29•Tied With Eachother ❤

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Anika looked out from her room. There was hustle bustle in the whole mansion. But what made her sad is, her Shivay is nowhere to be seen. Its her Haldi in 10 minutes.

"Dii... Come come... Its time...." Gauri came to Anika along with Om to call her for the haldi.

"There is 10 more minutes, why are you guys rushing?" Anika asked still searching for Shivay.

"There is no more 10 minutes. You have already used the 10 minutes to search for someone, and he is with Veer." Om said and both dragged her from there. Anika followed them being sad.


"Veer, i think its time for the family to know about our plan." Shivay said pacing in and fro.

"And why do you think so?" Veer asked getting up from the chair, he was sitting. Khanna was standing beside him.

"Yaar, its our haldi. And according to rituals, everyone should apply haldi on me and only that haldi can be applied on Anika." Shivay said standing infront of Veer.

"Then just say it.." ShiVee and Khanna looked at the door and found OmRu standing there. Their eyes widened.

"No need any excuses. Tell us whats happening here." Om said coming to them with a serious face. Trio looked at eachother. Shivay nodded his head and Khanna told everything to them resulting OmRu's jaw drop down.

"Bhaiya... You knew everything?" Rudy asked and Shivay nodded his head.

"Now?" Om asked being concerened.

"Om, call Gauri and Bhavya here." Shivay said and Om nodded his head.

After 5 minutes, Gauri and Bhavya came there with Ranvi. As soona as Ranvi saw Shivay, she ran to him and hugged. Shivay bend down and picked her up giving a light kiss on her head.

"Why did you guys brought Princess?" Shivay asked tensed.

"Don't worry Shivay, she very well know how to keep secrets." Om said chuckling. Ranvi nodded her head and Shivay gone silent mode.

"Now listen....." Veer said everything to Gauri,Bhavya and Ranvi. Gauri was all in shock while Bhavya and Ranvi jumped in happiness.

"Now we have to convince the family for the haldi." Shivay said pouting sadly.

"Gauri...." He looked at her calling ever so sweetly with an innocent yet mischief smile. Her eyes got widened.

"No, never..... Don't even think that bhaiya..." Gauri said raising her hand in the air.

"Won't you do this much for you bhaiya?" Shivay asked making a puppy face with fake tears. Gauri gulped down.

"Pleassssseeeee" Shivay pleaded almost crying.

"Okay okay, I'll." Gauri said surrendering herself.

"Thank youuuuu." Smiling widely Shivay jumped on her with Ranvi in his hand. All others chuckled seeing him.


"Why didn't told us this before? Do you have any idea that how much we were tensed? Did you got the last minute to tell us?" Pinky asked with high pitch. Thank god that Anika was in her room for using the washroom.

Shivay, Veer and Khanna were standing there bending their head.

"We are also getting scolded because of you bhaiya..." Khanna whispered to Shivay and suddenly he stomped his leg on Khanna's making him jump in pain.

"What are you doing khanna? Stay there quiet." It was Janvi this time. Khanna pouted like a baby making ShiVeer chuckle but they got shut by the angry glare of Daadi.

"Acha theek hei na.... Kuch karo yaar pleaasee...." Shivay said in pleading tone with puppy eyes.

"Haa Maa... Let it be.... Atleast ab toh iska akal thikane aagya." Tej said and others nodded their head.

"Bade papa..." Shivay whined like a child.

Soon everyone one by one applied haldi on Shivay. Anika was waiting at the hall, for the haldi with racing heart. For her, everyone were gone to apply haldi on Veer. Even it is just an act, she can't stand it. Its making her restless. Anika saw the whole clan coming to her with haldi, grinning widely. She frowned making them chuckle.

Soon the haldi got applied on Anika. As soon as the haldi touched her body, she felt relaxed. She don't know why but, it made her calm and give her peace. She welcomed the haldi with closed eyes and warm smile. Everyone present there was smiling seeing her calm and happy.


The Oberoi Mansion was decorated like a bride. Pandtji was sitting at the mandap checking the things needed. OmRu and Khanna were with Shivay and Veer. Dadi was looking after the things for the wedding, with the pandit ji.

Shivay's dress

Veer's dress

RiVya Janvi and Pinky were with Anika, making her ready. Ranvi was with Daadi.

Anika's dress

"Will everything be alright maa?" Anika asked Pinky with tensed face. Pinky cupped her face lovingly and kissed her forehead.

"Everything will be amazing, don't worry beta." She said smiling, and Janvi kept her hand on Anika's head. Anika smiled at both her mothers.

"Wow, my daughter is looking beautiful." Tej said standing at the entrance along with Shakti. Anika's smile widened seeing them.

"Thank you bade papa." She said smiling. Both came to her. Tej hugged her and kissed on her forehead and it got repeated by Shakti.

"Bring Anika down when we'll msg you."Janvi said to Gauri and the elders left the room. Anika sat down in tension.


Elders came to ShiVeer. Veer was already ready and was sitting on the bed keeping his head on his hands. Same posture by OmRu and Khanna. They saw Shivay setting his hair with gell.

"Bhai.... Its the 13th time you are checking your hair and resetting it." Veer said coming to him.

"No use Veer.... Its his nature. And today he will take extra care." Om rolled his eyes.

"Arey.... Shivay, didn't you got ready yet?" Janvi came to him.

"I am ready badi ma." Shivay said giving a final touch up to his hair and turned to Janvi with a wide grin. All smiled at him. Everyone praised Veer and Shivay's look.

"Veer come down, its time." Shakti said and he nodded his head. Elders left the room.

"All the best Veer." Om said and hugged him. Rudy and khanna did the same. Veer came to Shivay. He smiled at Veer and both hugged eachother. Both wished eachother in silence. OmRu and Khanna joined the hug and wished Shivay for the best.

Veer was taken down with OmRu and Khanna. Shivay was watching them from his room. He can clearly see the things happening down. But it was very difficult for Veer and Anika to see him. OmRu RiVya and Khanna stood there adjusting the view so that they can see Shivay. The rituals started.

Veer and Anika wore the Garland fron eachother. They sat down and Pandit ji said to tie the knot. It was done by Gauri. Veer took a long breath as he prepared for the thing coming soon. Anika's eyes welled up as she realised that Shivay was nowhere to be seen.

The phera stared. Anika took each step slowly hoping to see Shivay running to her and stopping her from doing the marriage but nothing happened. 1st phera completed and the 2nd phera started. Anika was present there by body but her soul was somewhere else. Veer took a little fast step resulting the shawl on his shoulder get loosen, which was connected to Anika's shawl. But Anika was not at all noticing it. The 3rd phera started and at the first step only, the shawl from Veer's shoulder fell into the fire making others gasp. Veer instantly untied the knot with Anika and the shawl fully fell into the fire. Veer looked at the Pandit ji. He looked at the fire and then Veer.

"No problem..... Bring another shawl. We can do a puja of Mahadev and devi Parvathy as prayaschit. Veer looked at the Pandit ji shocked. It was not the plan. Pandit ji was supposed to stop the marriage taking the happening as a bad omen. Then he will examine Veer and Anika's kundali and will declare that their jodi is not meant for. Then Daadi will give Shivay's Kundali to match with her and will declare as perfect match. Shivay will deny and all of them will pressurise him. They planned so much as they can make Anika believe that Shivay married her in pressure.

"Khanna, why pandit ji is not stopping the marriage?" Shivay texted Khanna.

"I don't know bhaiya, he is saying to continue the marriage with another shawl and can do puja as prayaschit." Khanna texted back.

"Khanna, is it our pandit ji only? Check once." Shivay waited for the reply. Khanna moved infront and examined the face of the pandit ji. He got shocked and he immediately texted Shivay.

"Its not..." And he informed it to the others. All were in tention now. Anika was lost in her own land of thoughts. Veer also realised that its not the same pandit ji who was supposed to be here.

Shivay ran to the mandap in jet speed. He stood beside the mandap and Veer saw him. He got down from the mandap and Shivay replaced him. Pandit ji and the guests were watching them as if they saw any ghost. Anika was unaware of the fact that Shivay was beside her.

"Start the rituals pandit ji." Tej said. Again Gauri tied the knot and both stood for the phera. They completed it. Anika was not looking at him. She was just following the rituals absentminded. Both sat down and Shivay tied the Mangalsutra on her neck. Shivay's fingers brushed her neck and Anika's eyes got widened. She jerkily looked at her side and saw Shivay there. Both shared an eyelock. Both eyes filled with tears. Shivay filled her hairline maintaining the eyelock.

"Marriage is completed." Pandit ji declared breaking their eyecontact. Everyone clapped in happiness. Ranvi jumped on Shivay and hugged him.

"I love you papa...." She said and kissed his cheek. He also reciprocated the kiss and hug mumbling a love you too.

"Take blessings from your elders." Pandit ji said and Shivika got up walking to Daadi. Both bend down and took her blessings. They came to Shakti and Pinky and took their blessings. Followed by Tej and Janvi. The youngsters hugged both and congratulated them including Veer.

"We'll tell you everything detailedly tomorrow. Lets complete the remaining rituals first." Veer said as he knew whats going on Anika's mind.


It was time for the ring finding ceremony. Anika had changed her heavy dress to a simple yet elegant long skirt and off shoulder blouse. Shivay changed himself into a simple kurta.


Shivay(phone chod de bhai)

Anika tried her best to talk to Shivay but he didn't gave her a single glance. He was avoiding her since their marriage happened. But little did she know, his whole attention is on her, he is watching her hiding from her.

Both sat infront of a thaal, which was filled with milk and rose petals.

"I'll put this ring into this milk. You both have to find it. The one who find it will rule the other for lifetime. Lets star then." Daadi said. She put the ring in the milk. Anika looked at Shivay but he was not looking at her.

Both put their hand in the milk and started to search for it. Shivay smirked in his mind. As soon as he felt her hand near his, he pinched her hand making her take out her hand from the milk. She observed Shivay but he was expressionless. Anika got more confused. Everyone bombered her with question and she mumbled a nothing. Shivay wanted to laugh loud watching her confused face but he have to be stern. She have to learn a lesson for what she did 4 years ago. And he is adamant on it.

Soon Anika found the ring making the whole family happy but the most happy was Shivay. He is always ready to walk behind her like a lost puppy.

"Shivay, you have to listen to her and have to walk on the line which she will draw for your whole life." Veer said and everyone laughed. Anika looked down being sad on the fact that Shivay is not even giving her a single glance. As soon as she bend her head, Shivay looked at her with a wide smile and adored her.

"I am ready to be her pet for my whole life." Shivay whispered to Veer and he hooted. Shivay immediately made his expression stern as he saw Anika turning her head up to look at Veer. Veer smiled at her but she gave a not so happy smile back. Veer blinked his eyes assuring her that everything will be alright. Soon the ceremony got ended.


Its already 10 in the night. Everyone dispersed to their respective room after a long tiring day. Gauri dropped Anika into Shivay's room and took a sleeping Ranvi with her. Shivay was at the pool side remembering about the day. He had a smile on his face realising that his Anika is now his Wife.

Sighing he walked to his room. As soon as he entered, he saw Anika sitting on the bed all tensed. Shivay secretly smiled looking at her face. Anika felt his presence and looked up to see him already watching her. She stood up and came to him.

"Shivay, i want to talk to you please...."

"Anika, change your dress and sleep. I am tired and i have no time to spend on any unwanted conversation. Its better that we sleep." He said in a go with stern expression looking opposite side and walked to his closet. Taking out his night dress he walked to the bathroom.

After 5 minutes, he came out and saw Anika already in her night dress. She was lying on the bed. Shivay came to the other side and layed beside her. She was back facing her. Anika was fast asleep, but sleep was far away from him. He layed there looking at the ceiling. After half an hour Shivay felt a wait on his chest. He looked down and saw Anika sleeping, keeping her head on his chest. She have wrapped her hands on his stomach. Shivay chuckled and turned to her side. He hugged her with both his hands and kissed on the top of her head.

"I love you my jaan, but you have to pay for the thing you did 4 years ago. You have to pay for the tears i have hide to myself, away from our family... You have to pay for not giving me your love for these 4 years." Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes.


Heya guys....

Long chappy i guess😬....

Finally shivika ki marriage hogya...

I'll settle down everyone one by one don't worry....🤪

Hope you all liked the chappy...

I have 2 more exams to go...

Hindi on 23rd of this month and English on 1st December...

Pray for me and the teachers as well🥴🥴...


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