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Going back seven years into the past. Anax, Ekato and Sera were playing around in the park. "Haha, you two can never catch me," Anax said laughing as he ran away from Ekato and Sera until Sera, used Vine Magic to make Anax trip, but Anax just jumped over it, until a silhouette jumped out of nowhere and caught Anax making him scream like a little girl and made lightning appear out of nowhere and zap him and the silhouette.

When the smoke cleared Anax had a burn mark on him along with the silhouette revealed to be another kid. "Eminsu, never scare me like that." A burnt Anax said. Eminsu just responded with a moan of pain. "I'll get the first aid kit," Sera said going to the bench where Insignia is.

When Sera got there Insignia handed over the first aid kit sighing, as he oils his mechanical legs until he heard a familiar voice. "Yo Insignia what's up." Insignia and Sera looked over to where the voice was coming from, he saw Prince Shard wearing a plain red T-shirt with his family crest sported by a black sports jacket, Blue jeans and some shoes. Insignia got up and walked over to Shard along with Sera, who called out to the boys. when the boys came they were surprised to see Prince Shard outside of the castle.

"So you became a royal guard just to babysit kids, huh." Shard said smiling as he and Insignia fist bumped. "And I see you're still the same as always, Shard." Insignia said as he did a quick check on the kids. "How about we catch up after I drop the kids back home." Shard agreed with Insignia and together they dropped the kids back home, though Shard had to be hidden because he was famous.

After Insignia dropped them back, Ekato and Sera stayed at Anax's house for a bit. "Hey, Ekatommyrio how about we go spy on your dad," Anax suggested. "How about we just watch TV Anax. I mean spying on Ekato's dad might get us in trouble." Sera said with Ekato agreeing, but Anax just pouted and gave the two puppy dog eye's, which not even Insignia could resist.

The two eventually gave in and went with Shard outside. "Bye mom, bye Astrid. Me, Ekato and Sera are going outside to play." Anax said as he put his shoes on and went outside followed by Sera and Ekato.

The two went searching for Ekato's dad but got tired so Anax and Ekato tried using location magic until they found out it was in an abandoned arena on the outskirts of the kingdom, with extremely faint magic being felt from there.

The trio travelled and when they arrived they took the seats near the back where they saw Ekato's dad and Prince shard facing off against one another releasing vast amounts of magic power against one another. " Y'know it's been a few years since we ever sparred against each other Shard, hope all that castle work didn't make you sluggish with your magic." Insignia said as he got into a battle pose. "Well let's just hope you're stronger than last time," Shard said smirking as he got into a battle pose.

After a moment of silence, the two suddenly clashed fist of magic causing a shockwave. "Flame Dragonion knights: Roar," Shard yelled breathing a large torrent of fire. "Sound Dragonion Knights: Roar." Insignia said blasting a large impact of sound from his mouth.

Anax who stuck his head from behind the seats watching the fight, while Ekato and Sera stayed behind the seats from fear of their power when Shard punched Insignia in the face, he was met by an uppercut to the face "Sound Dragonion Knights: Sonic Explosion." Insignia yelled as he blew up Shards face sending him flying until he did a spin fixing his posture and yelled. "Flame Dragonion Knights: Blazing Extinctions." Throwing a big ball of fire at Insignia which exploded on contact, but Insignia was above the explosion rocketing his way to Shard and gave him a right hook in the face saying. " Not this time Shard, Niflheim." After Insignia said that Ice started growing on Shards body as he was sent down to the ground.

When Shard got up the ice had covered half of his face and entire left arm, but he was smiling. 'Why is Shard smiling, his arm is- oh no, this is gonna be bad and it'll hurt a lot.' Insignia thought as he said 'Aspis' and made other unidentified magic shields. The ice on Shards body was melting rapidly until he broke free and did a pose. "My win Insignia. "Flame Dragonion Knight Secret art: Ragnarok's Inferno: Exploding Flame Blast!" Shard yelled as he blasts a torrent of flames at Insignia, who used the shield magic to protect himself.

When the attack hit, the arena behind Insignia was destroyed while Anax and the others were on the other side hiding from the attack. Insignia was left bruised a bit and Shard facepalmed. "How are we going to explain this to your Father, Shard." Insignia said. Shard was about to reply until he heard crying, so he jumped up to the seats and was left dumbfounded as he saw Anax and the trio afraid while Sera was crying at how scary it was. "Insignia how are we going to explain this without being killed by Emma." Shard while Insignia muttered 'shit' under his breath.

When Shard dropped Sera home after apologizing to Her father and dropped Ekato home. The hardest task was how to convince Emma to not kill them, when Anax was brought home they explained that, they were sparring like old times and destroyed a part of the arena unaware that three were watching them, which Anax's mom forgive them but threaten to kill them if any of them were hurt with a sweet voice and a smile.

The next day happened and the trio was in the classroom eating lunch until Anax brought up yesterday. "Ekato that fight was awesome," Anax said as he bites his sandwich, which caught the entire class's attention. "What fight Anax?"

Eminsu said as he along with the whole class wants to know. Ekato didn't want Anax to tell them but he did.

Everyone was scared of Ekato's dad and prince Shard until Anax said this. "But they're not as scary as my dad." Ekato and Sera were confused until Bell spoke up. "You're dad was scarier than Ekato's dad and prince Dragneel." Anax immediately became shy and said yes, explaining that he only saw it once a long time ago, but his memory of it is blurry since he was little.

Then the doors open revealing Ekato's dad, causing every person in the classroom to scream and hide behind Anax and Ekato, who was shivering with fear as well, while Insignia was just confused at what happened and said. "Uhh, I came to drop Ekatommyrio's lunch." He said calming the class.

After school, Anax just ran home shy after encountering Bell again while Sera and Ekato question why he still does that.

After a while, Anax was found in a forest working on a rocket with Ekato until Sera came in and screamed: "I thought we agreed to no rockets!" Sera screamed until Ekato said that he and Anax are going to get payback at Alexander for dropping mud at them.

When the rocket is finished Anax hopped on armed with water balloons, Ekato launched the rocket and Anax was screaming "AHHH, THIS WAS A BAD IDEAA!" Anax screamed as the rocket was spinning him around scattering the water balloons everywhere, only to hit other things and not Alexander who noticed Anax trying to hit him with the water balloons and stayed under a tree avoiding the catastrophe.

Anax was starting to get sick until he saw the rocket heading straight for the castle, and hit causing an explosion.

When Anax came to, he was in the throne room with some guards that had a shocked looked.

Then a younger version prince Sora appeared and yelled "Intruder!" Prince Sora then immediately started attacking Anax who was dodging Sora's fire.

"Flame Dragonion Knights: roar!" Sora screamed shooting a small blast fire at Anax who jumped out of the way nearly burned yelling hot. "If I'm going down then I'm not going down without a fight!" Anax yelled as he covered his hand with a white wavy glow of magic and punched Sora in the face while being hit as well and burned.

A younger version of Makenna appeared holding Tyson's hand watching the fight while the two were hitting each other with their fists or magic.

Sora then said "Flame Dragonion Knights: Iron Fist!" igniting his hand in flames while Anax yelled. " Energy Dragonion Knights: Iron Fist!" Anax yelled covering his fist in energy, and the two punched each other. Sending each other sliding back a few feet until Anax finally collapsed, and Sora just fell on one knee leaving the guards still shocked and Makenna ran to her brother.

"I finally stopped the intruder." Was Sora managed "You did stop him, but I have to admit, he is strong to hold out against you and he's cute too." Makenna said nursing her brother, while Tyson was putting bandages on Sora body even his eye until Makenna stopped him from nearly ripping Sora's eyelashes.

Prince Shard, Princess Alice, and King Natsu with Eric just behind the three came into the throne room to witness the scene. "What happens here," Natsu said he walked towards the unconscious Anax. "He was an intruder who came here and destroyed a part of the castle, but I do have to admit he was strong," Sora said standing up a bit.

King Natsu flipped Anax and saw his necklace. "You did good to face his son, but judging from the water balloon on the rocket, he must've tried getting revenge on someone but the rocket went out of control leading here. Jeez, you're just like your dad sometimes Anax." King Natsu said scratching the back of his head and looks at the damage.

There's a hole in the wall, the guards are shocked at what just happened. Then all of a sudden Anax jerks his body up and yelled: "I'm not done yet." Startling everyone, Sora was about to go at Anax again until Shard stopped him and tap Anax's head, he looked and immediately he was scared by Shards appearance. "Since when can you use your fathers magic, Anax," Shard asked while Anax said that he has no clue.

"then how about you become my student, and I'll help you learn to properly use that magic, Anax." Anax was so excited that light was starting to radiate from him until he remembered the damage. 'I'm so going to be in big trouble.' Anax said mentally until Natsu said that it will be taken care of and that no one is in trouble, except Shard.

"Well, I'm totally gonna die." Shard said until Makenna and Tyson ran to him and cried that they don't want him to die. While Shard explains that it was a metaphor, Anax and Sora stared at each other until they smiled and said. "Well, this is going to be fun." Sora then continued. "I hope you can catch up to my level Anax, cause I ain't holding back if we were to fight a real battle." Anax grinned like an idiot and agreed.

That's when Princess Alice came and brought Sora back to his room and Bring Anax to his house after dragging her husband who was acting like a child who wants to avoid punishment.

Shard then explained what happened and Emma just smiled and bring Shard to a closet where he said: "Help me!" But to no avail, no one could save Shard from his fate.

Anax just played with a baby Astrid, until they heard Shards screams of pain, causing both of them to be scared. "Astrid this is why you shouldn't make Mom angry." He said blocking Astrid's ears.

The next day happens and Anax ran straight to the castle after school where Prince Shard was waiting with bandages and a crutch under his right arm. Anax got scared because of what his mother is capable of doing.

After he got inside and put his school bag on the bench he went to the yard where Makenna is watching with Tyson and Sora is waiting to spar with him. "Sorry, little brother but I'm cheering for Anax this time," Makenna said causing shock to spread across Sora's face and caused Anax to laugh. "I barely know her and I like her already."

Anax said in between laughs, causing Makenna to blush very deeply and hide her face in her hands. "Hey what's wrong-*Bash*" Anax was interrupted by Sora who punched him and yells "how dare you hit on my sister," Sora said getting ready to beat Anax to a pulp.

Anax then punched Sora in the face by coating his arm in energy and slug Sora across the field and yelled "Why would I hit her. I didn't even touch her or have a reason to." Anax yelled while Prince Shard used his free hand to facepalm.

The two were at it for quite awhile until they tired themselves out.

Going back to the present. Sora had just told how he and Anax and met, leaving Sera, Shido, and Eminsu to be surprised. "I know Anax can be a bit crazy or a loose cannon but not build a rocket and crash it into the royal palace." Shido said surprised, as he was imagining what Sora had just said. "we both know that Anax is very smart but when it comes to girls, he is a huge idiot." Sera said with Eminsu agreeing.

Then all of a sudden, Phantoms appeared from the alleyways of the building and started chasing after the vehicles everyone was on until Natsu came to the back and stand up. "Flame Dragonion Knights: Roar!" Natsu roared breathing huge bursts of fire from his mouth, burning everything in front of him and burned the sides of a lot of buildings.

A few phantoms were left unscathed and closing in as Natsu cursed, "Eric, Emiya. Their a few immunes here!" He yelled while Eric and Emiya loaded their weapons and started firing at the remaining phantoms, which killed them the moment the bullets pierced their skins.

Then the skies were filled with a few flying phantoms which were dealt by Rena and Makenna who burned or shot down with their magic or bow. "Why are we being chased by phantoms!?" Makenna said as she shot down a phantom in the air with her Ice Shards.

"Sora why are you meeting Anax bad memories," Shido said when he took the sword out of its scabbard and slashed a phantoms leg causing it to fall and hit its kind causing fewer phantoms to follow them.

"maybe, me fighting him and beating him up after calling him an intruder is a bad memory," Sora said as he yelled. "Flame Dragonion Knights: Blazing Extinction!" Smashing two flames together creating a huge ball of fire with some black spots. Sora then threw it which hit a magic circle on the ground exploding and expanding, swallowing any phantoms in its range, leaving a crater on the ground.

After a few hours of being chased. The group managed to get rid of the phantoms that were chasing them, and they manage to get across almost half of the city, but it is already sundown for the group.

" Well looks like we're getting closer thanks to Natsu's direction," Emiya said as he helped the troops set up a temporary base of operations. Everyone was getting settled in their area until Eminsu asked Natsu this. "Hey Natsu, what happened here. It looks like a war hit the Earth." When Eminsu said that everyone was quiet and Natsu said. "This is what the great ruin did, in a mere five centuries. we lost 9.1 billion people to the ruin. everyone who survived was lucky except for me. (started crying.) I was an idiot to go to the surface during another catastrophe and because of that I lost my wife and daughter."

Natsu then broke down crying while the kids were left in horrified and shocked. The others just put their heads down until they got a telepathic message giving them a headache. "Humans...... Danger.... Devil in-...Avoid the.....-trains-"

The message then ended leaving people with a headache.

After five days of that message. everyone was quiet, there were some small conversations but they didn't last long.

"Um, Natsu I just want to apologize for bringing up the great ruin," Eminsu said apologetically.

"It's okay you had the right to know. It's just being reminded of it brings bad memories. (Eminsu was about to ask a question) And no, Shard doesn't know he has a sister who died, but he is aware of his mother's." Natsu said shutting Eminsu up.

The group was halfway to the mountains where the ore they need to power the teleporters. Then suddenly a bear like phantom popped out of nowhere and attempted to jump one of the cars until it was blown back by a shot to the head by one of Rena's arrows.

"Natsu we need a clearing." Rena yelled causing Natsu to burn the forestry around them revealing tons of phantoms surrounding them. "what the hell is going on!" Eric yelled, but was answered by a ear-shattering roar which caught the attention of the group, and caused the phantoms surrounding them to withdraw away from them When the Roar ended everyone took their hands off their ears and looked around to see what had caused the roar in the first place until the sky had gone dark for a moment then sunny again.

Emiya looked to the skies and gasped at what he saw causing the others to look at where he saw and gasped at what they saw.

"They've been missing from this Earth for Millenias how can there still be one roaming around here!" Eric yelled.

The thing that everyone was looking at was a Dragon.

Meanwhile in another part of Draconem. A horde of Phantoms was running towards a big cave trying to attack something but was burned away by its fire.

"These Humans and their stubbornness, they always ignore the warnings and go into danger. But that's what made them interesting. Energeia had hated humans at one point but living amongst them for a few years had changed him. But the Devil is almost whole and frankly, I'm Glad you humans ignored me. That means you can stall him until I arrive because"

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