49| You Just Can't Fall Out Of Love

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Hello my lovely sexy beautiful readers! How are you!?


Awesome like a fresh bread!?

Lazy 'cause I want to drink a glass of water but fridge seems to reside in London from my bed!?

Don't even ask! I am becoming dry mango powder in this hot summer!?

I was waiting for your update actually!?


Emily's Pov:

I sat on the side of the bed, leaning my head against it, my eyes filled with tears and my heart beating wildly at the thought of not being able to see Edward again.

I didn't even get the chance to run my hands along his face for the last time, to remember each and every corner of it, to memorize his smile for as long as I live in this world.

I wonder what Edward would say once he finds I am not there?

He would definitely go ballistic after learning that it was all my fault that my mom found the divorce papers!?

Would he go search for me?

No, he would probably be very angry at me, he wouldn't even call me after my huge clumsy mistake!

After all, I am the reason our fake marriage got discovered in such an unexpected circumstances!

Edward would never forgive me for that!

But still, I am his best friend.

Will he decide not be friends with me anymore!?

Would he miss me as much I would miss him?

Can he live his life without me being a part of it?

Would he want me to come with him, back to our home?

My line of thoughts were cut short by the continuous vibration of my cellphone. Quickly wiping my tears, I picked it up and stared sadly at the caller ID, too hesitant to pick up the call after what had happened. After five or six rings, I sighed in defeat and put the phone on my ear.


"Why wouldn't you attend my call, Lily?"

I bit my lips, tears forming once again in my eyes. "I.. I was just reading some book and... I must have fallen asleep that's why I didn't see your..call."

"Are you okay?"

"Yes I am. I told you I am just a little frustrated, that's it!"

Edward sighed. "No you're not fine! Why do you always lie to me!? It's getting on my nerves now-"

"I am not lying, Edward! I'm really, totally and entirely fine, it's not that you really care anyway about it anyway!I am just not really in a mood to talk right now-"

"I care a lot about you, Emily! Even more than I think I can ever care for anyone in my life! Why don't you ever understand it-"

"You do have a weired way of showing it then!"

There was a complete silence from his side which stretched leisurely between both of us for than minutes. I waited for him to say something, a word or two but then I bit my lips in realisation that I actually snapped at him for no reason.

He sighed loudly. "Look, lily I didn't call to fight with you. I just wanted to tell you that I am on my way to home and I couldn't think of any better gift to buy so will you help me with it now?"

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Gift!? For whom?"

"Why, for your parents, of course! I told you we would go visit them today since you miss them so badly and I really feel bad now, considering you're doing way too much of a favour to me-"

"And I told you my mom would come to visit me today, Edward!"

"So did she come then?"

"Yeah of course! Why not! We two had a very great time together and she was really happy seeing me after a long time! So we really don't have to go there now, and besides, Mom was not feeling well so I sent her home-"

"That's very much of a reason I must visit her! I also miss her so much, Emi and it's been months since I last saw her. It would be very much of-"

"Mom knows the truth, Edward" I whispered, cutting him off.

He stopped talking and I heard the loud screeching of the car, rough sound of shuffling, the light push of opening of the car door, indicating he must've come out of the car now, before he cleared his throat and spoke again. "What truth, lily?"

I contemplated in my mind, many ways of telling him how our truth was out so easily, without making it too painful and shocking for him. "Truth of you and me. Truth of our fake marriage, Edward."

"But how!? We were very cautious about it all this time, never giving them the chance to grow suspicious-"

"She found the divorce papers in my closet."


Edward didn't say anything for a few minutes and I prepared myself for getting scolded by him, for my carelesness, cursing myself all along, for my own stupidity of hiding such an important papers in my closet.


"Where are you!?"

"I told you it was a bad idea from the start to bring divorce papers-"

"Where are you right now, Emily!?"

I bit my lips, staring at the photo beside my bed, where our whole class was gathered to take a group photo and Edward was busy fighting with some fat bimbo, hoping to push her aside to stand beside me but they captured the photo in the middle of his futile fight with that girl and I remember I laughed a lot at his stupid misunderstanding when he thought that I was actually getting more closer with that girl, and would stop being friends with him anytime soon.

"I am at home." I whispered.

"Whose home!? Didn't your mom say anything after finding about our marriage?"

"Yes, she did. In fact, she was very angry, Edward and that's why she specifically told me not to stay with you anymore-"

"So she took you with her, then!?"

"I coudn't stop her. She was right all along. She expected a lot from me and all my life, I just dissapointed her. She had just one child, a girl she always wanted to have and yet I never behaved as one , no matter how many times she would try to convince me and I..I.." I wiped the tears from the back of my hand, adjusting the phone on my ears "I always hurt her with my stubborness. I am a bad daughter who is the cause of all her mother's pain!"

"It's okay Emily, we'll sort this out-"

"No we can't, Edward and we both know it! So don't give me any false hopes!"

"I am telling you, we will! So have some faith in me!"

"And what're you planning to tell her huh? That you proposed a fake marriage to me just because you wanted to continue being in relationship with Lara!?"

"She knows we married for fake!? But how? Just by looking at some divorce papers, she knew it!?"

"What else conformation did she need to suspect anyway!?"

"But we can always say that we had a huge fight over something and that's why it all lead to bringing divorce papers-"

"You signed it, Edward and she saw it clearly."

"Did you also sign it, then?"

I hesitated. "No but the divorce papers are the mere evidence to prove to her that our marriage wasn't a successful one, like the one she has always wished me to have!"

"But we can always convince her that we still want to be with each other-"

"Edward, she thinks that you don't love me! You never loved me to begin all this and she's really upset with all this!"

I hung up the phone in frustration, crying uncontrollably now, putting my hand over my mouth to stifle a sob just as my knees gave up and I slid from the bed down to the floor.

Leaning my head on the cold floor, I curled like a ball, placing my limbs close to my body to stop myself from shivering from coldness of the floor.

As well as my cold heart.

I let all my tears trickle down the corner of my eyes, onto the floor, my eyelids drooping low with the tiredness and pressure of the day. Raising one hand towards the corner of my bed, I tucked lightly on the blanket which fell above me.

Finding it too hard to move my hands, I lazily covered myself with the blanket moving my legs, suddenly finding some unusual warmth and kindness in that little piece of cloth which clung to me to protect me from cold.

Which accepted me for who I am and not for what I can be.

I had been rejected too many times in my love for Edward but none of that hearbreak ever involved me comparing myself or my worth to those lower objects which I had been living with all my life.

It was time for me to get over him.


Before I lose too much of me to ever move on.

I had waited too long for him to notice me the way I wanted him to, when all he ever cared for was Lara, her feelings, his love and his future with her.

After all, Lara was the one he wanted to marry.

Not me.

I tried to take her share of happiness.

I was being selfish from the start, when I agreed to marry him.

I was only thinking of myself and my feelings then, hoping that things will change for good once I marry him.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes shut tightly, hoping for sleep to engulf me completely, and never to let go of me.

It was the least I could do for my heart to rest in peace when it had always been the one to never get what it wanted.


I shuffled in my blanket, tossing and turning over it, putting my arms around my body to gain some warmth.

Heavy rain was pouring outside, loud claps of thunder reverberated the ambient and cold wet breeze was coming from the open window of my bedroom, decreasing the temperature of the room.

I stood up from the floor, wrapping the blanket tightly around my body and walked towards the window. Extending my one hand outside, I let cold water fall down my arms and I closed my eyes, inhaling the muddy aroma of the wet soil, clutching the blanket from my other hand.

Faint yellow light penetrated through the heavy rain just as I saw shining grey car stopping abruptly in front of my house. I narrowed my eyes, trying to recognise the model of the car and my eyes widened in awe.

I quickly shut the door of the window tight, realising whose car it was, and
that was the last person I wanted to see that day.

Fumbling with my blanket, I managed to find my phone, which was stuffed in my jeans and lifted it in my hand hesitantly to see 67 missed calls and 134 texts from Edward!

I closed my eyes in frustration just as I heard the doorbell rang. Once, twice and then thrice. With some desperation now!

I held my phone in my hand, seeing the call from Edward. After some futile attempts to ignore it, I finally put the phone on speaker.

"I know you're there, Emily! Open the damn door!"

"I don't want to talk to you right now-"

"But I want to talk to you! It's urgent!"

"I really am not in the mood right now!"

"Please Emily" He pleaded. "Don't do this to us. Atleast talk to me. I really am sorry for everything. I am here to make evrything right again. I have come here for you and only you." I heard him adjust himself "And besides its already raining heavily and I'm completely drenched from head to toe. You know how easily I catch cold and what if I suffer from some serious diseases as in like cholera, typhoid, viral fever" He lowered his voice, putting it in a dangerous tone now "and worse maybe pneumonia....and I heard from someone intelligent, who is very close to my heart, that it's one hell of a disease. A person could really suffer badly and painfully from it and maybe die...." He trailed off, leaving me to imagine the rest of it and I could imagine him pouting at the phone. My lips curled upward at his insane stupidity.

"You really are such a drama queen you know that?"

"Why thank you very much. It requires much dedication and practice to master this art. After all, someone has to play a role of girl!"

I chuckled at his words, climbing down the stairs quickly in a little relief and opened the door.

I peeked like a puppy from the corner of the door, seeing Edward running his long fingers along his cheek and neck, remnant moisture dripping from his hands. He still didn't notice I opened the door already due to the heavy rain pouring outside as he continued to ruffle his hairs, dusting off moisture from it.

I coughed loudly and he snapped his head in my direction, putting his phone back in his pocket.


"Come in. I'll make you some tea."

"Where is Mom and Dad?"

"Mom went to meet Dad in his office."I looked at him, with guilt and pain. "With our divorce papers."

Edward stared at me continuosly with some strange emotion in his eyes, without blinking twice, and for a moment, I thought it was the indeed the same emotion I had always looked at him with, all these fifteen years.

I shook my head vigorously, not believing myself even a bit and when I looked back at him, his eyes were completely blank, deprived of every emotions.

After offering him a towel to wipe himself, I made two of us some tea and we drank it in a complete silence, both of us not finding the exact words to start any plausible conversation without making it too awkward.

I placed my empty cup on the table and looked at him. "Do you want another cup of tea?"

"No. I am fine."

I nodded in approval and walked towards the kitchen to pour myself a glass of water to drink.

"You really don't want to talk about it, Emily!?"

Gulping down the liquid quickly, I looked at him and found him looking back at me.

With shimmering hope in his eyes.

The same hope he had the day he asked me to marry him.

And I agreed to it, without thinking of its consequences.

"What else is left there to talk to about, Edward?"

He looked at me with a questioning gaze. "There is still a lot left to say and to be heard, Emily." He avereted his eyes somewhere else. "Atleast from my side." He whisperd faintly, but it was loud enough for me to hear it clearly.

I walked towards him and sat beside him, leaving a clear respectable distance between us. Edward turned a little to see that space and looked quickly at me in mild shock and confusion, his face contorting in dismay, indicating that the space between us seemed too far to him than normal.

"I don't think it's really required anyway. After all, the truth is out for my parents, and it's just a matter of hours before your parents also hear about it. I'm sure they won't be very happy after learning all about our lies and I can't even imagine what they might do to both of us once they learn we have been betraying their expectations all this time."

Abruptly, Edward turned towards me and pulled me to his side. His hands were on my face, caressing it gently and my breath got hitched in my throat when I saw his expression filled with annoyance and rage.

He moved his face closer towards mine and I found myself trapped in between his arms and the cushions. I looked down at my now fisted hands, feeling too conscious of his hot breath fanning my lips.

"Edward?" I whispered to myself.

"Will you never forgive me for what I did, Emily?"

I refused to meet his eyes and instead fixed my gaze somewhere behind him, on the violet coloured wall.

"I am sorry for what happened, Emily. Please! Atleast look at me when I apologize to you."

"I am not mad at you, Edward. I told you I'm just a little moody, that's it."

He sighed loudly, running his fingers through his hairs. "You also took your stuff back without telling me."

"This all happened so fast, I barely had the time to tell you about it so I found it necessary that I must pack and go back with my Mom. After all, it wouldn't have made any difference even if you would've spoken every words in the dictionary to convince her and it was possible, matters would have even more worsened then and I didn't want any conflicts between our families because of our stupid mistake."

"Was marrying me seems a stupid mistake to you, Emily!?"

I looked at him. "Isn't it Edward? I was never married to you for real so-"

"I don't care! I married you in front of the whole world, took honest vows with you, and kissed you for real to seal my words forever! I did everything in reality, for the whole world to see, so what's the evidence that I married you for fake!"

I took a deep breath to calm my nerves and rubbed my sweaty palms
with my finger to hide my nervousness.

"I was honest when I said that I'll cherish and take care of you, in sickness or in health. Till death do us apart." He took my hands gently and I looked at him in shock. He covered my cold hands firmly with his warm ones, this common gesture leaving butterflies to dance around every corner of my stomach "I was honest, Emily, when I took you as my wife, both legally and emotionally."

"You really can't say anything like this now when everything is over, Edward! It's too late to confess anything!"

"I was honest about everything I ever did with you, Emily!"

"But you love Lara!"

"I know it very well!"

I glared at him, my temper rising. "You seriously can't expect me to stay with you after everything you have ever done to me!"

"I apologised for it!"

"That's what I am trying to ask you! Why the hell would you apologise to me when you claim that everything you ever did with me was out of your utmost honesty, Edward!"

"You don't understand-"

"Then explain it to me! I'm ready to hear what plausible reason you can ever provide me with, after everything we have been through!"

"Emily, I really... " He looked at me with annoyance and some unreadable expression on his face, his mouth opening to say something but his tongue not being able to utter it out.

I kept looking at him, hoping for some reliving words from his side. But he didn't say anything more and I slumped lazily on the couch, leaning my head on my side to curse myself for ever hoping anything from him again.

My head snapped in surprise just as Edward caught my wrist firmly and pulled me up.


I looked at him in surprise and confusion as he started to drag me with him, through the rooms, the kitchen, the lobby before he turned the front doorknob open and pulled me outside.

Impulsively, I put my free hand over my face as the cold rain poured mercilessly over me. In mere minutes, water seeped into my clothes, producing tingling sensation on my body while Edward continued to drag me through the garden.

"Edward!" I shouted at him, expecting him to reply but he continued to take me, with strange determination in his eyes.

"Where're you taking me, Edward!?"

He turned his head towards me a little. "Back to my house! Back to our home!" He didn't wait for me to respond and started to pull me in front of his car, his hands tightening around my wrists almost painfully.

I stopped abruptly in my steps, with
my own determination, making him turn around to look at me. He tilted his head to stare at me in confusion, his wet shirt clinging tightly to his chest and his hairs sticking to the side of his face, as he narrowed his eyes to focus his gaze at me in that heavy downpour.

I looked at him, pressing my free hand over my wrist and slipped my hand out of his grip. "I am not coming back, Edward." I told him quietly, taking two steps away from him. His hand fell lazily to his side, staying there for a moment before his fingers curled into fists.

"But we-"

"I'm sorry. Forgive me but I can't help you anymore."

"But I am not taking you with me for any help, Emily!"

"I don't know. I just don't feel like staying with you anymore. Besides we don't have a right to-"


"Because you divorced me, Edward!" I looked at him, tears pooling in my eyes. "I'm not your wife anymore."

"But you didn't sign the papers yet so it isn't actually considered a divorce-"

"I'll sign it." I averted my gaze somewhere else. "I'll sign them all and send it to you soon!"

"Don't do this, Emi-"

"You have a stable job in your successful company, a bright future and an understanding people around you, Edward."

"What does all this have anything to do with us!?"

"I also want to be successful in my life. I have my personal life but my professional life is missing and I worked really hard to gain all this knowledge and intellectually. I am a doctor by profession and now it's time for me to use it to help all those needy people outside." I tried to give him a convincing reason so that he would go and leave me alone for a moment.

'Cause talking to him without any satisfying conclusion wasn't doing very well for my present state and the last thing I would ever want was to go and live with him again, after hearing his open confession for Lara that night.

"But you can do it all while staying with me as well!? I never refused you to work and do a job, Lily!"

"I declined my job proposal to support this marriage!"

Edward closed his eyes, probably to calm himself before he gripped my shoulders tightly and shook me once. "Who told you to do that!? Are you out of your mind, Emily!? You studied your brains off, working hard for your studies every single day of your life, to gain the degree of medicals and the next chance you get, you go and decline the very first job you get, not caring a once about your future or your damn hardwork!"

"What else should I have done, Edward!? You never even took your time to take a proper look at my life, 'cause you were so busy with your love life and I got so devoted to this fake marriage that I thought that I might actually be doing good for once in my lifetime if I declined this job and-"

"And you took a control over your future and did the most stupidest thing in the world!?"

"I was craving for your attention, Edward, not realising that you didn't have any time for me from the start. In my way of acting as your fake wife..." I looked at him, tears flowing from my eyes. "I didn't realise when I started to have dreams and desires of a real wife, the one who expects so much from her husband. That he would love and crave for her smile, touch and attention just as much as she has craved for him, and only him.." I turned away from him, facing the opposite side. "all her life." I whispered it to myself, wiping my tears from my face and took steps away from him, attempting to go back to my house.

I inhaled a deep breath, feeling his hands on my shoulders, making me stop in dilemma but I didn't turn around.


Hearing my name roll out so lovely from his mouth made me want to turn around and hug him tightly, to forgive him for everything. I curled my hands in fists and stood erect and silent in my place.

"I'm sorry if I made you feel that way. I didn't mean to-"

"But the harm is already done, Edward."

"I really want you back-"

"I'm afraid we might not hang out like old times anymore."

"But why?"

"Mom is falling really sick these days and I want to stay here to take complete care of her."

"Then we both can take care of her-"

"Mom needs me, Edward!"

"And I don't?"

I bit my lips, sighing loudly and turned around to face him.

"You're a grown man now, Edward. You can take care of yourself and your loved ones-"

"But I need you in my life, Emily!"

"No! You don't need me! You need Lara, don't you know that!"

"I know very well what I want, Emily and I want you, no matter what!"

I blinked back my tears, glaring at him with fury and age in my eyes.

"You're just being controlling and possessive and it's really not good for both of us, and our friendship!"

"But that's the truth-"

"I told you it's just some fucking attraction between us and that's why we end up touching each other inappropriately everytime-"

"I swear I'll never touch you again if that's what you want, Emily!" He cupped my cheeks, making me look at him. "If that's what it'll take to make you come with me."

I removed his hands from my chin, tentavily holding his left hand and looked at him in defeat. "You'll never understand what I want, Edward and that's the reason I'll never come back again." I left his hand carefully to his side and stood steps away from him.

"Emily? Why?" He pleaded to me in his beautiful voice.

Ignoring his response, I smiled bitterly at him. "And yes, there is one thing I actually want from you!?"

He looked at me quickly, his eyes filled with hope and expectation.

"When we both return back to living our normal lives, I might need some space from you."

"Space." He repeated, in daze.

"Some time and distance apart." I explained to him. " 'Cause I really need it right now!?"

"You want space from me, Emily?"

"Yes, and that would be best for both of us."

"But why!? I don't see it necessary!"

"Belive me, you don't know how much it's required for us to stay away from each other!"

He closed his eyes and sighed. "Look, Emily, I want to spend my time with you-"

"But I don't want to spend my any time with you!" I yelled at him, seeing his eyes narrowing at my words before he stepped back and stood far away from me, in shock.

Guilt and pain crawled in my heart slowly as I saw him looking down, his eyes refusing to meet mine. Both of us stood drenching in that heavy rain, our hearts beating wildly in our chest, wanting us to say something, maybe more, to the other.

But we found it necessary, not to say it to anyone ever!

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you."

"But you mean your words."


"And you want me to stay away from you?"

"That's what I wanted all along."

Edward looked surprised at my words, before he realised he had yet to answer me. "Okay, I won't disturb you ever again. I'll give you space, time or distance, whatever you want." He briefly glanced at me. "From me. If that makes you happy and cheerful, and puts you at ease. I'll try my best at it. Will not disappoint you anymore."

I nodded and he came forward, probably to hug me, raising his hand to touch my shoulders but when I scooted away a little from him, he stared at his hand for a moment and eventually put it down. "Take care, Lily-"

"Emily" I told him and he stood there, confused.

"My name is Emily, not Lily. So I would like it very much if you'd call me by my real name, cause I really love it when people call me by who I am."

"Okay. As you wish, Emily." He pressed my name, with bitterness in his tongue, before striding long steps to his car, without sparing a glance at me. He started the car, his eyes focused on the road but he didn't move forward. For a moment, I thought he was expecting me to stop him and so when I walked a little towards his car, I saw him turn his eyes from the road to look at me.

My eyes locked with his and we stood staring at each other, not caring about the weather. My heart was beating loudly in my ribcage, seeing his eyes filled with hidden plead and a desperate longing.

For me.

But it was too late to move forward and embrace each other.

We already got hurt so many times in our love and care for the other, and each pain screamed loudly at me to stay away from him when I continued to come closer to him everyday.

I decided my own fate, but I can't decide his.

He had a bright future ahead of him,
and I was sure he could do better without me.

So, reluctantly, I turned around, putting my back at him, tears from my eyes fell on the wet ground one by one just as I heard him drive away his car in frustration, leaving me behind to cry all night for him.


It had been almost four weeks since my inevitable fight with Edward. We didn't talk to each other or to be precise, I didn't talk to him. He frequently called me and send me texts to check on me and I knew it was really a long time we gone without talking or seeing each other in our long history of friendship, so it must be hard for him to ignore me or my presence after I had behaved so rudely with him.

Supporting a marriage, and the wrong one at that, was really troublesome and painful experience for me but I learnt a lot in the way.

I put my every efforts to support my first marriage which ended so horribly and in the meanest way as possible.

I still had to sign the divorce papers and in these few weeks, my mom had already pestered me enough to sign them already but I always came up with convincing excuses to run away from it.

It wasn't that I didn't want to sign them.

I was just feeling guilty for what I had said to Edward that day and it didn't help me a bit when everytime I would pick up a pen to sign the papers, I was reminded of that fact that this marriage was as much as my fault as it was Edward's.

We both were equally responsible for it, 'cause marriage occurs between two persons so how it was only Edward's fault!?"

I admit it was wrong on his part to propose me for his reasons but still, I shouldn't have said yes to him if I didn't want to be the part of his proposal.

I heard a distinct knock coming from
the side of my window.

Who could be at this hour!?

"Who is it!?" I asked, walking closer to the window.

No reply.

Instead came that loud knock again. Slowly tiptoeing on the floor, I opened my closet carefully and pulled out the shoe box from the drawl.

Taking high pencil blue heels in my hand, I adjusted it in my hands and took one step towards the noise.

"Who is it!?"

Getting no reply from the intruder, I readjusted the heels in my fingers, gripping it tightly and opened the window, sliding it slowly with my one finger.

Closing my eyes shut tight, I raised my hands and was about to hit the intruder when he clutched my hands and twisted it around.

Gently though.

I felt soft hands encircling my arms.

He was a she!

Opening my eyes, I realised it was Rose sitting on my railing, her eyebrows knit in annoyance as she snatched the heel from my hands and threw it lazily on the floor.

"You were about to hit me-"

I grinned nervously. "My sincere apologies, Rose but I really didn't-"

"With those heels!?" Rose pointed her index finger at my discarded heels, clutching the railings with her other hand. "I really thought you could've done better than that, Emily. Like these shining shoes won't protect you from anyone. They'll only injure the intruder which can end up annoying them more. Next time hit them with something which'll knock them down." She climbed off the railing smoothly, landing onto my room and searched her eyes around. She turned around to look at me and then walked towards my desk, snaking her hand inside my study drawl and pulled out an electric taser. "You should've tried this taser which I gave you on your fifteenth birthday. This works faster than these weak footwears."

"So basically you're asking me to torture you with taser next time you come in my house!?"

"I honestly don't mind. It's all for your practice anyway!"

"Why don't you ever use the door, Rose!? You scared the bloddy shit out of me!?"

"Who uses the door these days!?" Rose shrugged, sitting on my bed, crossing her legs.

"Normal humans who have some sanity left in them!?"

"I lost my sanity the day I landed as a girl on this planet."

"So you're calling girls insane then!?"

"No, actually I was intending to call myself intelligent 'cause insanity is the road to happiness." She looked at me. "But since you pointed it out so cleverly, I must say you can take my words your way as well! I don't mind!"

"Why're you here so sudden anyway!?"

She waved her hand at me. "I came to give you something. Let's wait for that thing to come!"

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "Is it some animal who's gonna climb three floors of my house and reach here!?"

"No, actually it's a human so-"

Just then, I heard someone climbing the roof of my house, gripping the railings tightly, his fingers curled around the rods firmly. He raised his one hand in air, trying to catch the upper railing reaching my room.

"Give me a hand!" He spoke, in a low tone, his voice coming out in a forced manner.

Rose ran towards the window, sliding it open and I walked behind her, standing beside her to see Michael struggling to reach my room.

"Who told you to climb the walls when you can't do it properly!?" Rose hissed, and I looked down to see Michael who frowned at her rude words.

"I just wanted to try it once since you do it so easily!"

"You were supposed to use the door!"

"Can we talk after I come above alive!?"

"Go down and use the door to enter my friend's house like a normal person!"

"I can't do it! I am two floors high and I'm carrying too much to go down and knock a door like some gentleman, if I ever happen to survive this much height though!" Michael yelled, adjusting some bags around his waist before holding the nearby tree branch tight.

"I told you I could've managed alone, then why did you stuff your lazy brains in my business!? You have
a great interest in becoming a socialist right!? Now keep hanging like a tortured frog there!" Rose crossed her arms around her chest, huffing in annoyance and looked away from him.

"Give me a hand first!"

After seeing no response from Rose's side, I extended my hand towards Michael. "Here! Take mine and grab it tightly! I'm gonna pull you up!"

Rose pulled my hand before he could take it and glared at me. "Are you crazy, Emily!? You both will fall down dead this way!"

"But you aren't helping him and it's dangrous down there!"

Rose ignored my words and extended her right hand towards Michael. He stared at her hand, blinking twice.

"What the hell are you doing!? Give it to me fast!" Rose yelled at him, shaking her helping hand on his face.

Hesitantly, Michael raised his hand and put it over hers.

"Not your hand, you fool! I'm talking about those bags around you! Or else,
we both will fall straight into the mud if we didn't reduce the weights on you!"

Michael glared at her before dipping his hand down to his waist and unhooked those bags around him with little difficulty. He handed them to Rose who threw them on my bed, one by one.

After that, she extended her hand once more towards Michael who now glared at her hand, as if it was some dragon which would start blowing fire at him anytime soon.

"What're you glaring at!? It's my hand!"

"I was just wondering, though I am not supposed to, while hanging like a famous painting, in this condition, but do you really have something they claim as necessary for human body!?"

"What!?" Rose blurted out.

"Your eyes."

"Do you really wish to die twice, and maybe thrice, if my evening happnes to get better, in this condition!?" Rose pointed her finger at Michael's struggling condition, smirking smugly.

Michael made a face at her words. "I don't have any other bags left to give them to you!" He pointed at her hand, with his eyes, asking her to tell him why the hell she was still holding out her hand to him when he didn't have anyother bags left.

Rose closed her eyes, muttering
something unladylike to herself.

"It's not for bags, you-" Rose fisted her hand angrily before holding it out for him again. "It's for you! Now take it fast before I change my mind and push you off the railing!"

Michael nodded silently before taking her hand, and wrapped his fingers tightly around hers.

With a little pull, he came upward, putting his legs firmly over the tree to support himself. He climbed down the railing and came inside the room, still holding Rose's hand.

When he saw me looking at him and then at his hand wrapped around Rose's, he quickly let go and stood beside the curtains, in his position as a bodyguard.

"This is what I was meaning to give you." Rose put a piece of paper on my hand and I stared at it. After some contemplation, I hesitantly opened the paper and read it's contents loudly "Flat No. 34, Green House Buildings, Near Little Ivory Park, New Jersey."

I flipped the paper left and right to check if anything else was written inside. Finding nothing, I looked at Rose in confusion.

"What's this, Rose!?"

"Mia's location."

I gaped at her like a fish. "How did you know Mia was missing?!"

Rose shrugged. "I just know it."

I stared at the paper again. "But how did you end up finding her location when even cyber department is unable to find anything about it?!"

"I was bored so I thought I should go and find someone who's missing!"

"So that's why you were-"

"Don't waste time and call Jake fast!"

I sighed in defeat, knowing too well that Rose wasn't going to answer any of my questions anytime soon. Pulling out the phone from my jeans, I dialed Jake's number.

"Hello?" Jake said, his voice sounding hoarse.

"Jake! I found where Mia is! I'll message you her location now-"

"Don't bother. I know where she is."

"But you must not be knowing the name of the place clearly so-"

"I am on my way to New Jersey, Emily! To meet Mia."

"How did you know where she was!?"

"I have my own ways. Anyway, will call you once I find Mia."

Jake hung up the phone and I blinked at Rose in confusion.

Was I the only one who didn't know where Mia was!?

But why didn't Jake tell me about Mia if he was able to found out about her!?

Did he want to go there alone to confess to her!?

I grinned deviously to myself, imagining every romantic scenario where Jake would confess his undying love to Mia and she would stand shocked, staring at him. Eventually she would end up saying yes to him, making Jake kiss her senseless until they run out of oxygen, both laughing together in happiness.

Then I could finally go to Mount Fuji and shout about their relationship from the highest peak for the whole world to hear.

I jumped out of my thoughts when I felt something soft hit my head. I picked the object and a weak smile spread across my face when I saw what it was.

Bif fluffy teddy bear.

"Why would you give me this, Rose!?"

Rose avoided my eyes and stared at my desk. "It's to ease up your mind."

"I am happy. Really, you didn't have to bring me this." I played with the teddy bear, pulling out it's fluffy ears.

"No you're not. You're just convincing yourself that you are and belive me, it isn't working for me."

"But still, it's the only choice I have."

"No it isn't the only one! You can still go and tell Edward about your feelings-"

"You knew about my marriage!?"

Rose looked at me, her eyes filled with mild sympathy. "It wasn't too hard to guess, when only you were the one to give while he accepted it all without even caring to see if you're fine with or not. "

"But you didn't say anything about it to me all this time, even when you knew the truth?"

"To be honest, I was quite surprised to see the divorce papers on your closet the first time I visited you-"

"You learned about it so soon!? On your first day there!?"

"Yeah. I had this habit of checking people's stuff whom I live with. " I glared at her, making a face and Rose chuckled heartily. "It's not that I don't trust you, it's just a weired habit developed unexpectedly after living in New York for two years."

"Are you also mad at Edward then!?"

"No. Why would I be!?" She walked towards my desk and took a papervet in her hands, staring at it intently. "It's not his fault that he doesn't love you."

I looked down and whispered to myself. "Yes. That's what I wanted to tell my parents."

"But, Emily" Rose narrowed her eyes at me, crossing her legs. " Do you really think Edward doesn't love you!?"

"Yes, Rose. I can feel it that he doesn't feel anything for me."

"Then why do I think that he reciprocates your feelings? Why do I see every signs of love in him whenever he's with you!? Why do I think that he wants you as much as you want him?"

I smiled at her. "It isn't possible in a million years, Rose. I've been with him for twenty years now and its not tough for me to see what he feels."

"That's the problem, Emily. You see in him what you've been seeing for years. Pain and Rejection. And you've accepted it as your fate. But his feelings are changed now and he himself doesn't know it 'cause he isn't habitual to all these feelings. It's all new for him. To feel something more for his best friend, the reason he prefers to ignore them, hoping they would go away soon. But he isn't able to control them when you're around him, no matter how much he tries to act cool and calm." Rose put her hand on my shoulder. "It's not that he doesn't love you, Emily. It's just that he doesn't want to acknowledge his feelings for you."

"But he breaks my heart everytime I hope something from his side." I blinked back the tears, pressing my hand on the teddy bear in sadness.

"Believe me, Emily, he has always thought of you, more than a friend."

"He always prove to me otherwise, though."

"I don't think he's at fault for being a
greatest dumbass out there. If someone is an idiot, it's only natural when they behave like it."

"But you know it when someone likes you. Like don't you know it that Micheal.." I pointed my finger at Michael who was trying to stay nonchalant but his long ears were itching to hear what we were talking about."likes you very much!?"

Rose stiffened at my words, briefly glancing at him before looking at me. "I know it. That's why I don't want it to grow into something more. I am not into love and family. Got much more important matters in my hands."

"But he seems like a nice guy to me-"

"All men are same for me."

"Micheal comes from a nice family, he's educated and mannerable. He isn't like those men who you're talking about."

"I don't care who he is. He is a man, the very reason I must stay away from him all my life."

"But someday, you need to settle down for the sake of your future and happiness."

"I assure you that I have many plans for my future but none of them actually involves getting happy with a certain male, or worse, getting married to him."

"And why is that!?"

"I don't know. I just don't....like attention. I like to be hidden-" My phone virated in the desk, making both of us look at it. Rose peeked at the caller ID, and immediately looked at me, raising her eyebrow.

"Who is it!?"


Quickly accepting the call, I put it on my ear.

"Hello Mia!? Is that you!?"

"Emily" came the low tired voice of Mia.

"Mia! Where were you for like...almost two months! Are you crazy leaving me without any information! You didn't even contact me and god knows where are you right now!? I seriously am gonna peel you alive once you get here-"

"I need your help, Emily."

I adjusted the phone in my hands, and Rose leaned closer to my ears, trying to listen. "Did something happen, Mia! Why're you sounding so tired, like you've been crying all day! Are you okay? Where're you, Mia goddammit!"

Mia started to weep, her sobs reaching my ears and making me worried. "Mia, tell me everything properly and I assure you that we'll sort all this out-"

"Emily, I..." She stifled a sob, trying to sound coherent before opening her mouth to say again. "I did the most horrible thing in the world!"

"What did you do!? Be calm and explain it to me in detail so-"

"I slept with Jake."

"What!?" I blurted out. "Oh fuck!" Rose cursed, sticking her ears closer to my phone now.

"And now I'm pregnant."

So how was the chapter!?





As expected!?

Wasn't much to the expectation!?




Too long!?

Felt like dragging!?

Columbus ride!?

Note: I really wrote this chapter in hurry, 'cause it's almost a week since I last updated, so my sincerest aplogies, if some of you found it really unfitting with the plot.

But if my writing serves me right then many of you will be satisfied
with this chapter, right!?

So what do you think Edward will do now since Emily clearly stated to him to stay away from her and her life!?

Will he really stay away from her!?.

Any comments about Jake and Mia plot!?

How will Jake react once he comes to know that Mia is pregnant!?

Will he come to know that it's actually his own child, cause he doesn't remember anything of the night which he shared with her!?

Will he still confess his feelings to her then!?

Rose and Michael fans, I tried to include one or two scnes of them in this chapter since they are second most voted couple of my book.

But I'll put more of their scenes together in later chapters.

And one SEPARATE chapter, just for them, is coming soon!

For now, maybe next chapter can be focused on Jake and Mia plot!

Or maybe Eric and Lisa, 'cause I am planning to give more of their scenes soon!

In Lisa's Pov!

So I was wondering since many of you have already drilled a hole in my head for giving Edward's and Jake's Pov so much, I am ready to give their pov anytime soon, whenever it'll suit the plot.

Random questions:

What will you rate my book out of 10!?

Your favourite Disney movie!?

Your favourite book on wattapad!?

Your favorite author
(Buttering not accepted. You can really write any author's name of your choice, I don't mind at all if it's not me 'cause I am just a new writer, I still have a lot to discover and learn on wattpad)

Your favourite toothpaste!?

Lol, mine is Colgate though!

Kya Apke toothpaste me namak hai!? 😂

Agar nhi hai, to koi tension ki bat nhi hai, abi kitchen me jakar, dabbe se nikalkar dal leejiye!

Love You All More! 💖

Are you eagerly waiting for the next update!?

Word count: 8k+

Write me your views!

Don't forget to vote, comment and share!

Have a nice day!🤗🤗🤗🤗

Lots of love from,

Ritika 💖💖

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