Injured {Schneeplstien x shrunken hurt reader}

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Request by: @Septoxxic

(This includes me trying to replicate the German accent and using German words, sorry for those who translate these Oneshots I'll put English translation next to the words)


I strode through a field brushing past all the grass which was waist height to me, the day was clear and cloudless though soon that didn't matter when I crossed the threshold into the forest where the trees were skyscrapers to me. The ground was uneven with sticks and all sorts littering the ground, birds screeched all around me which made me quicken my pace not wanting to be a snack. However soon I heard the horrifying sound of a Crow and I looked seeing it flying at me, I ran for my life trying to avoid the Crow but it didn't entirely help as soon I didn't notice where I was running whilst avoiding the Crow and I fell off a large (well for me large) drop falling to the ground hearing a pop crying out loudly in pain, the Crow noticed this and swooped at me but before it could rushling came from the bushes and a human walked out seeing me and gasping. He scared off the crow and picked me up craddling me to his chest since he saw how much pain I was in "vhat happened?" (What happened) He asked "I-I fell after being chased by that Crow, m-my leg it hurts so bad" I whimpered the german sounding man hushed me "don't vorry I'll help you, I'm 100% a real doctor" (don't worry I'll help you, I'm 100% a real doctor) I nodded at the light green haired doctor before I fainted in his hands.

Schneep POV

I noticed the tiny person fainted so I put them in my lab coat pocket rushed back to the hospital greeting briefly the desk ladies who flirted with me like normal but I ignored them. I opened up my office with the key from my other pocket, I took the tiny person out my pocket, after closing the door as well as locking it, I put them on my table moving my clutter out the way. I sat down and began examining what was wrong, I held their tiny leg between my fingers carefully trying to see if it was broken eventually I pulled over the x-ray and used it on them lucky they are knocked out so I didn't need to give them eye protection. I looked at the x-ray and found out their tibia (that's the lower leg bone) had popped out of it's socket which had from my estimations damaged the skin around their knee, I knew I had to physically put their bone back in the right place which would hurt, praying that they were knocked out enough to not feel it I muttered "tut mir Leid (means sorry in German)" before grabbing their leg and popping it back into place I heard them cry out in pain "sorry I needed to to get it back in place" I apologised before reaching over and grabbing a soothing lotion off the pile of junk of my desk, I rolled up their trouser leg carefully and applied the lotion onto their leg to sooth the inflamed muscle cells. They began to calm down slowly opening their eyes looking at me "does it still huvt?" (Does it still hurt?) I asked them "n-no" I moved my hands away and they tried to stand but fell over so I caught them in my hands "easy zeve you von't be able to valk for a vhile, I'll have to look after vou for the time being" (easy there you won't be able to walk for a while, I'll have to look after you for the time being) they looked down sad that they couldn't stand so I gently held them in my hands "so hov come you are so tiny?" (So how come you are so tiny?) "A while back my family were all shrunken as well as me, we don't know who did it or how but now we just have to deal with it" they explained "but vhere are your family?" (But where are your family?) I questioned "they died, killed by a fox" they answered. I don't know what came over me but I hugged them to my chest rubbing their back with my thumb they started to sob into my chest as their emotions overwhelmed them, we stayed like that for hours until I heard hiccups from them as they stopped crying "you need not vorry I vill look after you, you von't be alone anymore" (you need not worry I will look after you,  you won't be alone anymore) "thank you-" "Henrik but most call me Schneep" "thank you Schneep" they hugged me.

"I'm Y/N"

I may or may not of been procrastinating on writing, sorry

Author x

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