Seperated {Antisepticeye x Tiny Reader}

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Tw: mentions of previous vore, blood



Violent coughing came from myself as I clutched my chest, my vision blurred by tears, feeling starved of both food and good air.

'I've been here for months... why hasn't he come... why isn't he here to... free me...'

Thoughts plagued my mind as the door of the bird cage I was trapped in opened briefly to put food on my tray, every time I had previously tried to get out at this time, I was briefly consumed by the DARKness, released only when my cries were louder then his hollow laughs.

'Anti please... help me'

Begging was all I could do, wishing he could hear my thoughts when the only reaction to them was a laugh from the suited demon who I was trapped in the office of, stuck, as a pet, a toy.

Head resting against the bottom of the cage, breathing getting shallow and shallower, I couldn't even move to get the food after being starved for the last week for trying to escape again, all I was given was water so I wouldn't die, even if I felt like anyday now I could.



Tears dripped down my puffy cheeks, wishing all of this could just end I would be free from my anguish before a familiar and long unheard voice came in my mind.

'I'm on me way, hold on'

Barley holding in my sigh of relief and smile, I remained as I was, Anti's words echoing in my mind, gripping onto each like a life line.




Turning on his heels, Dark closed the door behind him, the cage sealed shut with magic placed on it so I couldn't be teleported out of it. Rolling over onto my back, the smile finally spread onto my face, feeling unfamiliar after months of nothing but grimaces.

A collection of yells, crashes, bangs and breaks rang into the space, shaken to the bone once my captor was flung through the door, smashing it to splinters as in walked my everything, in all his glitchy glory. His eyes fell on me, glitches increasing in viciousness, glaring death at the other who was grabbed by the throat, nails digging into murky skin bringing forth blood.

"Ye're gonna suffer for what ye did to them!"

Raising a clawed hand into the air, preparing to slice the face off of the other demon, I sat up, barley, calling out to Anti which made him stop mid air.

"Don't! It's not worth it. Please... can we just go home..."

The urge to faint was consuming me, an 'oof' being heard as the grey demon's collar was released and the door was torn off of the cage I was in before a gentle grasp incapacitated me, bringing me close to his warm, his beating heart soothing me to sleep, hearing before.

"The only reason ye're alive is thanks to them, remember that asshole."

I later regained consciousness laying on a pillow in the kitchen, the smell of food jolting me awake, sniffing the air, eyes resting upon the glitch before smiling, meeting eyes.

"Look who's awake"

He chuckled, walking over to place down a plate of food down in my vicinity, which I eagerly crawled over to, munching it down. Sitting down in front of me, head resting in arms while watching, he remarked.

"Someone's hungry"

"You have no idea"

We both chuckled, eating my fill, immediately getting scooped up and kissed on the head, happiness blooming inside me, like a flower.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there sooner, he made his home much harder to find then I had expected"

"It is fine, I'm just happy that we're not longer separated"

((Of course I start again here with an Anti x reader, hope it's ok.

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