Game of Cat and Bird? {Marvin x Tiny Half Bird Reader}

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In my bird form I landed on the bird feeder in the human's garden, I used my beek to grab at the nuts biting them open eating the edible parts acting like a normal bird would, though I'm not a normal bird, I'm a Tiny experimented on by humans to have bird DNA which allowed me to change into a bird form meaning people leave me alone since I looked like a regular bird. I looked up whilst eating noticing the human's back door had a cat flap on it, this made me heart stop, a cat oh no. The bird feeder started to shake as I looked down seeing a cat climbing up the bird feeder towards me with hunger in it's eyes, I screeched as it grabbed my leg with it's paw, I tried to fly away but it dragged me down it tried to bite at me so I waked it in the face with my wing which did nothing until I heard "Casper?" The cat looked up at a human who was standing their with a white cat mask on, a waist coat and a cloak with lime green hair. The cat looked a him a little longer before returning to try and kill me making me screech again like a crow which is the wrong noise to come out of me, the human quickly grabbed me from the cat "Casper I don't need another dead bird left around my house, especially one that just made a sound like a completely different species" the human says to the cat like it can understand him, strangly the cat made a whining sound and walked off wait can he talk to cats? The human carried me back to his house "sorry buddy about Casper, let's go get you're leg fixed up shall we?" He says to me, I would respond but I don't need a human knowing I'm not a bird.


Once the human had finishded fixing up my leg he put me on his desk checking over my leg before speaking to me again like talking to himself "you aren't a regular bird are you little one?" He says I tried to act like a normal bird but that didn't seem to convince him. I broke character he tried to touch my face and I put my wings up infront of my face like someone would with their hands "there you go, I knew it" he smiled at me so I sighed which made him stand back a bit, I transformed back.

Marvin POV

Though I could tell this wasn't your average bird I did not exsept it to start showing human like qualities like sighing and covering it's face with it's wings. What really caught me off guard was when it changed into a tiny with large (for it's size) wings on it's back matching their bird form, with h/l h/c hair, their fingers resembled their bird talons. I stepped back "woah" I said in awe, they looked a little nervous rubbing their arm "thanks for saving me from your cat eariler" they said in a horse voice showing it hadn't been used in a long while "no problem" I replied petting their head a bit, they leaned into my touch which made me smile a bit "so how come you can turn into a bird if you don't mind telling me?" I asked them they looked down hugging themself "I was experimented on by humans mixing my DNA with bird DNA, it was a side effect along with the wings and talons" they explained I nodded understanding. I thought for a second before asking "could I hold you please? I promise I'll be gentle" I put my hand infront of them they flinched at my hand but looked up into my eyes nodding a little before getting onto my hand, I petted their head a bit which made them smile slightly, I could tell we were going to get along.

Sorry I haven't updated  in a while, I'll try to update more now and not just put out A/N notes like I have a lot recently.

Author x

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