A worrysome

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Written at 1:00 am. Grammar? Status = Bad + Worse = Terrible.

Apologies fellow dudes


"Mom? Dad?" Maridine wandered into the farm house walls from a long supply run. After she set down her stuff on her makeshift bed, she continued her search for her parents.

"Mom..? Dad..?" She was shuffling down the hall, quite rapidly before her voice hitched and her adrenaline rose. The air smelled odd, giving her an uneasy feeling. So, with a shake of her head, she began to run through the house's walls calling for her parents. 

"Mom!? Dad?! Whe-" She stopped her shout as she came around a corner to see a very short trail of blood lead through a somewhat recent hole in the wall. Maridine's face was struck with horror as everything in her body seemed to freeze.

"No.. no.. I-it can't be.. M-mom..? D-dad...?" She took a step back, filled with a sudden guilt feeling wrench through her. Sorrow and sadness crept into her mind, making her take another step back. She bit her lip and tried not to cry, but there wasn't any point.

"Mom.." She whimpered quietly, falling to her knees. Tears began to pour out of her eyes as she held onto her heart. It was beating fast as it, too, was filled with undeniable emotion.

Then suddenly, as if on cue, Maridine heard loud sounding footsteps from the opposite side of the wall. They shook the ground vigorously, getting closer and closer to where Maridine was. Without any second thinking, she hopped to her feet and ran a safe distance away. 

"Do you actually think there are more?" A voice asked from the room.

"Of course! There was a male and female, so obviously, if they've lived here long enough, then would have had a kid or two." Another voice laughed. "We'll split em'"

After hearing such awful things, a hammer came crashing through the wall directly where she had been standing a few seconds beforehand. Maridine slowly backed away, her heart racing and unreadable expressions flashing on her face, then turned around and bolted as fast as her legs could take back to her room. She had to get out of this house, and that's exactly what she had planned to do. She wasn't going to wait until night like her father had warned before, she was to scared. She left as soon as her bag was packed and her blanket was tucked away.

Once Maridine made it to the outside world, she took off running through whatever terrain she came upon, not daring to even take a glimpse back at where she had lived. 

She raced across small hills, travelled over a small stream, until she saw an abandoned looking cabin in the middle of the forest. She sighed a small breath of relief before trekking to it. 

Once inside, Maridine found a place to get into the walls and was about to settle in when a bunch of rats came her direction. She screamed and quickly ran out of the small hole. She rolled her eyes and began to search the small house for a better, more safer, place to bunk down in.

Then she heard the sound of a creaking door opening and kid voices.

"Dude, this place is so worn out.." Said one, probably one of the middle ones.

"This is awesome!!!" Said another. Maridine flinched and looked around furiously before diving behind an old dresser. The group of 'kids' walking into the room and acted as if was a fossil find, basically turning up everything and searching everywhere. 

Maridine nearly panicked when they got nearer to her.

'Not again..' She thought frantically wondering what she could possibly do. Then it dawned on her.

She quickly began to dig through her belongings until she found a bit of food. She looked back at the kids' feet then back at the hole in the wall. She smirked before making a small whistle noise and throwing out the small food into the open. 

Almost instantly a rat barged through the hole and munched on the food without realizing the presence of the children in the room. Maridine quickly backed into one of the dresser legs and watched the action.

"Whoa.. Dude.. Check out the size of that rat!"

The rat's ears perked, and it's body followed. Maridine almost laughed seeing the horror strike the poor rats' face as it quickly stuffed the food into it's mouth and ran out of the room.

"Quick after it!" One of the boys' cried out, following it out. 

"Wait! What if it has rabies?!" Maridine listened as their voices got farther and farther away. She slowly came out of hiding, chuckling a bit.

"Whoa.. What are you.." Said a voice from behind her. Maridine froze, before she spun around to see a tall child staring down at her with fascination.

"Oh.. dear heavens.."  Was all she could say.

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