Chapter Fifteen: A Bond

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*Flashback Time*

Jack's POV

I had been hesitant to attend this con this year, and for good reason too. Ever since Mark came into my life things have a been different, but a good different. I had a room mate he was a bit small and I had to help him with some daily tasks. But it was all worth it because it gave me another purpose in life. Life is all about finding your purpose and fulfilling that until something new happens. Youtube is one of my purposes, and now I also had Mark as my purpose. 

I grabbed my last few things before hearing the honk of the Taxi outside, I didn't have time to say goodbye to Mark or even to notice he wasn't on my bed anymore. However, that wasn't my concern at that particular moment. The cab I had gotten into felt strange, and not just because the cab car was autonomous either. I had the airport pulled up on my phone so when the direction the cab was going didn't match up at all I knew something was wrong. When I tried to open the door it was locked and I couldn't unlock it due to it having none of those manual lock contraptions. 

The place the car pulled up to was a huge building that looked abandoned, there were no other buildings around and I was surrounded by trees and a paved road. I felt uneasy and started to walk down the road when a guy with ashy-brown hair punched me in the face. I then fell onto the ground where he began to kick my side, I got up and quickly grabbed my bag before taking off in one direction. 

I got a major headache a few moments later and my vision became blurry, I was going to sit down but I heard a car come in my direction so I had to keep running. I ran for a few moments longer before a sharp pain jolted in my lower back, I only saw a glimpse of the guy holding what I guessed may have been a tranquilizer. 

Back into real time

Mark's POV

Once I recognized that Jack was the one lying on that table I climbed into the cell and ran towards him. Since I didn't have my climbing gear I grabbed onto his hand and scaled up his arm. I got onto his chest and with the rise and fall of it I knew he was breathing, I was unsure what to do but I checked his pulse and his heart rate was low but thankfully he had one. 

I thought of different ways to wake him up and the top idea was to yell into his ears. I ventured to his ear canal and at first just tried yelling his name, when that got me no response I held on before just screaming into his ear. This got him to jolt up and I ended up holding on to a pierced hole I didn't knew existed. He gently scooped me up and stared at me, his face went from worry to confusion to thankfulness when he saw me. 

"Mark.. what are you doing here? How did you find me?" I sunk my head down as if being scolded, 'I actually came along with you in your bag, and when you said dangerous I wasn't expecting this..' He sighed but hugged me to his chest, I could tell he was upset but glad I was here. He then set me on his lap before he checked his ankles that were bond to large weighted balls. "I am guessing without the key or some form of cutters we won't be able to break me free." He looked towards me and I could tell he was overwhelmed with sadness. His blue eyes sparkled when he cried, "I think you should just go Mark and hide before the guy comes back." 

I shook my head because to me that was nonsense, with all the times that I was in peril Jack pulled through for me. I knew there wasn't much I couldn't do being at my size but I knew that I could most likely find the keys and get him out of here. 'Jack, stay calm, I am going to get you out of this mess.' I then had him place me on the ground and I ran towards his bag that I knew had my flashlight from earlier. Jack seemed hopeless and he just watched curiously, 'Ah-Hah!' I shouted when I found my flashlight and I waved at Jack before running down the hall I saw the guy walk towards earlier. 

*Time skip*

My walk eventually led me to this big wooden door, 'This has got to be something important.' I nodded to myself and climbed under the door. The room was a large room filled with mason jars full of dead things. It was almost like one of those old scientific rooms a creepy scientist would have. I silently walked past the many shelves full of so many different body parts and creatures. 

I passed by a desk that had several stacks of paper and a computer on it, when I used one of the cords to climb on it I viewed the monitor to see camera footage of Jack. I gulped and looked around the desk for any sign of keys, I saw a hook that was under a sign that said maintenance keys but they weren't there. 'I am most likely going to have to wait for the guy to put the keys up.' I sighed and hid behind several books, I hid in the nick of time as the door opened, I could see the guy that walked in and he wasn't the same guy from before but it seemed that they could maybe have been related.

I watched as he walked towards the desk, stopped, and then walked towards one of the shelves. I couldn't see where he went after that so I just stared at the last known location. I was staring blankly when the lights went out leaving me in darkness, I squeaked when a cold hand wrapped itself around me. The grip was tight and my arms were pinned to my body, I thought about biting the person but I went from the hand to a jar really fast. 

My breathing was heavy as I watched the guy eye me down with curiosity,  I backed myself as far away from him as I could manage. He then broke the silence, "So, what are you? and why are you in my lab?" I stared at him wide eyed and took a deep breath before speaking, 'I am a borrower, I am still unsure how I got here but I know I am trying to save my friend Jack.' He raised his eyebrow and then pointed to the monitor, "Is that him?" I looked and nodded, he smiled and grabbed the jar tilting it to let me out. 

I stood on his desk confused, and watched as he was struggling with his keys. "Do you have a name or..?" I blinked and replied, 'My name is Mark, yours?' He smiled, "My name is Matthias, I am so sorry for all of this nonsense, I am guessing my brother brought in your friend by accident and didn't know what to do with him." He shook his head and giggled, he reached for me and I flinched and he backed his hand away before sitting his palm on the desk. "I promise I am not doing anything tricky, I can understand you being shook at my size though." 

I looked at him before climbing on, sitting down so I didn't fall, he obviously was just as uncomfortable picking me up as I was being held by him. But we made it work as he carried me to Jack's cell, he placed me on the ground before unlocking the door. Jack looked utterly confused and picked me up protectively. "I am guessing your name is Jack?" He reached his hand out to shake Jack's, "My name is Matthias, I am sorry we had to meet on these terms, sometimes our transport vehicles get mixed up and we don't get a heads up." Jack weakly smiled, 'Nice to meet you..? Can I ask why I got beat up and brought here?' His voice cracking slightly.

Matthias nodded and started to unlock his ankle bonds, "Well me and my brother, as well as a few others run a rehabilitation business for criminals, we deal with the mind and do several studies. I promise our main facility is much nicer this is just here my lab is located and the temp holding cells. I was looking at your case and was about to come get you by myself when I met your.. very small friend. Can I ask why he is so small?" Jack looked at me and giggled, 'He was this small when I met him too, it is just the size of his species, they are called borrowers. They have their rules though, but Mark and I became friends.' Matthias nodded and signaled for Jack to grab his stuff and follow him. 

A/N This chapter is so long omg, I didn't know how to end it so I kept going. Will Jack and Mark be able to trust Matthias or is this just part of his scheme, will we ever know?! Why yes, you will. In the next chapter, maybe. ;P Also thank you all who read this story, I know I am not the greatest writer in the world but I try and I am happy people enjoy g/t stories. 

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