~ Quest for the Stone ~

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  It's always been quiet in the forest at this time of the day, other than the hushed wildlife of course. Even the creek sounded more distant than usual. That's probably because I was lost at the moment. Typical me. The big brave jock got lost in the woods whilst running away from his problems. Seemed legit.
  Letting a sigh leave my lungs, I stopped to stare up at the tall trees above me. Such an amazing sight.. Especially when the light just barely made it to the ground, casting rays through the thin dust. It seemed to make the world glow for a moment. That was until I moved on.
   The weeds and bushes seemed to get denser the deeper I traveled, but honestly, I could care less. It smelled like pine and oak, plus there wasn't anyone around so it was perfect.
   Just as I passed by a shallow stump, the strong feeling that something was watching me felt overwhelming. I glanced behind me yet saw nothing. So, I did what a normal person would and figured it was nothing, continuing on. Though I soon realized that I couldn't shake the feeling, not just that but now it seemed as though it was following me.
  The urge to run was on my mind which led me to began to walk a bit faster, trying to avoid any thorny bushes or low hanging tree branches. It wouldn't go away and I decided to take off running, weaving in between trees, bushes, and everything else that came my way. If I could do anything, it was run. I was apparently good at that. But, even so, the feeling couldn't be shaken.
In the last attempt to shake it away, I halted completely and spun around on my heels.
   "What do you want-" Before I could even finish my sentence or react, a flying bird of some sort came straight for me, smacking me dead on the forehead. The impact sent me tumbling backward onto my back but somehow I didn't get injured. Well. That I knew of. I was still trying to comprehend what had happened.
   With a groan, I slowly sat up and looked around. After not finding anything out of the ordinary, I rubbed my head and glanced at the forest floor beside me.
   Honestly, I should have reacted much differently, but I was still in a slight daze. My brain couldn't even comprehend what I was looking at. What I had thought to be a bird was in fact not a bird but a tiny person, who was the size of a bird. She even had wings to go with her tiny form.
   "What the... A fairy?" I was purely at a loss for words, unsure if I was losing my mind or it was real. If it were real.. Should I help it or just leave? It seemed to be unconscious and maybe injured, but then again it did knock me straight to the ground.
   Suddenly, she started to stir in her unconscious state. She looked so helpless on the ground, but it still felt wrong to just pick her up without her consent. So.. I just let her wake herself up, which luckily didn't take as long as I thought it was going to.
   Her eyes blinked open and she instantly checked herself for bruises or other injuries. After a moment, she rose to her feet, dusted herself off then looked up at me.
   I was expecting her to freak out or fly away but instead, she smiled and waved. All I could do was give her a very confused look. Regardless of my size in comparison to hers, she didn't seem to have an ounce of fear inside of her.
   "Finally.. I found you! Sorry for crashing into you.. You started running away and I wasn't about to lose you again. Then when you stopped, I couldn't do the same in time.." She explained, stretching out her wings as if to fly.
   "I'm sorry. What?" I asked, obviously confused. She was my follower? Why?
   "I flew straight into your face because-"
   "No, I get that part. I mean.. Why were you following me?" I explained. Her expression shifted and she seemed puzzled, but seemed to brush it off as she flapped her wings and began to hover just barely above the ground.
   "We need you, Irvin. You're the only one who can protect it from her.." She muttered, flying up to meet me at eye level. My confusion only grew. 
   "How do you know my name?" I asked, shuffling to stand to my feet. The little fairy girl just followed me.
   "Everyone knows your name! Well.. not everyone. Most of us in the clan do." She explained as though I was supposed to catch on somewhere amongst the mix, but I just stared at her dumbfounded.
   "You.. have no idea what I'm talking about do you..?" Her shoulders slumped as I shook my head, which then followed with her quiet sigh,
   "Let me restart. Hi. My name is Venisa. Venisa Marigeld. I was sent by my father to find the one they call Irvin Neswold in Silt, Colorado. Though.. It's taken me forever to even find anyone related to you.. That's alright though. At least you're here now. Anyways.. You are to come with me to Magesteria and receive the 'stone' from the Marigeld's clan." The small fairy, Venisa, talked in such an orderly fashion, but I still didn't follow her words very well.
   "Okay.. Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm not going anywhere." I huffed. She seemed taken aback, but I just ignored her and started to walk off.
   "You have to come! The Terrapin nationality count's on you to protect the sacred artifact!!" Venisa called after me, but I just tried to shut her off. I was obviously hallucinating or something.
Sure enough, the fairy caught up with me and flew directly in front of me. I gave her a cold glare and attempted to walk past her, but she simply blocked me each time.
   "Listen. I understand it's important to you and such, but I'm pretty sure I'm not the kid you're looking for. Sure, my name is Irvin Neswold and sure, I live in Silt, Colorado, but I am not this responsible knight that you should be dropping these protecting sacred stones or whatever on. And, I'm definitely not going with you to this place called 'Magesteria' to do so. Find someone better than me, Venisa." I explained, pushing by her without giving her time to respond.
  Though I felt guilt weighing on me like a sack of bricks, I kept walking, slowly but surely.
   "I know you don't know me.. or the people I live among.. or the land I have dwelled on.." Her voice caused me to stop walking away and listen. "But.. There is no other being that can protect what we truly fear to lose.. They searched for decades yet no other person has ever been chosen.
  It's a laborious task.. sure. But it's for the future of our people and the world. We need you." Her voice cracked a bit as she spoke.
   After a silent moment, I heaved a sigh and turned to face the small little fairy who was sitting on the branch of a nearby tree. Her wings were droopy and her head was lowered.. I swore I could hear a sniffle.
   "Okay.. I'll go. Doesn't mean I'll make a commitment... I just.. I don't know. You're going to have to explain some more of your world and kind or even the stone I'll be protecting." I stated, making my way over to the tree. When Venisa slowly lifted her head and looked towards me, I felt a tinge of concern. Her eyes were sparkling with tears but she wiped them away with her hands and gave me a smile.
   "I'd be glad to answer your questions." She responded. It was then that I knew, that I wouldn't be able to go back to living my sad, crappy life after this. I just really hoped it was worth it.



Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed it :3
Requested by - pizza9798

Word count : 1373

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro