Chapter 5: Dragons

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After the raid, Dad started shouting orders at the villagers to clean off the messes the dragons had caused at the plaza. While that happened, me, Gobber, the young and future teens helped a little before heading off towards the great hall to explain everything to Dad, and to what I did earlier in the raid. As we entered, we saw Dad standing at the great hall doors with an expressionless face, which cause me to sigh before fully entering the hall without a word.

Before the doors were about to be close, we suddenly heard a high pitch screech of a terrible terror which cause us to turn around . . . Sharpshot! Does this mean that our dragons are here too?

Sharpshot made it through inside, which made me smile before stretching out my right arms to him to land on it. He immediately saw me, which cause him to fly towards at me as he settled himself in my arms while I gave him a scratch under his chin which causes him to purr.

"Hiccup, is that Sharpshot?" Fishlegs asked, his eyes widened in excitement when he saw the small dragon on my shoulder.

"Yes it is, Fishlegs." I replied with a smile.

"You named a dragon?" Young Astrid asked, incredulous.

"Well, we can't always just call him dragon, right?" I asked with a mischievous smirk that got young Astrid to look at me in surprise before composing herself again.

"Hiccup, terror mail!" Fishlegs squealed as he pointed his finger at the small dragon's right leg, which happens to have a rolled up paper on its leg.

"Terror mail?" Almost everyone in the hall asked except for the older version of the gang. I ignored them as me and Fishlegs wet into a table to read the message that was wrapped around Sharpshot's leg. But not Snotlout— he didn't ignored the attention that he got.

"Oh, it was my idea," Snotlout started. "We use a terrible terror as our message sender so to make it easier for us to send letters everywhere." He explained as best as he could while with a smirk playing on his lips. Fishlegs glared at him.

"Snotlout? Creating ideas in the future? That doesn't seem right." Young Fishlegs stated with his eyes narrowing at older Snotlout. Unfortunately, young Snotlout heard this and immediately grab young Fishlegs on the collar of his tunic.

"Hey! Got something wrong with me?" Young Snotlout snarled which cause young Fishlegs to whimper in fear.

"Hey, I thought Fishlegs is the one who invented terror mail." Ruffnut stated with a shrug. Older Snotlout's face flushed at the sudden statement of Ruffnut which causes him to look at the twins murderously.

"Huh, Fishlegs was right." Young Astrid said with a smirk at both Snotlouts with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Gang, they're here and they're coming." I said with a huge smile on my face as I faced them with the letter in my hand. All of the older teens' eyes widened before a huge grin came across their faces when they got my statement.

"You mean Astrid and the dra—"Tuffnut started but was immediately cut off when Snotlout clapped his hand on Tuff's mouth to silent him.

"I need you to stop talking." Snotlout hissed with a glare which immediately receive a nod from the male twin.

"Wait! Who's coming?" Dad asked, confused. I saw how he gave Gobber a look who only shrugged his shoulders in response.

"Astrid and my younger self— Hiccup." I said as I started writing something on a piece of paper then rolled it up and put it on the terrible terror's leg before the said small dragon took off.

"Your young— Hiccup?" Dad asked in confusion as his eyebrows knitted together as one.

"Well, it's nice to know that you didn't even realize your own son is missing until now." I spat bitterly with a glare while not looking at him at all and just focus my attention at the door.

"He's been gone for about 4 hours now." I added.

"Where did he go?" Dad bellowed as he scanned his eyes while looking at my younger self.

I shrug. "Who knows?" I said like it was not a big deal. Dad just glared at me but I ignored him.

"You know, Dad?" I started, looking at him in the eyes without flinching. "I often wonder what if Mom was alive and is still here with us. Then you would look at me differently than the look you've always given me as a kid. A look of disappointment." I spat bitterly while glaring at the wooden table. I looked up and saw Dad sitting in front of me, his whole body became stiff. Everyone was quiet, like they wanted to hear everything.

"I know that my younger self is wondering if mom was still here, she would've been by his side when Snotlout and the twins would often bully him." When saying that, I took a quick glance at the young and older twins and Snotlout who frowned while avoiding my gaze. Dad on the other hand looked at me in shock.

"She would've been there to comfort him, the comfort that you haven't given him until he was 6. I know that he's wondering if she was still here, would you change the way you look at him? Would you accept him for being himself? Would you love him the way he imagined it you would? Would you be proud of him? Of me?" I continued until I barely whispered the last part but I knew he heard it as he gave me a silent answer.

I frowned while laughing bitterly. "I knew it." I muttered. "It's still all about Mom."

After that, everything was quiet, like you could hardly hear a pin drop. Just then young Fishlegs suddenly gasp in huge realization.

"Wait! With the raid being occurred earlier, there might be a chance that Hiccup is—" Young Fishlegs but I immediately cut him off as I turned my attention to him.

"Fishlegs, if that did happen then you might as well see me lying on the ground earlier ago." I said while looking at him in the eyes. "But you didn't. So that means, he's still alive and is currently with Astrid right now." I added with a small smile. He just nodded his head in understanding.

"I won't explain anything until both Astrid and young Hiccup will arrive."

Everyone waited for a few moments but still nothing came. Dad grew impatient as the time was slowly being wasted. Gobber seems to be having an awkward time on whether to talk or to stay quiet, either way, he can't decide. The young teens, on the other hand, are boredly waiting for something to happened while the older teens seems to be having fun by playing truth or dares, which made some of the Vikings watch them in interested.

I sigh. "What are they taking so long?" I asked while rubbing both of my temples.

"Don't worry, Hiccup. They'll be here." I heard Fishlegs said from behind me. I smile faintly at him before nodding my head. I waited for 5 seconds until we suddenly heard a whistle of a night fury that made me smirk.

"Sir! A group of dragons are coming their way here at the great hall! And they're being led by a night fury!" A guard shouted as he ran up to the doors while panting for some air. Me and Dad both stood up from our seat in sync. We both gave each other a look before looking at the guard.

"Let them enter the hall and I'll take care of the rest. Trust me." I said with my voice full of authority which made the guard taken aback. The guard looked at Dad for approval and he only got a nod from him. The guard opened the doors wide as it can be before running off.

"Hiccup? Are you sure about letting the dragons fly in here?" I heard Gobber asked as he approaches me. I only nodded my head in response with determination in my eyes.

"Av neva seen ye so determined befar." Gobber said with a smile while using his thick accent. I smiled back at him.

"I'm already 19, Gobber. I can change sometimes." I said which made him nod his head in agreement. He patted my shoulder before walking back to his seat.

"They're coming!" A Viking shouted as he pointed his finger at the door where you can see the dragons heading this way. Everyone saw this and prepared their weapons except for me and the gang.

I stood on my feet— err foot as the group of dragons landed just a few feet in front of me. I smiled when I saw Toothless and on his back is Astrid who's currently making her way down on the dragons back. Everyone gasp at the sight of Toothless and the other dragons while others were shock at the sight of Astrid on the back of Toothless and the others on the back of their dragon. I faked a cough which got both of their attentions.

Their heads snap at me then not a moment too soon, Astrid greeted me with a hug before letting go and smiling. I also returned the gesture and was about to say something to her when I felt myself being held down on the ground and was immediately covered with dragon slobber.

I groaned. "Toothless! You know that doesn't wash out." I only got a laugh from my own girlfriend and dragon. I slowly stood up while flicking away Toothless' slobber off of me.

"What took you so long?" I asked Astrid who just pointed her finger at my younger self.

"He was still processing everything." Astrid chuckled. I took a quick glance at young Hiccup, and I saw him looking at nothing in particular with a thinking face. I chuckled.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!" Dad boomed his voice like a thunder with his face beat red while glaring at the dragons.

I turned to look at him with a straight face. "This is what I'm afraid about. I always knew you would ever accept the dragons because their kind killed your wife." I said with frown while rubbing my temples as Toothless bumped his snout on my other hand with a gurgle.

"This is what you mean by your future!? Living with dragons as if they're your kind?! Have you lost your mind?!" Dad shouted in rage as he pointed his word at Toothless. "They've Killed Hundreds of us!"

"And we've Killed Thousands of them!" I shouted back at him with the same rage which taken him aback. I sigh before calming down.

"But that is unacceptable!" Dad shouted as he pointed a finger At Toothless who looked at him innocently while crooning in confusion.

"For you, it is." I shot back.

"Not when I know that my son is actually riding a night fury, no less." Dad grumbled which made me scoff in annoyance before crossing my arms.

"Toothless is harmless unless you provoke him." I said in a matter of statement. Toothless gave me a gummy smile which made me smirk. "And besides, he's saved me a lot of times." Dad fumed some more and only stared at me in disbelief.

"This is outrageous!" A familiar but very irritating voice shouted as he slowly stepped out of the crowd. I mentally rolled my eyes at him before sighing. Mildew. I never thought I'd see him again.

"Oh, You're still alive?" I asked rhetorically with an eye roll. Mildew glared at me and was about to say something when I cut him off.

"Don't bother to answer. I was being rhetorical." I deadpan which made the old man turn red, you could almost see some smoke puffing out his nose and ears.

"Are you seriously going to believe this boy, Stoick? Haven't you remembered what those horrible creatures did to your wife?" I almost burst when Mildew mentioned my mother. How dare he?

"Don't you dare mention my mother!" I shouted while pointing at a finger at him, which shocked him but eventually recovered.

"Hiccup, calm down." Astrid said. I gave her a quick look before taking a deep breath and exhaled it sharply.

"Look, before us Vikings ever step foot on this island, Dragons was the first one to ever fly on this island. But Vikings are too stubborn to understand everything and would rather choose to be selfish and take an island which does not belong to them."

"That statement is a lie!" Mildew shouted from the back of the Viking crowd. Everyone agreed. Just try to ignore him, Hiccup. Hiccup said to himself.

"Dragons are wonderful, amazing creature that can bring us together. They're just like us, a creature who can create a family of their own. I asked you, if you were to be killed, wouldn't you be angry because now that you're no longer on their side, you can't protect your family now." I said while giving them each a look of some I have never given to anyone before. I then crossed my arms over my chest.

"That's what each dragon feel when you kill someone they love. Wouldn't you feel the same, or would you rather stay as a heartless stubborn Vikings I've ever met?" I raised an eyebrow at them when they avoided my gaze.

"Well, it was a good thing they are raiding you because you took away their homes, now they're taking revenge by raiding your village." I added darkly as I mentally rolled my eyes at them.

"I've never seen this side of Hiccup before." I heard young Astrid whispered at the other younger teens.

"We know. It's AWESOME!" The young twins exclaimed before giving each other some high five. Of course they would think that. What would I expect? They're the twins!

"Yeah! They're just like us." Tuffnut exclaimed with a wide smile while giving his younger self a high five.

"Obviously." I heard Fishlegs grumbled.

"If what you say is true, then tell me everything from the start that I—we need to understand." Dad finally said after being quiet for the time.

"WHAT?!" Mildew shouted, but everyone just ignored him.

I crossed my arms. "I knew you would say that, but what would I expect? You're stubborn of a Viking and— wait, what?" I started and immediately cut myself off when Dad's words immediately registered in my mind. I blinked and looked at him for confirmation and he just nod his head.

"Well, that really caught me off guard." I muttered with a chuckle before smiling at him. "But before I explain myself, where's young Hiccup?" I asked as I faced Astrid, who shrugs.

"I'm here." We all heard a voice said. I looked beside me and saw my younger self with my curious dragon following behind him.

There he is!

"Hiccup! There's a night fury behind you!" Almost everyone shouted except for us futures. I saw how young Hiccup looked scared at the dragon and recoiled back a little which made me frown. I guess I haven't met Toothless in this time.

Though, while I was lost in a moment, I was quickly brought back to reality when Toothless turns his head at me then at my younger self and this repeat for a minute while his eyes wide while staring at us. I sigh, when I realize something.

"I know you're confuse bud, on how there's a two of me," I started while giving him scratches on his head. "But the thing is, we've accidentally gone back in time."

At that, Toothless' eyes widened in shock.

"I know. Just calm down." Toothless was looking reluctant but still nods his head and purred into my touch.

"Incredible." I heard young Fishlegs whispered in awe.

"Everyone, this is Toothless. The unholy offspring and light death itself. My dragon." I said with a smile as I gave Toothless a scratch which made him purr while looking directly at my younger self.

"You have a dragon?" Dad asked as he rubbed both his temples. That's surely going to give him more headaches. "Odin, spare me..."

"Ha! Toothless? What kind of name is that? I could've given him a more powerful name like Thunder or Shadow killer." Young Snotlout exclaimed with a triumph smile.

"I am not calling him that!" I replied back annoyed but he just ignored me and started muttering some of his powerful names which made me roll my eyes at him.

"Same old Snotlout." I heard Astrid sigh before she smirked at me. I did the same.

"I heard that!" Both Snotlouts retorted which made me and Astrid laugh.

"Well, it is true." Fishlegs started with hesitation on his voice.

"Shut up." Snotlout hissed with arms crossed.

"Hey, bud. Why don't you show them your thing?" I suggested. Toothless nodded his head before opening his toothless mouth. Everyone stared jaw drop at this.

"Huh? We've been afraid of a dragon without teeth?" Young Tuffnut asked as he shook his head while he inspecting Toothless' mouth.

"Such a shame! And we call ourselves Vikings." Young Ruffnut added as she dramatically pointed a finger at young Snotlout who recoiled back.

Just then, Toothless tilted his head to the side and after that, a set of razor sharp teeth emerge from his gums. This action made everyone, even Dad and Gobber, jumped on their feet in shock, while we from the future and my younger self started snickering at them. Their faces are so funny!

"Good job, bud." I said with a smile as I scratch him under his chin which earns a warble from him.

Young Fishlegs gasp. "Retractable teeth!" He exclaimed in delight as he started jumping on the ground in excitement.

"Yes. Night fury has retractable teeth so when they shoot plasma blast, it'll not get on the way." I stated calmly while stroking Toothless' who purred at the contact.

"Amazing!" Both Gobber and Fishlegs said in unison. I chuckled. 

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