Fairy Tail#22: His Oath

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"Hi-Hikaru..." I turn my body on my back to see her face again - and my eyes got widen when I saw how she tried to breathe on her own.

I jump right away on her side and held her properly. Bloods are keeps on coming through her mouth and I bet that she doesn't notice it anymore. "Nashi..." my heart is breaking into pieces as I look on her. "Just wait, I will save you - I promise you that, so please don't die." I beg holding her tightly.

Her Fairy tail insignia slowly disappear as she tried to smile on me making my eyes wide open - No! No! This is not happening. She opens her mouth to say something but I can't understand it - I can't hear anything.

"Nashi.. please open your eyes on me. Don't leave me. I love you please open your eyes! Please" I beg - she smile on me and then slowly she closed her eyes.

"NASHIIIIII!" I shout my pain. "Open your eyes, please! Nashi... don't joke around like this please. Open your eyes! Open your eyes!" I tried to wake her up but she doesn't move or stir.

My vision clouded with tears as I stares her lifeless face - I failed to protect her, I failed to protect the woman I love... I touch her cheeks and press my forehead into hers. "Why don't you open your eyes for me Nashi?" I cried.

"Even you cried like that. You won't bring her life back." Zian said. I shot my glare on him wishing that my glare can make him disappear "What?" he laughs "I'm right, you can't bring her life back. But since you love him that much, I will grant you gift to be with her internally---" I didn't let him finish his words because I punch him on his face.

Anger boiled in my body - that punch is not enough to control my anger toward this guy. He laughs before standing on his own. "You should be grateful to me." his eyes are glowing with too much hatred.

"Grateful?" I cock my head "You kill the woman I love and you want me to be grateful." my anger is boiling on me - my chest is moving up and down "You cut Nashi's future!"

"Because there is no future for her," - Zian said laughing like crazy. My angers cut my patience - I move towards him, Zian's weapon appeared in his hands—a six-foot-long scythe, half Celestial bronze, half mortal steel. I made my own sword using water and charged towards him.

He held out his hand then smile towards me "I will tell you a secret, boy." I frowned "I can also manipulate time, just like you." he said making my eyes got widen.

Time slowed down. I mean literally slowed down, I don't even know that he had this kind of magic. I felt like I was moving through syrup. My arms were so heavy; I could barely raise my sword. Zian smiled, swirling his scythe at normal speed and waiting for me to creep toward my death.

I tried to fight his magic. I concentrated on the water around me—the source of my power. I'd gotten better at channeling it over the years, but now nothing seemed to happen.

I took another slow step forward. I want to cancel his magic but its feels like I can't do anything about his magic.

Hey, water. I pleaded. Any day now would be good.

Suddenly there was a wrenching pain in my gut. The rains suddenly change path and attack towards us - dousing me and Zian. The water revitalized me, breaking the time spell, and I lunged forward.

I struck at Zian, but I was still too slow. I made the mistake of looking at his face— a guy who killed Nashi. But as much as I hated him, it was hard to kill him. Aunt Lucy still wants to help him.

Zian had no such hesitation. He sliced downward with his scythe. I leaped back, and the evil blade missed by an inch, cutting a gash in the ground right between my feet. I kicked Zian in the chest. He stumbled backward, but he was heavier than Luke should've been. It was like kicking hundred times monster in the missions.

Zian swung his scythe again. I intercepted with water sword, but his strike was so powerful, my blade could only deflect it. The edge of the scythe shaved off my shirtsleeve and grazed my arm. It shouldn't have been a serious cut, but the entire side of my body exploded with pain. Damn it, what kind of sword is that?

Zian must notice my confused look so he smiles on me showing his swords in front of me "This is the celestial sword almost like a replica of my father's great sword. Do you know him? The king of Celestial world." he cocks his head and smirk "The only difference of our swords is... the blade of my sword can cut your soul from your body."

So it means that, I won't just losing blood. I could feel my strength, my will, my identity draining away. I healed myself using water but I can still feel that my strength is still the same. He smile darkly "You can heal your physical wound but not your soul." he said.

"I don't care about myself anymore." I say "But let me tell you one thing - I am Hikaru Ail, I won't be killed not until I punish you from what you've done. I will punish you using these two hands that I have." I vow.

Lightning and thunder strikes.

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