Dads {Darkiplier x Borrower Child Reader x Antisepticeye}

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Requested by: KaylaHertel

Anti POV

I was preparing breakfast in the kitchen one morning Dark was off doing some shit I don't know I didn't much care while Y/N was still asleep. Y/N was a borrower child that Dark and I both took in to look after, they were 3 when we found them and were now 5 years old, we love them to pieces even though both Dark and I aren't that close we can handle eachother if it makes our kid happy. I placed down the plates on the dining table one small plate for Y/N and a normal one for me, I decided to go wake up them as it was getting late and I didn't want the food to get wasted.

I headed up stairs being quieter as they may still be sleeping and waking up a 5 year old from a loud bang useally results in them being grumpy for the rest of the day which isn't good as their uncle Jackie is coming round for the first time and only time I'll let him come in my house, I slid open the door to see Y/N curled up in their small blanket looking like a mini blanket borito I awwed at them before going over squatting down and poking them in the side "little one wake up" I said audibly they turned over clearly awake not wanting to get up "no" they moaned "well I guess you don't want waffles" I got up smirking till Y/N scampered out of their covers "WAFFLES" I grinned at their sudden enthusiasm and scooped them up instantly "alright then kid" I walked out the room cupping my hands close to me so they don't fall off them. When I emerged on the ground floor I strode back into the dining room where I placed Y/N next to their plate, they ran off snatching up their plate "thank you daddy" (ok I know what some of you will be thinking so keep your mind out of the gutter the word 'daddy'was used well before it's new modern alternative meaning) they scoffed down their food fast "hey hey hey you don't want to choke slow down little one" I laughed they just gave me the 'I don't care' look they usually did before carrying on. I heard a door open and saw Dark walk in "morning Anti" he stated "morning Dark" I replied sitting down and eating my waffles "daddy!" Y/N ran over the Dark who laughed and picked them up nuzzling them "have a good sleep sweetheart?" He smiled "yeah daddy" they giggled "you want any food Dark?" I asked picking up both mine and Y/N's empty plates "of course" he answered so I went to make him some food.


Anti walked out the room so Dark took me to the living room sitting down on the sofa "excited to see Uncle Jackie?" Daddy asked "yeah" I giggled Dark smiled hugging me to his chest I snuggled closer to him remembering when I first met them:


I quickly ran away from the house I called my home, my parents had got caught by a human so they told me to run which I did.  The rain splattered the ground making me slip over in the mud, I fell down and curled up on the ground crying they were gone my parents were gone. I heard heavy footsteps so I curled up more getting ready to be crushed under foot unable to do anything till I saw the source of the sound 2 giant men were coming towards me chatting not noticing where they stepped but then the green haired one noticed me abd stopped followed by the other, they stared at me till the green one came up and crouched infront of me taking me in hand "wait you're a borrower!" He exclaimed so I covered my ears with my hands "quite down Anti you're hurting their ears" I nodded vigorously in agreement with what the man in the white suit said even though a black raincoat covered his suit "easy there kid we won't hurt you, what are you doing out here?" Dubbed Anti asked "m-muma and dada gone, taken, told me to run" I cowered in his palm. I felt a movement on my back and saw he was stroking me so I calmed down and uncurled to see his black eyes "well you don't need to worry little one, we'll look after you from now on" he smiled the other nodded "o-ok" I said bringing my knees to my chest.


They had saved me and I could never thank them enough for that, I smiled into Dad's chest before Anti walked back into the living room grinning when he saw us both dog like this "how cute" "shut up Glitch Bitch" "um daddy?" I asked looking up at him "what's a bitch?" "Oh damn Dark don't teach them to cuss already!" We all laughed. I love my family.

Sorry it took a while to complete this request I forgot I got this request in all honesty whoops 😂

Author x

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