Chapter Six: Strange.

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David's POV

I woke up still snugged tight in Jack's arms, he was still asleep. I couldn't really see anything due to me taking my glasses off for bedtime. I tried to pull myself out of his grasp but in doing so I left my pants behind. Thankfully I had boxers on. I tried to pull my pants out but they were stuck so I left them. Who needs pants anyways, I thought. I grabbed my glasses and jumped onto the bedside table. I looked around looking for a way to navigate to Mark. 

I climbed up the lamp and then leaped to the blinds, climbing up them. I managed to make my way to a shelf that had a vent. I felt and no air was coming through so I deemed it safe to crawl through. I navigated my way through the vent trying to get to Mark's room, but one of the vent doors beneath me was loose and I ended up falling on his keyboard. I couldn't get off the desk so I just simply waited for Mark to wake up. 

I am trying to make it more visual with photos that I find. xD I am doing the best I can haha.

I sat and waited for a few hours, before I decided to try and message Mark or Jack. Thankfully Mark left his computer on Facebook so I just used his account. I slowly typed a message in a group chat with him, Jack, Felix, and a few others. (When you see mark's name pop up remember David is on his fb.)

Youtuber Frandz


Felix: Shut up mark.


Felix: Then who is it?! 


Felix: WHO?!


Felix: I am confused!

Mark: ....

Felix: Are you still there?

Felix: Hello?!

Ken: Wot


Jack: I just got woke up due to dinging noises. 

Jack's POV

I got woke up to my phone going nuts, I figured someone was messaging the group chat as it tends to go insane when people are online. I noticed it said Mark was messaging it, but I was in his computer room and he was still asleep. 

I continued reading the chat, but then looked where the little dude should have been. OMG!! WHERE IS HE?! IS THAT HIS PANTS?! WTF!! I screamed because I was scared I hurt the duder. I then read the chat saying that it was Dave on the computer. WOT DA FUQ?! How did he get all the way over there?! I got up and checked the keyboard and sure enough Dave was just chilling by the keyboard. 

He got up and looked at me when I walked over there. I rubbed my eyes and asked if he was okay. Yeah I am okay. I just needed to get one of you guys' attention. I nodded and held out my palm and David climbed on. Imma go wake Mark up, I said as I put Dave on my shoulder. 



David's POV

It was later in the day and both Mark and Jack were awake. Mark had taken me back to the computer and set me in front of his keyboard. He didn't necessarily scold me, but he was telling me that I shouldn't have used his account to message, especially on the chat as no one else but Jack knew of my existence. 

He said he was worried that Felix would ask weird questions that he didn't want to answer and he told me that I should be more careful. I sat looking up at Mark, he was typing super fast and every now and again he would take a glance at me then back at the screen.

Now this part gets a little bit awkward, but since I was a tiny person and they didn't have human showers on this planet I would have to shower with Mark. Yeah, gross I know. I didn't like it either. It was either shower with him or have him wash me in the sink, which both were awkward. 

Anyways. Me and Mark got a shower, no details. -.- He cleaned me then sat me down on the soap holder and I had to wait for him to get done. After he got finished he dried me off then himself and we got dressed. I know that is an awkward experience but sometimes we have to make those sacrifices. Beauty is pain as they say. I looked at him and grumbled, if beauty is pain I would rather stay ugly. He glared at me and grinned, I heard that you know. 

We went downstairs where Jack was putting together a puzzle. Oh, hi guys! Wanna help me build this puzzle. Mark set me down and I did my best to carry the pieces and help Jack while Mark was making food. This recipe is my mother's homemade chicken and dumplings. You are going to love it! He exclaimed and I laughed as I placed another piece.

We ate the chicken and dumplings, well they did, of course with my small little belly I can't eat that much but what I did eat was extremely delicious. I noticed that after Mark buying me I began to get very fat, from my rather small pudges. I poked my belly and realized that Jack was staring at me with his face of cuteness before he screams. Of course he just sat there and didn't scream but I was ready if he did.

Mark's POV

I cooked food for Jack, David, and me, however, you could've said for Me and Jack since Dave doesn't eat that much. I giggled to myself as I saw Dave poking his own stomach, which when I first got him he was kindof scrawny and now I defiantly have fattened him up. 

I was thinking quite a bit and wanted to find out more about David, like his past what he likes and other simplistic things. Tomorrow Jack was heading home and I wanted to later ask David some questions. I know I bought him as a pet but I didn't really see him as one. Mostly due to the fact he is just a tiny version of my species, and that is all. 

Jack asked to sleep with Dave again since he was leaving tomorrow, and Dave agreed as long as he doesn't hug him too tight. The both headed off to bed and I sat on my bed in thought. It kind of makes me feel bad that I could have possibly took him away from his family, unless he didn't have any.. I will need to bring Chica home soon too. I sent her to a friend's house for this first week or so of bonding with my new human friend. I wonder how they will react to each other, I hope Chica doesn't eat him. 

I laid on my bed with thoughts traveling through my head, I couldn't stop thinking about David's past. I kept thinking about it until a knock on my door drew my undivided attention.

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