Roomate {Nāga Antisepticeye x fairy reader}

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"Y/N can you come here?" My friend called from the other room, I got up from my seat and flew off the edge of my section of the room. I lived in a house filled with different creatures including me, a fairy, my pal Dark who is a demon invited me to stay with them after knowing eachother for about a year. I flew up and landed on his shoulder as he was sitting on the sofa looking at his phone "what's up buddy?" I asked him so he looked at me before looking back at his phone "one of my old friends, Antisepticeye, is going to be moving in with us all" he told me "cool, why is it important I know rather then the others?" I looked around at Tiberius, who's an elf, then at James, who's a vampire, they were the only other 2 in the room everyone else was elsewhere "because Anti is a half demon half Nāga so he's a predator by nature and I don't want you getting hurt as he may be quite rough with you" he explained now actually looking at me. He picked me up and brought me to look into his eyes "promise you won't do anything stupid and will stay safe?" He demanded I patted his nose smiling "I promise Darkipoo" he narrowed his eyes at the nickname before hugging me to his chest.


A knock came from the front door and Dark went to open it, as they both came in I looked at presumably Anti he had a large long green tail covered in dark green scales and a peachy skin layer down the centre, he had dark green hair with a brown mop of hair close to his pointy hairs which had gauges in. His black eyes focused on me as he came in following Dark he smiled showing his sharp fangs "I see you have a fairy living 'ere didn't think you let prey like that live 'ere" he cackled so Dark scowled at him "this is Y/N they're my friend" Dark stated. I stood up looking at Anti dead in the eyes "I'm guessing you're Anti" I raised an eyebrow "isn't that obvious Prey" he grinned evily ok I do not like this guy "oh but I like you very much Y/N you look absolutely delicious" he licked his lips "nah I'm good I don't feel like being eaten" I stated before flying off to my room which I share with Tiberius.

I laid down on my bed folding my wings behind me I breathed a sigh before looking up above me, why the fuck did a being who wants to eat me move in I groaned and rolled over onto my side. Angry yells came from the living room so I flew back and looked round the corner to see Tiberius and James arguing I groaned before going up to them "and what are you two assholes fighting about?" I moaned looking between them "James is being a dick trying to drink my blood just cause he's too lazy to go drink from a human" Tiberius complained "seriously of all the things you 2 could argue about this is the best you can come up with, James I am disappointed" I looked at the angry vampire "it's sunny outside I can't go and drain any humans" he defended himself "then just go drink the animal blood in the fridge that'll suffice till you go out tonight" I said "but I'm too lazy" he complained "if you don't then I'll zap you" I barked "try it Tiny" he smirked "don't James" Tiberius went wide eyed but before he could stop him James had poked me egging me on. He yelped jumping back in pain cause I sent electricity through his whole body for a moment "James stop it and just go to you're room" I commanded "but I- ow!" I shocked him again this time worse "alright alright calm down" and he ran out the room, Tiberius looked over at me "thanks I don't feel like being drunk from today" "anytime buddy" I smiled before I flew out the room.

I landed down on the sofa sitting down and flipping on the TV human TV was useally boring but when movie re-runs where on it is slightly less. F/M (favourite movie) came on and I calmly sat enjoying the film before I heard a hiss to my right I looked over meeting eyes with Anti "what?" I snapped "tch a feisty prey I see" he giggled "cut the prey bullcrap I don't feel like getting eaten" I growled lowly pausing the movie with my magic "I don't care what you feel you're just a snack I should have already digested" he run his forked tounge along his teeth. I stood up and narrowed my eyes at him "I ain't some weak ass bitch who'll just let themselves die, I'm not pathetic like you think" I barked at him "that attitude is gonna get you killed slowler you know" he smiled darkly then he reached out a hand to grab me but I flew back from him in the nick of time "playing hard to get, fine I'll play cat and mouse" he grinned maniacally swiping at me with his pale hand but he missed I waved my hand making the plants behind him grow and restrain his arms holding him in place to his shock "I'm not joking around Antisepticeye, fairies aren't always the weak beings we're made out to be big things can come in small packages" I laughed making him growl at me "the only thing that'll be big about you is your amount of flavour" he pulled himself free of the plant making it fall and smash on the ground. Hearing the sound Dark ran in seeing us both "Anti I told you leave Y/N alone!" Dark yelled at him "why are you defending a weak and insignificant fairy!?" Anti shouted at him a muscle pulsed in my brow at the words 'weak' and 'insignificant' "that's it!" I shouted firing a full amount of electricity at Anti knocking him back, by now all my roomates had gathered at the foot of the stairs to look at us they all gasped seeing how angry I was knowing how dangerous I could be. "Y/N don't" Dark commanded me "as soon as this motherfucker leaves me alone and doesn't try to kill me in the same way all my family were killed" I shouted at Dark f/c mist was comimg from my hands and eyes.

Everyone stood in silence, I never brought up my past it was a no go zone for conversation, Anti had got back still in shock from what I did and what I said "I'm going out" I put it bluntly before soaring out the window to sit in the top of an old oak tree by the house. I pulled my knees to my chest placing my head down on my knees before I started to cry not being able to hold it in anymore, he was right I am a weak, insignificant prey I just hate to admit it I have all this power but I'm not overally violent, I care about other people and they're wellbeing more then myself and always have. I heard a door open and movement that resembled slithering I didn't look at Anti when I heard him cry "Y/N!" "Shouldn't you be calling me Prey as that's how you view me" I stated he looked up and saw me, he climbed up the tree and hung from a stable branch leaning close to me "I wanted to say I'm sorry Y/N" Anti stated I looked up at him not trusting him one bit "I sense bullshit" I said "it isn't bullshit, I truly am sorry Y/N that I was trying to eat you and hurt you ignoring how you felt just cause you were smaller then me" he explained my eyes softened as his clearly had "why did you want to eat me?" I asked "because that's what I'm like, I'm a predator by nature and until recently I lived in the wild I'm not use to feelings and peace I've always lived like survival of the fittest" he described looking away from me regret edged on his face "it's fine Anti" I wiped my tears away "can I hold you please I won't hurt you I promise" he asked looking back at me I hesitated for a moment before nodding. He carefully pucked me up holding me to his chest stroking my head with his finger I purred a little into his chest before I started blushing like mad as I had only just realised that this entire time I had known him he was not wearing a shirt. He lowered himself down still holding me till he was on the ground he placed me on his shoulder smiling "come on the others will be worried" he grinned genuinely before we both went back to the house.

Nāga Anti has been a thing I've loved drawing recently so here's Nāga Anti, please people send requests I have no ideas, should I do more Darkiplier, Wilford and Google ones or other egos?

Author x

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