Meal Dealer part 2

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I woke up in a room with white walls and a iron locked door, I tried to move my arms but found them stuck and looked down to find myself in a straight jacket 'wait' I glanced around again before realisation hit me like a lightning bolt 'I'm in a mental asylum aren't I?' I thought, I growled getting to my feet and rambed my body against the door trying to get the bloody thing open. Since that didn't work I sat back down on the ground bringing my knees to my chest how the fuck and I going to get out of here and why am I here.

Voices came from outside the door muttering things like 'they aren't well' 'once they've been processed here they'll be completely sane' what the fuck I got up rambing the door again "listen here to little shit, I'm completely well and your drugs aren't going to make me sane. If you're gonna throw me anywhere put me in a damn jail" one of the guards laughed "jail is too good for you, if you weren't here you'd be hanging" my breath hitched in my throat death, no I don't want to die not like that at any rate then a thought came to my mind "would it be a public execution?" I asked "that's what the people have asked for with you" the guard cackled, ok so my plan would work, "go ahead hang me" I stated hiding my snicker I just hope he'll be there since if he isn't I've signed myself up to die "we were hoping you'd say that" the guard opened the door and grabbed me by the collar dragging me away.

Anti POV

Under the cover of darkness I searched for Y/N but couldn't find them anywhere around or inside their house, I was getting worried since not only would I not get as much food for the time they were gone but they were also one of my closet friends and my crush, if they were too die I wouldn't know what I do with myself anymore. I picked up a faint scent in their house that wasn't familiar, I was confused at first since they've told me enough times by now that they're single, the scent was in the front door and was down the road where whoever it was must of drove away. I suddenly noticed spots of blood all around their living room especially where the scent was, I knew it then whoever that scent belonged to knows what happened to Y/N. I growled and teleported to the scents end which was an asylum, they took her to an asylum oh no they didn't! I could feel myself become so inraged my glitching became worse and my throat started to bleed more, the thought of Y/N being put through whatever they do to them in there made livid. I saw a guard walk out the building so I grabbed him causing him to drop his gun out of fear, pst stupid humans "where is Y/N M/N L/N?" I growled squeezing harder on the struggling human "they've just been taken away from here" the human choked "WHERE TO?!" I squeezed her causing the man's blood to stop pouring from his body as I've broken serveal of his rips at least "to the town square to be executed" what he said not only made filled with an ungodly rage but made me so worried since I don't know when they're to be killed it may have already happened "when?!" I demanded "at 2pm" that's it 10 minutes. I quickly ate the man since can't waste food and ran to the town square where I saw them, Y/N with a noose around their neck looking beatened and bruised, the crowd turned and screamed when they saw me but I didn't care I knocked back the crowds of humans that were running at me, I reached over and carefully took Y/N out the noose putting them in my breast pocket before killing more of the humans and stuffing their bodies into my jean pockets since you can't waste food. After this I ran back to the forest to my house where I took out Y/N putting them down on a counter and started to use my demon magic to heal all their injuries which were extremely bad, the sight of them blood stained, bruised and cut up shattered my empty heart. Eventually I saw them stire and I waited for them.


My eyes fluttered open and I looked around spotting Anti's face close to me, must be in his house. I tried to sit up but Anti pushed me back down with his finger "sleep Y/N you've gone through a lot today" he told me "but sleep is for the weak" I snickered causing him to cuckle "quoting Jack seriously, have you seen who you're talking to" he smirked "a glitch bitch" he playfully glared at me before picking me up and hugging me to his chest "what are you doing Anti, this is unlike you?" I was very confused he's never been one for signs of affection "I was just worried Y/N, I thought you were gonna die even though I know you planned this" I smirked "I don't know what you're talking about" I giggled he snickered at me "you planned for me to come save your ass that's why you wanted to make it a public death, also your death would work as a bait ball for humans I could snatch up, I read your mind" he laughed "noooo" I dragged it out making him laugh more "now come on you really need to sleep Y/N, I'll be right here when you wake" he told me rubbing my back with his thumb, I nodded which he couldn't much see and fell asleep against his chest.

"Sleep well my little puppet~"

Part 2 is out like a boss!

Author x

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