~ One day, it will be okay ~

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This is what I imagined the characters to semi look like. I used Pastel friends, but it didn't have options for certain things sooooo-
Dis be as close as I could get

Names : Kilo Renz (Male character), Clover Genning (Female Character)



  There I was.
  At the edge of the world.

  'The edge of the world?'

  The edge of the world.
  Well.. At least my world.

  In front of me was the border that separated our world from the giant's world. The portal showed up many, many years ago, covering at least 100 miles on either side. It looked like water, moving like a river but being completely still.
  No one is quite sure where it came from, but we do know for sure, the giants don't come across. They tried to in the beginning. Curiosity obviously could kill a cat in this instance. Luckily we were able to make contact before any disasters happened. It would have been bad had they crossed over and started to accidentally destroy our lands.
  However, humans aren't permitted to go across either. Not by the giants on the other side, but by our laws. It's much too dangerous, especially since once you go through, it is a random teleportation. If humans enter, they could end up anywhere on the other side, possibly leaving them stranded without a way back, but if giant's walk through, they end up in the same place in our world.

  Then.. with that information, you're probably wondering why I'm here.

  Well, that's complicated.

  You see, I live pretty far off from the portal. When I say pretty far off, I mean at least a few towns to the west. I hated living there. As a high-schooler, about to graduate, I lived a really busy life. Juggling studies, chores, and a side job. Any free time I had, I tried to stay out of my toxic house, but even that itself was a task.

  One could say, I was mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausted, day in and day out.
  I guess the reason I am standing on private property, staring up at a wall of no return, is for an escape.

  'Why not go somewhere else in the world?'

  Tried that.
  And unfortunately, they found me almost instantly.
  It's hard to cover tracks when you've got a gang of backstabbing friends. And no.. they didn't tell my family because they were worried about me. They told them because they got something from it. They confessed to me about it almost a month ago.
  It's better this way.



"It's now or never... just go in Clo." Clover mumbled to herself, clenching her fists against the cloth of her hoodie. As she closed her eyes, she took in a deep breath, in an attempt to calm her nerves.
  Going through the portal felt like the only way away from the horrendous life behind her, but she still hesitated. There were so many things that could go wrong, yet so many things that could go right. Maybe she'd meet a giant? Maybe she'd befriend a small animal? Endless outcomes that sounded sweet, but also terrifying.
  Not only that, but she had so much emotional baggage she was carrying along. All the overwhelming thoughts of life were scratching her in the back of her mind. And as she stood there, she felt a tear slide down the side of her cheek.
  It took a few more moments of heavy thinking, but finally she took the step, opening her eyes as she did so.
  The second she was overtaken by the portal, she was thrown into a whirlwind of waves made of wind. Though there was no water, it felt like she was being dragged under the ocean. At this point, she couldn't help but once again clamp her eyes shut and let out a scream as she was practically thrown around like a rag-doll.
  Surprisingly, it didn't last for longer than a minute before she was tossed out of the cascade onto soft, cushion-like, ground. Without being prepared for a landing, Clover tumbled out, crashing onto her stomach.
  She laid for a moment, feeling dizziness over take her, but after a minute or so, she finally forced herself to sit up and open her eyes.
  The scenery didn't seem to set in properly as she tried to comprehend what she was looking at, but the second she realized that she was, in fact, in a giant bedroom, she gasped.
  She sat on a humongous bed, facing towards a window. Clover quickly stood up, surprised at how much bigger everything was in comparison to herself.
  "Holy cow.." She muttered under her breath.
  The room she was in seemed to be themed like a college age kid, who had an obsession with both books, video games, as well as whatever nature they had in this world. There were leaves and flowers in resin, acting like paper weights on the desk, as well as dried plants in displays on the walls. There were several shelves of just books, both fictional and study worthy. In the far corner of the side of the room, there was also a little gaming hub. A beanbag facing a screen and two short yet sturdy shelves with gaming equipment.
  "This place is bizarre.." Clover spoke softly to herself, unable to peel her eyes off of her surroundings as she brushed off imaginary dust and re-positioned her satchel.

  "To.. to you, yes." A voice spoke softly from behind her.

  Her heart felt like it stopped completely as her anxiety skyrocketed. Quivering like a leaf on a tree, she turned her head around to the direction of the voice.
  There sat a guy.. disheveled brown hair, a partial beard on his chin and glasses on his freckled nose. He held a book. Just sitting on his bed. A mere couple yards away from where Clover was. A giant. An actual giant.
  "A..h.." She felt herself tense incredibly as she stared straight into his curious eyes with fear overwhelming in her mind. She mentioned how it would be cool to meet a giant, but her imagination did her wrong in preparing to actually see one in person. Somehow, she didn't think it would be like this or under these circumstances, though.. She hadn't quite thought about how she'd meet one anyway.
  The giant in front of her, who seemed perfectly calm though taken aback at seeing a human, was absolutely.. Giant, to say the least. He was ten times the size she thought one of his kind were going to be. That didn't sit well with her anxiety of the situation.
  "I.." The guy barely even started to speak again before Clover's eyes rolled back as she passed out.


  Kilo sat there confused.

  He had been reading his book, trying to get his mind off of studies and life in general, when all of a sudden he heard a scream. His eyes glanced up just as a tiny humanoid thing rolled out of nowhere onto his bed.
  Obviously, Kilo stopped reading though he didn't move to grab whatever it was or even speak to see if it was functionally alive. He just watched in utter bewilderment as the small figure got up to look around. Then it dawned on him. It was a human. However.. That just confused him more.

  What was it doing here? How did it get here? Is it hurt?

  It definitely used the portal.. but he was almost definitely sure that they blocked it up on Earth's side. She must've figured out a way.

  But why would she even want to be here?

  Kilo's mind was racing as he observed the human girl on his bed. It wasn't too long before she muttered words out loud to herself.

  "This place is bizarre.."

  Kilo was shocked that the human said something. So.. taking initiative in this odd situation, he responded.
  "To.. to you, yes." As the words left his mouth, he mentally facepalmed. Adrenaline started to kick in as the human girl slowly turned to look at him. The adrenaline caused him to tense. Of course, she couldn't do anything, but the realization of the moment settled.
  There was in fact a living, breathing, human standing no more than a foot away from Kilo. A girl, nonetheless.
  He noticed as the color drained from her face when her eyes locked onto his. Kilo instantly felt bad as he probably scared her by talking or by his size in comparison. But then she seemed to open her mouth to say something, yet no words came out.
  Kilo tried to stay as calm as he could, even though he really wasn't sure what to do. She was definitely scared. Maybe calm her nerves?
  "I'm not goin-" Kilo stopped himself as he noticed the girl went unconscious. Without thinking twice, he reached down before she fell.

His heart was racing.

The girl wasn't even completely on his hand, but his heart was beating at an extreme speed. She was so small.
  Gently, he used his other hand to pick her up, cupping his hands around her. Then he carefully lifted her up to his face so he could get a better look at her.
  She didn't look injured. No scrapes or bruises, at least as far as he could tell.
  "Why are you here.." He asked, more aimed at nobody since she couldn't answer. He looked her over once more before sliding off the bed. He curled his fingers over the girl so he wouldn't drop her as he went in search of something.


  When Clover came to, she was surrounded by a cloth or fabric of some sort. Though she was confined, she didn't panic. Instead she looked around, trying to figure out where she was. Then she remembered the giant guy on the bed.
  To her, he didn't seem too much like a threat.. but his overbearing size was what made it too difficult to say a single word. An overwhelming anxiety tried to take over whenever she would think about it.
  Clover just really hoped that he was nice.. or at least gentle. She knew she'd be fragile in his hands.
  Gaining a bit of courage, she took a deep breath and started to crawl towards the direction of light, soon peeking her head out of the fabric. It was a blanket, cocooning her. It sat on a couch that was in the middle of a living room. At least, that's what it looked like to Clover. Her range of view wasn't that great, so she wasn't quite sure.
  There was a television in front of the couch, playing a show of sorts, rather it was a sport or just a movie. She wasn't sure. Her gaze on it only lasted for a moment before she turned her head in another direction, seeing a pillow and a coffee table. Other than that, her range of view was restricted, so instead of straining for a better view, she decided to try to identify what fabric prison she was in.
  It felt like a blanket, or an extremely soft towel. It was hard for her to figure out. After a moment, she decided on an impulsive decision to call out.
  "Aye! Giant man sir, or whatever.. Where am I?" She practically shouted, hoping that there would be a response.

  Then, from above her, his head popped up. He was looking down at her with a confused look on his face.

  Clover shivered from fear and inched a bit back into the fabric so that just the top of her head was sticking out.
  "Ah.. on second thought-" She stuttered, causing him to tilt his head to the side.
  "A washcloth." He stated, still seemingly confused. "Do you not have these where you are from-?"
  Clover took notice of his calmness and confusion, letting herself relax just a little bit, peeking out once more.
  "Well.. We do, yes. I just don't think ours feel this soft." She muttered, hoping it was loud enough for him. Though he still seemed confused by her response and furrowed his eyebrow.
  Suddenly, the washcloth she was in lifted up, gravity pulling her downwards through the fabric. She let out a yelp instinctively as she fell a bit through the air and onto the giant's hand. Clover quickly recollected herself, sat up, heart beating a million times a second before backing up. She flinched when she bumped against his fingers, so she stopped.
  "It's fabric? Isn't it all supposed to be fairly soft?" He questioned, watching me closely.
  With all the suddenness, she felt like her brain couldn't form words anymore. Sitting on a giant's hand was something she was highly unprepared for.
  "C.." Clover tried to speak but the air got stuck in her throat. She couldn't help but close her eyes. This guy seemed oblivious to what he was doing, yet at the same time not at all. There were no bad vibes, and he didn't pose a threat but he seemed curious. That was what scared her the most. The curiosity of a giant could be potentially detrimental to a human such as herself.
  Before she could even try to speak again, wind rushed through her hair for a moment as she was held against something warm. It was like a wall, but a soft beating in the background.
  Clover took a moment to process, but her anxiety was calming at a rapid rate. It was like being lulled to sleep, but without the sleep.
  "I.. I'm sorry for scaring you. I hadn't meant to." He spoke softly, but the rumble of his voice felt like it was all around her. That's when it dawned on her.

  He was.. hugging her?

  Clover cleared her throat, and shifted her position a bit, "It's okay-" She started, stuttering like a fumbling child. She felt so relaxed yet fearful all at the same time.
  "How? I really doubt it's okay." The giant stated, gently using his thumb to rub against Clover's back. She flinched back at first, causing him to hesitate to try again, but she let him.
  Clover thought about what he said, practically drowning in thoughts a second later.

  'I really doubt it's okay.'

  It made her question things almost instantly. Sure, maybe he was talking about how he was acting, but a part of her really didn't find it upsetting. In fact she was quite curious about him herself. She didn't find anything he was doing wrong the more she thought about it. The only thing strange was that she didn't quite know him yet.
  However, what he said triggered a part of her brain she didn't know could be triggered.

  She wasn't okay.

  Not for where she was, but why she was where she was. A complicated sounding sentence that makes oddly perfect sense.

  She was not okay.
  She was here because she wasn't okay.

  Being held in such a manner as she was now was the first time in several years she felt like she was being comforted. He was the first one to apologize to her in the same amount of time.
  It was feeling a feeling she couldn't understand, and just moments after he spoke, tears were spilling from her eyes.

  She didn't know why.
  How can you trust someone you just met? Is that even possible?

  "Hey.. I-"

  "I'm not okay. Not at all. Things were falling apart all around me and I hated where I was living. So I left. I left it all behind.." Clover wanted to continue to rant to this stranger, but she didn't. She quieted herself as she continued to cry.
 The giant stayed silent, still gently caressing Clover's back.

  "What's your name..?" He asked, softly.

  Clover was taken aback by the question.
  "A.. my name is Clover." She responded, wiping away her tears as she tried to look up at the giant.
  "I may not know what happened, but I can always listen to you. I know you just met me and these types of circumstances don't ever happen.. so if you're scared of me, I understand. But.. I hope you know.." He started, his voice softening as he spoke.

"One day.. one day, it will be okay."



Oh man it's been awhile.
I've forgotten how much I love to write..

Well... I'm back! Hoping to be crating all kinds of content for y'all to read!

Also, I have Instagram :3
So, if you're interested in seeing snippets of my life adventures, here be a link! (I don't know if it'll work, but hopefully it does)


Love y'all

Word count 2778

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