Ankle Biter {Robbie the Zombie x Borrower (Zombie) Reader}

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3rd person POV

Dr. Iplier years ago was experimenting with a sample of Robbie's blood to study zombieification (as I know I have none english speaking readers, that's what I've called the process of becoming a zombie) however his research was terminated by the government and they got their hands on his data and Robbie's blood and by some accident they created another zombie who started making other zombies until the whole globe had zombies, some people survived but not many, the demons escaped (like Anti and Dark) back to hell but most of the other egos became zombies apart from Jackieboy-man, the robot egos and Yandereplier. Whilst all this was happening Robbie the Zombie blammed himself for this all as it was his blood that caused this apocalypse he went down into a road of depression which he couldn't escape from due to being a zombie, who couldn't end it, himself, it all.

A rare few knew about the other mini apocalypse's, it was common knowledge that many animals became zombies if not eaten but few knew about how borrowers had also become zombies. Y/N was one of these zombie's their parents eaten whilst her transformed trying not to infect others but finding that difficult, she still moved between human houses even though many were empty as zombies didn't care about the rain unlike them.


I slipped into the confines of the warehouse I found at the cornor of Brighton thinking this would be a safe place to not infect others and just starve myself death but I doubted that likely I'll just go crazy and attack people but it's worth a shot. Rain hit against the roof of the building some managing to seap in, however once inside I heard what sounded like a whimper 'oh great a person is here just when I didn't want one around' I thought. I strolled towards the source of the sound but was suprised to see another zombie with light purple skin, purple hair grey eyes and many stitches across him body crystal tears dripped from his eyes as he sat with his face burried in his knees "hey is zombie friend ok?" I asked moving closer he looked up to see me "Robbie is not ok, Robbie caused all this Robbie is the reason for this zombie apocalypse. Better say away from Robbie as Robbie doesn't want to infect tiny friend" Robbie shuffled closer to the wall "Robbie doesn't need to wory about Y/N, Y/N is already infected" I reassured him Robbie looked like he was gonna cry again "did Robbie infect more then just humans, did Robbie infect other species?" He teared up I sadly nodded which broke him "Robbie is sorry, Robbie wishes Robbie would of died so no one had to deal with this" I walked up to the crying zombie climbing onto his knee "Robbie it isn't you're fault, Robbie can't help if his blood was taken. Blame the human goverments for this" I stated rubbing his knee "Y/N is too nice to Robbie, Robbie's friends got hurt because of this and the one's who didn't left Robbie for good, Robbie is alone" he sobbed "Robbie isn't along, Robbie has Y/N" I smiled my jaw lopsided. Robbie rubbed his eyes and nose on his sleeve before picking me up and hugging me to his chest "Robbie thanks Y/N" I hugged back "Y/N thanks Robbie for giving Y/N a friend."

I haven't done a solo oneshot of Robbie yet so here is one

Author x

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