Chapter Ten: Fans

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David's POV

I guess Mark had taken me to his bed, because I woke up on his pillow with him watching me. Goodmorning sunshine the earth says hello. He teased me a smile and I replied sternly,Focáil leat. What? I laughed because he didn't know what I said. I guess you will have to figure it out. He gave me a frown and buried his face in his pillow. Mark? Are you okay? He wasn't talking and I went closer to his face. *Pokes cheek* Hello? Did you die? He starts laughing and rises up knocking me on my ass. I was just glad I was on his bed. 

We walked downstairs and ate some food before he toke me to his computer room. I am going to record a video today, and it is going to be about you, he toke me up to his cheek and smashed my body into it. You're my little biscuit and I want my fans to know about you. Being still engrossed by his cheek I couldn't really do anything so I started blowing air making farts noises. He started laughing and then I did as well. 

Mark's POV

I knew I picked the right human and my judgement was being to show now that David and I had grown closer to each other. He was hilarious and we laughed a lot. I was a bit worried when I started my camera and began the video. Hello Everybody my name is Markiplier, and today I wanted everyone to meet my little buddy, David. 

After I ended the video, I posted it and people had already started commenting on it. So far so positive I thought. I then read a comment that was quite vulgar and I instantly deleted it.


Wow, a human pet, you must be really fattening it up for a good meal. I hope you step on him and all his guts get smothered on your foot. I know eventually you are going to get mad at him and kill him. Don't worry I am sure a lot of your fans would love to see a sexy man kill a small being. I know I will be ******* to that. You dirty ****** ***** ************. 

I was absolutely disgusted and eventually turned off my computer and toke Dave downstairs. Me and him trusted each other, or at least he trusted me. He trusted me to take care or him and not hurt him. I was happy with the fact that he trusted his life with me and I would never take that for granted.


David's POV

I was 22 now I had spent about six years with Mark and we had been through a lot together. Mark trusted me to walk around the house more and I had my way to navigate to places. There had been several times I had gotten punished again but since I knew my life wasn't on the line it didn't bother me as much as it used to. 

Mark was now 32 years old and he was still doing youtube. Over the years he got a S.O. and when they were doing things I tended to try to leave, however, sometimes that was unsuccessful and I was subject to either being thrown around or having to watch those acts. I mean it isn't that I didn't like watching it, it was the fact it was basically my friend and it kindof was really awkward.

I was also now of age to drink so some nights me and Mark, as well as a few other people had parties and we got drink off our arse. It was fun but every time I drank I risked being hurt. I didn't mind taking the risk because as long as I was with my friends I was having a good time. 

However, I began to realize one day that Mark began to drink too much. He would always stay drunk or was in the bathroom crying. He rarely at and when he wasn't sulking he was in his room in bed. I decided it was time for me to see what was wrong. 

Mark? You haven't been acting like yourself here lately, you haven't recorded a video in days. What is wrong? You have been drinking yourself sick and it is beginning to worry me. You also haven't been eating much which in return I haven't eaten in a few days because you know I can't open the fridge myself. I am just trying to make sure you are okay..

Mark's POV

I heard what David was saying to me and I hadn't realized how much my depression was taking a toll on him. I am so sorry, I turned to look at my buddy. He looked like he was about to cry. I just am not feeling too great and my lover broke up with me. I am so sorry to hear that Mark.. but drinking a lot and not eating isn't going to help you. Come on. 

I saw David climb down from the bed and head to the kitchen. I got up and followed. I know I can't really cook for you so I am going to force you to cook food and we are going to eat something. I know you are older but as your friend I ban you from drinking alcohol for awhile. He then tried to push a glass of water towards me and I laughed slightly before picking it up and drinking. I appreciated what he was doing, Thank you David. I am glad I have you around. 

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