Chapter Twenty One: Final.

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Jack's POV

I headed down the street towards the nearest convenient store, I know Mark would probably be a bit nervous at first. As we haven't went out to different places that often, but I knew that it was good for us to get out every now and again. Especially to get supplies for fun stuff that he has never partaken in before. 

I enter the store and a light ding is heard, a female cashier greets me and I wave before heading to the arts and crafts section. I look up and down before finding some bargain finger paints. I then head to the candy aisle because sugar is life. I pick out some cookies and assorted candies, I was going to ask Mark if he wanted anything but a worker was in the same aisle as me. I then went and bought the items before starting the walk it takes for me to get home. I looked around me before opening the pocket to check on Mark, "You doing okay?" He nods and I smile before gently closing the pocket.  I get home and unlock the door I got into the kitchen and set the bags down on the table. I carefully take Mark out of my pocket and put him on the counter before unboxing the paints. 

I quickly go to my room and grab some copy paper, I place Mark on the table along with some paint dollops and paper. He starts painting so I do as well, "I will tell you know I am not artistic at all." He laughs, "Same." After awhile I began to run out of blue paint so I grabbed the container and squirt it. Some of it flings into Mark's hair, "What the fuck!" My eyes widen, "Oh fuck I am so sorry Mark!" I began to see tears swell up in Mark's eyes, "Jack! I can't do this anymore, I am tired of being so small that everything ends up ending horribly! I am tired of trying new things! I am done!" I stayed silent as he stormed off, I was a little hurt but I understood why he was upset. I sat up and went to the kitchen, I knew Mark probably didn't want to talk right now. I filled a cap of water and went back into my room setting it on the desk near where Mark headed. I then left the room. 

I came back to my room after several hours to see if Mark was okay. I saw Mark quickly run back behind the monitor and I calmly sat in my chair.  "I know you probably are still upset but I just wanted to tell you I care for you. I am here to listen if you want to discuss things." I put my head in my arms and just started thinking about things. After a few minutes I heard some small pitter patters on my desk. I looked up to see Mark, he looked like he had been crying but I gently scooped him up and hugged him to my chest. I could feel him hesitate but eventually lean into the hug. 

"I know things must be extremely scary at your size, but just know that as long as I am around I won't let anything happen to you okay." I lifted Mark up to my face and planted a soft kiss on his forehead. "Jack.. I.." I used my finger to shush him "I care about you and I want you to be happy, I am sorry for always causing you to get messy. I just want you to be able to have fun, now I lets get that paint out of your hair. I will make it up to you with relaxation!" 

 I placed Mark on my desk and ran to get a bowl as well as some oddities. I filled a small bowl with warm water, grabbed a washcloth, and cut a small sliver of soap for Mark. I entered the room and Mark was sitting cross-legged on my desk. "Now for starters I am going to give you a back massage and I promise I will be careful." He sighed but complied. I put the bowl down and laid the washcloth flat before sitting down. "Now sit down facing my computer." He did so and I carefully used my pointer finger and thumb to rub his shoulders and back. I did my best not to push too hard and periodically asked him if I was hurting him. 

Mark's POV

Jack's Massage actually helped relieve a lot of stress. I felt terrible for snapping at him but I just feel helpless sometimes. At this point I was laying down and he was gently rubbing my back, it's soothing. I eventually get up and he checks the water to make sure it is still warm. "The water is a bit cold do you want me to warm it up for you?" I nod and he leaves. 

He comes back and places it down once again. "I am going to let you get cleaned up, I will be in the next room so just call me when you're done." He smiles and I smile back, I stop him before he exits, "T..thank you Jack, for everything. I know you mean well and I am seriously so sorry for snapping at you like that. You're just trying to help." He walks back to me and ruffles my hair, "It's okay, I understand why you snapped. We all have our breaking points." He then leaves and I step out of my clothes and into a nice warm bath. 

Almost 20 minutes later. 

I spent most of my time soaking in the water, it just felt so warm and comforting. It reminded me of Jack's warmth and how I depend on him so much. It got me thinking how much stress I probably put on him. I mean having to look after a tiny person, buying them stuff, it is like having a roommate who is a child. I need help with everything, and I feel so bad for Jack. 

I eventually got out and dried off feeling both better and worse. Better stress wise but guilty for having to be a burden. I called for Jack and he walked in, I think my guilt was showing on my face because he hugged me to his cheek. "Whatcha thinkin' about?" I sighed. "I am thinking about how much of a burden I am to you." He gasped, "You are not a burden! I love having you around." I giggled nervously, "Are you sure about that? You have to carry me everywhere, keep an eye out for me, and even buy me clothes. I feel like a kid again." He laughed, "Mark. That stuff doesn't matter to me. You're my friend and my roommate I love having around because it beats being severely lonely." I smile, "Thank you Jack."  We then went to bed, however this time I felt closer to Jack. I entrusted my life in his hands everyday, yet after our talk I felt even safer. I fell asleep over his heart and he put his hand over me. I feel safe and I am glad I gave him a chance. 

'Thank you Jack.'

The End

A/N Hello readers! This is the final chapter, I know this may be disappointing to some, however, I feel that this is a good end. I hope you take the time to check out my other stories and follow along! I appreciate every single one of you, and I am glad you took time out of your day to read this. 

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