Hunted {Antisepticeye x Monster Reader}

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(Warning: extreme gore near the end)


Gun shots went off as humans shot after me piercing my left wing but I didn't feeling any pain, my healing factor prevented that, "GET THEM!" A man shouted as I ran towards the edge of the forest. I skidded to a hault when I saw the edge of the cliff "no where to go freak" the Hunter growled as he raised his Blood Blaster pointing it at my head "you sure human?" I smirked turning towards them I T-posed before falling off backwards plunging down towards the ground, I spred out my wings so I shot straight into the air flying above all the humans, before zooming away from them all.

The wind slashed at my face, whisling loud in my ears making me deaf to all around me, I noticed a clearing in the forest underneath me so I backtracked landing in it. My wings folded behind me their black leathery skin glinting in the twlight, I sat down on a tree stump glancing down into a puddle my raven black hair was messy my sharp dagger like teeth stained with the blood of the human I last drank from. I sighed loudly pushing my hair back, everytime I tried to drink from a human the Hunter's turn up they have sworn it's their' duty to destroy us by preventing us from drinking or implanting demon blood in us which is the only ways we could die as immortals.

A yell sounded through the trees it sounded almost human just extremely loud, I got up flying towards the source of the sound. I saw a giant fighting another one was in full black clothing with dark green hair, pure black eyes and a massive slit across his throat the other was in a white suit with a red tie and black under shirt, his hair was black which matched his eyes and grey skin. I hid behind the trees as I could tell they were demons, the grey one threw the other one to the ground a sicking crack coming from it's back the other laughed "Anti you've never been strong enough to defeat me so why not give up!" "Because I want to kill you so bad Sharpie!" He growled lowly at him dubbed 'Sharpie' smashed his fist into his face knocking the talk right out of him. As 'Sharpie' left I ran over the Anti "you dude you ok?" I asked Anti glanced at me "why the fuck would you care Monster?" "Cause you look like you got the shit beaten out of you, but fine if you don't want my help then I'll go" I stretched out my wings "ok ok I'd appreciate a bit of help" he grumbed. I nodded, my hands started glowing f/c I pointed them at him and his face started to heal his back seemed the snap back into place making him yelp "sorry forgot to mention it slightly hurts" "thanks for the heads up Monster" he growled. I finished up and he got up staring down at me "thanks I guess" he stated "no problem" I rubbed the back of my neck "I think I should go, nice meeting you I guess" I added before flying off back towards my neighbourhood.

I touched down by my friend B/F/N's hut, I lived in a community of other Monsters hidden from any humans or Hunters but now evidently not well enough. Everyone was outside their homes fighting back invaders, Hunters crawled the street shooting everyone in sight not clear if it was demon blood but from them falling limp it was likly was. I searched for B/F/N amoung the crowd ripping humans to shreds as I go keeping them off my community, I found them fighting the same hunter from earlier I notice him try to shoot them but I pushed them out the way before snaking around "awh if it isn't the freak from earlier" he snickered "should of just given up and not came here it'll be your undoing" I smirked "speak for yourself" he shot right at me but I dodged every shot running straight at him claws bared, I slashed across his chest blood soaking his shirt. He collapsed to the ground laughing "what the hell are you laughing at?" I barked "you" he pointed towards B/F/N and I saw a hole straight through their chest they fell into my arms "B/F/N no no no, you bastard!" I shouted as he cackled I dragged my claws straight across his face watching as his face split open his blood gushing out especially when my claws went over his eye balls which sliced them into slivers, his screams were so loud I had to cut his voice box out to shut him up. I went ahead after that and brutally murderered every Hunter in that place beheading them watching their blood trickle down my hand from the head, ripping their beating heart out taking a bite out it while I'm at it, taring their spines out watching as they died in a pool of their own blood, slicing each indivual limb off, hanging them by their intestines and so much more. (Told you gorey) I sat down in the centre of a waste land of the corpses crying my eyes out, the rest of the neighbourhood gathered round me looking at me with sympathy "Y/N deary-" the village elder started "no I'm going to go I need to be alone for a while" I flew away back towards the forest, I crumpled into a pile in there crying just staring at all the blood on me which covered every inch of my body.

*Past* Anti POV

I saw the Monster from fly away from me before I could ask them their name, I felt a slight tinge of guilt for being rude when they just wanted to help me but I shrugged it off. I walked to the edge of the forest seeing a village I was about to walk away when I saw tons of Monsters come out the house fighting humans which were shooting them all dead, I stood in shock before noticing that Monster flying in blocking another from getting hurt but ultimately failing as they were shot anyway. The destruction that ensued was beautiful but I felt bad for the Monster so when I saw them fly back towards the forest I teleported to where they landed to find them crying, the whole atmosphere round them was extremely dangerous but I still sat next to them "heya Monster, I saw what happened...I'm...s-sorry for your loss" they looked up at me "why are you suddenly being nice to me?" They asked "because I realised I was a bit harsh when you were only trying to help me" they looked down as tears began to form in their eyes. I used one of my fingers to wipe away the tears "I guess the one that died was your friend?" They laughed a little "yeah, my best friend" "I'm sorry for your loss" "it's fine, I'll get over it I'll have go" they smiled slightly "what's your name by the way I can't go and call you Monster all the time" "I'm Y/N" "Y/N, nice name" "thanks" we sat for a while longer before I offered "do you want to come with me?" "As in stay with you or-" I cut them off "yeah" they smiled "sure."



I laid sprawled out on Anti's chest as he was sleeping , I smuggled closer into his chest earning a chuckle come from him as he started to stroke my back with his finger "someone's huggy today Puppet" I giggled "I like hugs so why wouldn't I be" he picked me up by my wings as he got up, he started hugging me to his chest "you happy now?" "Of course" I smiled smuggling more into him "goodnight Anti" "goodnight Puppet, love you" "love you too" and I fell into a deep sleep.

Anti fluff is my existance, if you guys want me to write a horror story I'll be more then welcome as I really enjoy fear inducing stories.

Author x

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