47• Ranvi's Birthday

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Soon 2 weeks passed in a jiff. Isha has became a family member to the oberois. Her graduation is over. She is a regular visitor of Oberois. Everyone noticed the sparkle between Rishi and Isha. There they already started shipping RiSha.

It was the day of Ranvi's Birthday.
The Singhania Mansion is decorated with Ranvi's favourite colours. Black and Blue. The whole theme was Black and Blue.

Guests have already arrived from India and from London as well. It was a huge party. Media were also present. Its not just a mere party for the youngest Oberoi clan. They have some extra plannings  behind this huge party.

"Arey, where is this youngsters gone. Its almost time for the party to begin." Shakti asked looking towards the stair.

Suddenly the lights gone off and a spot light focused on the stairs. There comes our younger Oberois with their lady love.









At the last, Khanna led Ranvi till the end of the step. Shivay came to them and forwarded his hand. Ranvi kept her hand on his and Shivay bend down to kiss on the back of her palm to which she blushed. Shivay and others chucked on her reaction.



Shivay led her to the stage. Everyone clapped for her. The oberois along with Isha came to the stage. Shivika along with Ranvi, cut the cake. Everyone clapped and sang Happy Birthday. Ranvi giggled clapping her hand.

First she feed the cake to Shivay then Anika. Then followed by the whole clan. Everyone gave their gifts.
Now it was Media's chance. They already did covered the event. Although they started their question session. Tej and Shakti were fed up with the questions. They looked at Shivay who nodded hia head and came to the stage. Media turned to him.

"Can I have your attention please." The whole attention got focused on Shivay who was standing with a mike on his hand.

"I know you all are eager about some things. I am here to clear everything and make an announcement." The curiosity among all got increased by his words.

"First of all, I want you all to mee my long lost brother Rishi Singh Oberoi." Shivay said spreading his hand to him, as Rishi walked to him with a wide smile.

Everyone started to whisper into themselves.

"Sir isn't he the famous business tycoon Mr.Veer Singhania?" One of the reporter asked curiously. Shivay smiled before replying.

"Yes he was." He said smiling.

"What do you mean sir?" Another reported asked confused.

"I had one more brother Rishi Singh Oberoi. He got kidnapped by our Fufa when he was 3 year old  because of some family issues. He had met with an accident and lost his memory. So our Fufa made him believe that he is Veer Singhania. He never knew about us, his family. He believed that his parents died in the same accident in which he lost his memory. Then our Fufa made him believe that he died when Rishi was 16. He alone raised the Singhania Empire. And you all know him as Veer Singhania. He had came to India and we became friends, the brothers. Some days ago he met with an accident. When he gained his consciousness, he got his memory back. And he recognised himself as Rishi Singh Oberoi. So, here is my brother, Rishi Si gh Oberoi. Another Heir of our Oberoi Empire." Shivay said with a wide smile as everyone clapped welcoming Rishi. OmRu and Khanna came to stage and hugged Rishi and Shivay, followed by everyone else in the family.

"Guys, I have more to say, please give me your attention." Shivay again faced the guests and media.

"Khanna..." Shivay called him to himself. Khanna came and stood beside Shivay.

"You all know him just as my family." Shivay said hugging Khanna through his shoulder. Khanna was confused.

"Let me tell you, he is my another brother. His surname is indeed Khanna. But he is an Oberoi from heart. And I am proud to announce that the shares of the Oberoi Empire is equally distributed among Me, means , Shivay Singh Oberoi, Omkara Singh Oberoi, Rishi Singh Oberoi, Rudra Singh Oberoi and Naman Khanna along with the elder oberois." Khanna looked at him with a jerk.

Of course he knew that Shivay loved him dearly. He knew Shivay could do anything for him.but sharing the right which actually is not his, is something beyond his imagination. When Khanna first came here, he just craved for some love and a shelter to live, which he got more than required.

Shivay looked at Khanna and smiled which he returned with teary eyes.

"Sir, would you mind to explain about the party? Who's this pretty baby girl beside you?"  One of the reporter asked.

Shivay looked down at his right side and saw Ranvi standing there, clutching into his leg.  Shivay smiled before taking her into his arms and kissing her cheek which she returned with a wide grin. Shivay turned to the Media.

"Well, meet Mine and My wife Anika Shivay Singh Oberoi's daughter, Ranvika Shivay Singh Oberoi." Shivay introduced Ranvi to the world. Anika came and stood beside Shivay.

"But sir, you just got married some months ago right? Then how baby?" Ine reported asked the question which all of them present there had in their mind.

"Let me tell you, me and Anika got married 6 years ago. After one year we got blessed with Ranvi. Yes, Anika and Ranvi were here in London with Anika's sisters while I was in India with my Brothers. We had to be apart because of some security issues. Now we are together along with our daughter and whole family. Hope all of your doubts are cleared." Shivay said earning nod from the media.

"Now the most important announcement, for which I have invited the media people." Shivay said  after handing Ranvi to Khanna. Everyone including thr family except Anika and Rishi curiously gazed him, Rishi came and stood beside Shivay and Anika. Trio smiled at each other.

"You all know about the Famous Fashion Designer Anika Vardhan Trivedi, who owns the Trivedi Fashion House but none have seen her face. So let me introduce her to the world." Shivay held Anika by her waist and moved a little further.

"Here, The Anika Vardhan  Trivedi urf my wife Anika Shivay Singh Oberoi." Shivay made her introduce to everyone giving all shock.

"Ma'am why didn't you reveal your identity to the world till now?" One reporter asked Anika.

"It was because of some security issues. Now everything is sorted out. So let me introduce my sisters as well." Anika said and indicated Gauri to come to the stage along with Bhavya. Both came and stood beside Anika. Shivay took a few steps back, standing beside Rishi.

"She is my 1st sister  Gauri Vardhana Trivedi and soon to be Mrs. Gauri Omkara Singh Oberoi." Anika said making Om abd Gauri blush. Well they didn't expected the last sentence.

"And she's my 2nd sister, Bhavya Vardhan Trivedi." Anika introduced Bhavya as well.

"We heard you have one brother as well." One of the reporter asked suddenly. Anika and Gauri's heart flinched hearing it.

"Yes, we had a brother. Younger to me and Gauri. Elder to Bhavya. Ranveer Vardhan Trivedi. He died in an accident along with his wife Priyanka Oberoi Vardhan Trivedi, who is also the sister of Oberoi brothers." Anika finished as everyone had years in their eyes remembering their children.

Bhavya was getting disturbed by the mention of Ranveer and Priyanka. Shivay noticed this and came forward.

"Alright, now let us announce the main thing." Shivay interrupted them inorder to stop further mention of Ranveer and Priyanka. Gauri took Bhavya out of the stage and stood beside OmRu and Khanna.

"So, you all know we, Obros Owns a fashion house named ShivOmRu Fashion House. Well we had decided that we gonna do a major merger with Singhania Empire and Trivedi Fashion House. It will be the biggest project than ever." Shivay announced earnings gasps from everyone. The youngest Oberois came to him and everyone shared a group hug. They broke apart.

"We have already completed the formalities to shift the Singhania Empire  and Trivedi Fashion House to India. We'll start our project once we reached India. Me, Om, Rishi, Khanna , Rudra , Anika , Gauri and Bhavya will be equally  own the company and the name of the Company will be BANDHANA FASION HOUSE." Shivay announced making everyone squeal in happiness.

"Please enjoy the party guys." Shivay announced. The music started to play and the couples started to dance to the rhythm.

Om held Gauri's hand and led to to the dance floor. Bhavya stood infront of Rudy jumping like a baby, with a wide smile , indicating that she want to dance with him. Rudy smiled before grabbing her hand and led her to the dance floor. Bhavya squealed in happiness making Rudy giggle.

Rishi and Isha looked at each other and passed a smile. He cleared his throat before forwarding his hand to her and she kept her hand in his. They too came to ths dance floor.

Anika looked at Shivay with expectation. He walked to her and stood before her with a smile.

"Anika, I am sorry..." Anika frowned in confusion.

"Actually, I already have a date for me today." Shivay said making Anika frown more. Shivay walked pass Anika. She turned around and saw him sitting on his knees.

"Will you give me the honour to dance with you Love?" Shivay asked forwarding his hand before Ranvi, sho blushed keeping her hand on his. Anika chuckled at the duo. She walked to them.

"Well, I also have my date for today." Anika said encircling her hand around Khanna's who gave her a wide smile. Shivay shrugged his shoulder. Anika and Khanna walked to the dance floor followed but Shivay and Ranvi.

Everyone were dancing swaying their body according to thr rhythm. Shivay took Ranvi into his hand and danced to the rhythm. At last he kept her on the floor and made her dance.


Ranvi giggled when Shivay atlast made her fall holding her one hand and waist. Everyone giggled at the father daughter duo and clapped for them.

The music stopped and everyone moved to the dinner area. After the dinner the guests left one by one. Now only the family members were there. Elders left to their respective room being tired while the youngsters left to the backyard.  

They sat there and chatted for sometime. Suddenly Ranvi got up and came to the centre making everyone surprised.

"Papa, I want to go out tomorrow, please." She said in an excited tone.

"Is it  even a thing to discuss? Of course my princess want an outing and her papa will surely fulfill her wish." Shivay said making her squeal in happiness. She jumped on Shivay and hugged him tight.

"You are the best papa in the world, I love you so much papa." She squealed in happiness.

"I love you too my Love." He said hugging her back. Ranvi settled in his lap and everyone continued their chat. After half and hour they found Ranvi and Bhavya all asleep in Shivay's lap and Rudy's shoulder respectively.

"Lets go and sleep guys." Everyone agreed to Rudra and got up moving inside the mansion. All dispersed to their respective rooms where Shivay took Ranvi to Gauri's room and kept her on the bed. Thats when he noticed that she didn't changed the dress.  Taking out a night dress from the cupboard, he made Ranvi change into it. Anika and Gauri smiled standing outside the room watching the scenario. Gauri entered in and Anika walked to her and Shivay's room.

Shivay turned to see Gauri walking to him. He smiled at her and wished her good night which she returned and left the room. Gauri changed herself into the night dress and laid beside Ranvi, who snuggled into her warmth. Gauri held her into her arms kissing her head and slept.


Shivay walked into his room only to sew Anika already changed into her nightdress and laid on the bed. He sighed before grabbing his night dress and entering the bathroom.

After 5 minute he came out and walked to the bed. He laid himself beside Anika looking into her face. He smiled and pecked her lips. He kept his head on her bossom caging her into his arms. Anika instantly kept her hand on his head in sleep making him smile. He also slipped into deep sleep.

Everyone were sleeping peacefully unaware of something which is just some hours away from them.


Heya guys....

Hope you all liked the chappy....

Read and enjoy....

Athi ❤️

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