Don't push yourself {Darkiplier x Tiny reader}

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I woke up laying on Dark's chest in the morning with a massive hand pressed over my body since I didn't have a blanket as he insisted I slept with him, I tried to get off his chest but he didn't move his hand even though his breathing clearly suggested he was awake "can't I get up?" I whispered incase he was actually asleep "why would you want to get up love?" He asked "cause I wanna get food" I spoke normally "could of just said" he smirked "you were pretending to be asleep I'm pretty sure you didn't want to get up" I pouted, he chuckled and sat up holding me in his palm before stretching a little and leaving the room.

We emerged into the living room where he placed me on the table before going off to prepare breakfast "you know I can make my own?" I pointed out causing laughter from the other room "yeah I know but can't I do something nice for the person I love?" He asked coming back into the room with a small plate (a side dish plate) which had a pancake on it that were small enough to not to be a bother (about the size of his palm), he placed them infront of me but before he could pull his away I ran up and hugged his hand "thanks Darkimoo" I smiled he flushed a darker grey smiling before pulling his hand away "no problem love". As I was eating, he sat down at the table with a mug of coffee pulling out his phone to check the time "damn it" he mumbled I looked up into his gorgeous face "what's wrong?" I tilted my head to the side slightly "I have a meeting today with the rest of Mark's egos, and it's in like 2 hours" he explained "guess you better start getting ready then since you spend ages fixing your appearance" I smirked making him eye me over his coffee "of course, must look my best at all times" he debated "true, just you take longer to get ready then I do" I commented "that is cause you are naturally beautiful and don't need long to make yourself even more stunning" he smiled at the blush on my face that was burning me up "ok ok lover boy you win" I gave up "I always do" he grinned before heading up stairs to get ready.


He came downstairs dressed in his magnificent black suit glancing over at the almost nose bleeding me "like what you see love?" He smiled snapping me out of my daze "um maybe" I state "only maybe, oh I'm hurt" he smirks I waved my hands infront of me "I didn't mean it like that" I assured Dark laughed coming over and picking me up kissing my forehead making me blush "I know" he grinned "now I have to go love you Y/N" he put me down so I hugged his hand "love you too my King" I smiled. He pulls his hand from my hold kissing my head before teleporting away the door locking automatically at the same moment, now I need to find out something to do today.


A high pitched ringing sounded in the living room, where I was sitting reading Percy Jackson on the sofa, white noise filled the air before Dark appeared looking aggravated and slightly desheveled "are you ok Dark?" I asked marking my page closing it and giving my boyfriend my full attension, he sat down deside me picking me up and holding me close to his chest "everyone was being so difficult today" he complained stroking my back with his thumb "sorry you had to deal with that" I said "it isn't your fault, no need to apologise" he smiled "well how about we do something to make you feel better?" I offered "you read my mind didn't you" he laughed 'only you can do that here' I thought grinning at him and he smirked back. He got up placing me down on the table beside the sofa switching on the speakers by the TV which began to play soft music then walking back over, he sat on the sofa and used his hand as sort of a dancing partner for me wrapping 2 of his fingers around my waist as if they were arms before gently swaying me from side to side whilst I held on in the manner people would do at formal ball. We did this from many hours both him and I enjoying it since we both love to dance at this is one of the only ways we can dance together, once the music finally ended we stopped our dancing and Dark picked me back up hugging me to his chest "did that make you feel calmer?" I asked him "yeah it did thank you, Royalty" I blushed at the nickname "just remember my King you don't have to push yourself" I smiled and he nodded before we both fell asleep together.

Here's the fluff, hope you liked it

Author x

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