The nick of time {Sizeshifter Jackieboyman x reader} (including Silver Shepard)

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I struggled in the criminal's hold who had pulled up against their body, hand over my mouth so I couldn't call for help and arm wrapped around me. I desperately tried to get out but to of no avail which made me slouch in their arms as what else could I do. We were both standing close to the edge of a tall office building which had a drop that could kill any regular person.

As I was thinking of giving up completely on a rescue, the door burst open that entered onto the building's roof and there stood Silver Shepherd light dancing off his marble white suit "release them buddy and no one has to get hurt" Silver almost demands, the criminal holding me smirked shuffling closer to the edge of the building. Silver's eyes widened "woah woah that's not what I meant!" He panicked, the criminal smirked broader taking their hand away from my mouth but fastened that around my neck instead tightly and they held me over the edge of the building dangling my eyes wide as saucers. Silver tried to carefully move towards us reasoning with the criminal who slowly was loosening his grip on me "please don't hurt them" Silver slightly begged however doing that was a mistake as they dreadfully took their grip off my throat dropping me over the side of the building.

The fall felt so long as my scream rang through the air passing by the floor's of the office block fast the worked around me a blur as my life flashed in front of my eyes, though whilst this was going on and I got closer to my demise I heard loud footsteps which went fast like they were running each which shook the ground making some stuff jump up and down with each step. Suddenly I landed on something soft kinda like fabric though my eyes were tight in fear till I could feel the warm radiating from what I landed on and opened my eyes seeing something which made all my fears wash away, I saw 2 ocean blue eyes staring transfixed at me each larger then my whole body, his brows were creased in fear his undivided attention on me. "Jackie..?" I smiled weakly as that fall and almost strangling had taken all the breath from me "yeah baby it's me, it's ok you're safe now" he whispered slightly to me smiling softly holding out his finger for me which I used as a support to help me stand up though my legs were shaky.

Since he was crouching to catch me, which only made him 3/4's of the height of the building when he stood up which he did slowly he towered over the office block almost double it's size, looking over I could see the criminal and Silver stood back both looking equally scared. Jackie effortlessly grabbed the criminal raising them to eye level his atmosphere shockingly different when confronting them, clearly the only thing stopping him from crushing them was the law. Jackie lowly growled as he spoke in an undeniably terrifying tone "you are so damn lucky that I can't kill you right here right now. You better obey the law now till the day you die as it just saved your puny life" Jackie stated before crouching back down and shoving the criminal into the back of a police van the police looking at Jackie clearly and understandably scared. He got back up and much more gently picked up Silver Shepherd and walked off with both him and I in a hand each.

He walked slowly towards Silver's home but said as he was walking "I know you tried your best, partner, I'm not mad at you" he smiled softly down at Silver who looked relieved smiling back "I'm glad" he replied. Once Jackie got to Silver's home he crouched in front of it and put him in front of his house, Silver waved at us both before going inside closing the door after himself. Jackie stood back up started his short walk towards our shared home "I'm sorry that happened to you Y/N, I should of been their sooner to save you" he apologised, I looked up at him placing my hand on his finger tip "it's ok Jackie, I'm glad you were there in general" I smiled reassuringly at him which he slightly returned looking at me then brought me up to his face gently nuzzling me with his massive nose I chuckled a bit smiling.

Soon we got back home and Jackie placed me in front of the door to our house and shrank down to human size and lead me inside, we strolled over to the couch together laying down before embracing each other tightly like we never wanted to let go. Sometimes life is mean to you but sometimes life gives you a giant with a shrinking ability and I'm so glad I got the latter.

Sorry this is crap, I forgot to update recently so you got this. I'm still taking requests if you have any, read my request rules though before you do so you know what I do and do not write

Author x

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