right to be loved and to fall in love with someone. I don't even know how to love.

And more importantly... what is Love?

I cried for pain when I felt something pierce me on my wrist and the same time; I saw the light coming on his direction and I was about to move when I felt something holding my both wrist. "Hear my voice; I am the spirit of power, Zian. Pierce the enemies..." he started muttering the spell.

I inhale sharply and tried to remove the chain in my wrist. "Heaven Arrow" - Zian cast the spell.

I close my eyes tightly; I can't move my arms and legs. I don't know how to dodge his attack. Is this the really end of my life?

"You will never find the true love that Zhaine talking about. Love is just a simple lie." he says. He chuckle "Goodbye, Hope."

I keep my close and waited for the impact of Zian attack. I wonder if I can go back on my master sides. I wonder if I can see that love that Zhaine is talking about. I wonder if Love is true or it just a word that human keeps on saying.

A word that makes a human happy and in the same time make it – sad and feel the never ending pain like now

"AAAAAAAAAHH!" Zian shouted on pain as he hit the triple unison explosion

I open my eyes and right there and then... I saw Nashi and Hikaru standing in front of me. I felt someone carried me and when I look up - I saw Natsu. "Lucy will be sad if you died, Luna."

"Mama loves you and I hate seeing my mother crying, you know." Nashi said before turning her head on me and smile warmly. A smile that I used to see on Lucy whenever she talks about her spirits.

"You can take your rest, Luna-nee" Hikaru smiles on me. His very rarely smiles that gave someone's hope.

"LUNAAA!!" my eyes got widen when I heard her voice. The voice that keeps on giving me courage and hope. I slowly turned my head and I saw her running after me - on her back I can see the fairy tail guild member.

"L-Lucy." tears started to fell on my cheeks. She didn't say anything as she went on my sides - she just caressed my cheeks and gently wipe the tears on my pale cheeks. "W-Why are you here? Y-You shouldn't be here." I says.

"I'm here because I can't leave my friends alone. Didn't I tell you - Luna, I will never let you feel those emotion again. I'm here together with my daughter Nashi, Natsu and every one in the Fairy tail guild - are here for you. You're not alone."

Is this also an example of love?

Because if it's yes...

Then I'm so happy that someone is loving me despite that I have flaws and dark past.


A/N: I'm not sure in this chapter - I mean, I'm not good in explaining in english especially if it comes in fight scene. *sigh* I rather watch or reads some action anime, books, manga, or movies than to right. Anyway I satisfy you on this chapter... though it's lame -_-


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