A Strange Family: flashbacks

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Diana opened her eyes pushing her short blond/ blue hair out her eyes, she turned over in her makeshift bed seeing Anti laying off his bed head almost touching the floor, Diana had to restrain herself from bursting into laughter since she didn't want to wake the sleeping Predator but seeing him like this shows her how far they've all come since the days they hide in their walls. Anti woke up his luminescent green eyes showing he's still drowsy, he looked at Diana and smirked since he caught her staring "like what you see lass~?" Diana flushed red looking away embarrassed for being caught, he laughed and got up picking up her in his hands placing a kiss on her head.

"Come on let's go get ready" he told her carrying her into their shared bedroom's bathroom.

She made him cover his eyes when she was changing which he whined about but followed, she put on a blue t-shirt, ripped jeans and trainers. Once she was done he turned around and got ready himself having a quick shower, Diana was blushing so hard when she the already hot predator becoming steaming hot, literally. He stepped out the shower with just a towel round his waist his short brown hair falling infront of his face, if this was an anime she'd nose bleed.

"See something you like~?" He winked, her blush was very deep at this point.

"Just get changed I'm hungry" she told him. "Alright lass" Anti giggled picking her up and walking back to their room.

The dark blue haired girl put down her next card ontop of Jackie's which was as big as her "UNO!" Amira shouted out giggling.

"Shit, not again" Jackie laughed, Amira grinned.

"You're being bested by a borrower how'd  you feel about that Jackie?" She teased.

"Said borrower and I will have to have a chat about it later" he smirked.

"But there's better things we could be talking about Jackieboy" she messed with the strings on her black hoodie almost like the shy little girl was teasing him, she smiles.

"Not currently lass" he grinned. From behind them a door opened up revealing a fully dressed Anti with Diana on his shoulder.

"Morning love birds" Amira called at them.

"Could say the same thing to you 2" Anti snickered, Amira and Jackie blushed at the comment looking at eachother which made Diana burst into laughter. Anti carried Diana out the room to get them some breakfast whilst Amira and Jackie continued their game.

Kaleb flew over landing on Jackie's shoulder tucking his blood red scaley wings behind his back "who's winning?" He asked Jackie.

"This girl is" Amira put up her hand.

"Nice work" the charcoal haired boy congratulated her.

"Thanks and... won" Amira placed down her last card which Jackie jokingly fell back pretending to faint as a reaction to, Kaleb quickly flew off his shoulder and flapped his wings laughing at Jackie's reaction.

"I must regrettably name you Amira the champion of Uno" Kaleb cheered while Amira giggled like an excited child.

Later on all the egos went out apart from Yandereplier who stayed at home with the 5 borrowers to make sure they're safe, "Yandere you don't need to stay behind if you don't want to we can look after ourselves" the Neko like borrower, Mackenzie, tried to reason with Yan who just put a finger to Mackenzie's face shushing her.

"I've been told to look after you guys and that's what I'll do" Yan said.

"Alright Yan" Diana told them.

"But I'm hoping that we can be on our own since it's a special day for us all" Diana requested crossing her arms.

"Fine but only an hour" Yan begrudgingly agreed getting up fixing up their shirt before leaving the room so they can all have their alone time.

Once Yan had left the room they all started to talk, reminiscing "I can't believe it's been a year now since we found this place and like 6 months since we made ourselves known to the others" Mackenzie commented, Kaleb scratched behind her black and white cat ears which were poking out her mop of brown hair, she purred at her lover's touch.

"You remember the day we all first came out and the events leading to it" Kaleb smiled continuing to pet his blushing girlfriend.

"It was an interesting day for sure" a dusty green haired boy beside them remarked pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, Diana giggled at Spencer.



Kaleb flew behind the fruit bowl trying to hide from the brown haired bean who had entered the kitchen, Diana hid behind the toaster looking around the make sure the others are safe. Mackenzie was hidden on the floor underneath the counter Spencer was with her looking terrified, finally Amira was barely hidden behind the salt grinder. The bean had a large slit across his throat blood dripping from it onto his black t-shirt, he wore black ripped jeans but was barefoot, his irises were neon green inside of pools of black, his skin was pale like he'd never seen the sun before, he had black wrist bands on and black nails. He smiled which showed sharp teeth capable of ripping borrowers to shreds, a Predator! He sniffed the air and smirked "so there's a few little snacks around good I was getting hungry" he quickly snatched away the salt grinder revealing Amira who was shaking.

"Aww is someone scared, too bad I don't care" he snickered grabbing her, Diana's anger kicked in at this point her eyes glowed white as light blue fog started to pour out of them. She ran around from behind the toaster and froze the predator' arm in place as he raised Amira to his mouth baring his sharp teeth. The Predator snapped his gaze over to Diana and growled like a wild animal.

"You'll keep your bloody hands off her" Diana barked at him to which he laughed.

"Or what borrower?" He cackled, that made Diana pissed even more.

"I'll freeze you to death!" Diana yelled at him in anger.

He was taken a back by how aggressive Diana was, he smirked breaking out of the ice and lowered Amira from his face putting her back onto the counter not breaking eye contact with Diana "alright borrower, but tell me something what's your name?" He asked she was suprisingly a bit by the question since it came out of seemingly nowhere.

"Um I'm Diana" she introduced herself.

"I'm Antisepticeye most call me Anti, we'll meet again Diana" and with that he vanished.


Diana smirked at the thought "it definitely was intresting" she commented.

"I'm glad he didn't eat me" Amira shivered at the thought, Diana hugged her best friend tightly burying her head into her neck.

"I'm glad too" she mumbled, if he had he would of never started talking to Diana after which lead to the borrowers becoming part of the family here at in house.

They all sat chatting, after discussing this story, reminiscing on when they first met each ego until the egos came back. Anti instantly scooped up Diana placing a kiss on her cheek, Jackie hugged Amira to his chest whilst the others smiled, or smirked in Dark's case, at the other borrowers.

They really are a strange family.

I will draw each of my OC's so you all know what they look like better as this didn't describe well enough their appearances.

Author x

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