8 - Capture The Flag

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Cleo's POV

"Everyone break to teams" When he means that we break into teams of poor and rich also the fact that its mostly cool and uncool which is Lame

"Come on hot guys your super cool we should hangout more~" the girls were pulling AnY guys to there side while the guys also did

"Uh no you don't Hak bring everyone back before I make you...." I didn't finish cuss hak dragged the guys to our side while the girls followed them

"Back off you said this is the "uncool" side so go to yours"

The group is first decided by SS and BB while EE and KK does jogs around the outside of the court

I quickly explained the rules and where we hide our 'flag' (it was just a extra T-Shirt...)

"Okay so Sam, Hak, Jeaha, & Cleo you guys can go get the flag" yun started

"Oh right forgot SS are cheaters... So its best to have shinah look at where the flag is (cheating but hey like they say cheater beats cheaters by cheating XD)" I added

"Fine shinah can you see where the flag is?" Yun asks making shinah start to feel uncomfortable

He looks at them and he points to a floor board that's slightly broken

"Omg that's where they always put it??" Sam said getting super angry

"Okay listen jeaha will use his powers to pass everyone getting there attention while hak Cleo and Sam do some passing after getting the flag while coming here when that happening we will guard our flag"

"Okay" we all said in union putting our hands together and releasing them while saying "Brave Bears!"

We got into formation and got ready for the whistle to blow


"35 mins LETS GO BRAVE BEARS!" I cheered

"YAY!" Everyone else joined in

we charged to the line we didnt cross yet hak was distracting everyone else on the opponent team

sam, jeaha and i headed to the left side where the girls are mostly at...

we quietly and quickly crossed it without getting tag for the first half of there side until a girl screamed


"oh great" i gave the signal to Hak making him flinch at first but headed to where we headed back to our side

while i saw a 3 boys crossing our side the second i got in the side i ran past everyone and got him and MADE SURE hes out Cheaters.. ugh

10 mins left

Shinah was okay when a girl distracted him and got tagged so was kija as for zeno he was peotectiif me and yona with his powers while jeaha did a BIG jump but of course because of girls....

It came down to

BB 6

3 boys
5 girls

"Okay Ryan hak and I will guard go get the Flag!" Yun said making us run

i was up to Me Yona and Sam

We got into formation

"Okay charge!" We made the girls scared cuss they were stupid we got to the half mark when the 3 boys charged at us at me...

"Why is it that I'm the one who always get chased or hurt?!?!?!" I used full strgenth to pass them I easily passed two but there was one guy who ALWAYS comes for me.

The guys that I easily passed went after Sam BIG mistake

"Come at me bro" she said as she did a back flip making the guys miss

As I was amazed at her for I haven't seen her since FOREVER I was just about to get tagged when

"Hak?!" He was getting the tag for me

"Run!" I listened and ran toward the flag yona was already near it no closer

Sam make them cross or side making it 1 boy leaft chasing us the girls Literally forfeited so it was only yona and me close to getting the flag

"Damn it Hurry We dont have time!!" Yun screamed

I looked at my watch oh crap 3 mins left!!

Yona grabbed it and trowed it at me

I told her to run past me as I gave motion signs at her she did she ran as if her life depeneded on it

"Oi!" I heard a boy call out to me as he was reaching for the flag them me I tree it at Sam who was far far away but of course I have super strength from my dragon senses I borrowed kijas power or so I though when I noticed a strength was being released from my body

Hak and the others some noticed it and all stared at me

*exhale inhale* my aura started to turn back to normal

The game continues Sam was about to trow it to our side when

*ougff* Sam got tackled but she tree it towards us

"Sam NOOO" I screamed running rds her

"CLEO GET THE FLAG AND HURRY" she headed by the bench where everyone who is out are

I looked at my watch oh fudge mother 1 min!

I ran and trew it to yona

She cuagh it and ran we passed the half line on the enemy's Territory about few feet away from the line when she was stopped by a boy

"Yona OVER HERE" she trew it but not enough before hr could get I used all my strength and got it I Dodge and ran

20 secs

I started to lose speed.

The line was there out of my reach...

I could feel my bodies tense up

Damn it baka fever

I saw yona running with all her might

Here goes nothing...

The boy was about to get me when

"YONA!" I trew the flag to her while sweat was falling off my face a lot as I saw her cross the line

The last thing I saw was everyone running to me and screaming my name...

Hi sorry for late update....
But made it in time hope U enjoyed see U tomorrow!

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