Chapter Two: Strange Occurrences

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Jack's POV

I had been living in my new places for several months now, other than me being lazy and not un-boxing the few boxes everything was good in my new home. That was until a few weeks ago when I started noticing a few things being moved or rather going up missing all together. What was the strangest is that I thought I saw something moving on my shelf via camera footage. However, because of its size I thought it may have been just a mouse or something. So I decided it was a good idea to place down some traps. I originally placed down regular traps, but after I saw that no bait was touched I switched to sticky traps.

Mark's POV

It was apparent that the human who I now knew was named Jack noticed something was living in his walls. Mainly because of all the silly mousetraps he laid around, usually it was just the standard traps that swing down on you. But while I was scavenging one night it seemed he decided to go a different route.

"Okay, things I need: Tissue paper, paper clip, rope, food, and some water." I keep repeated that quietly to myself so I wouldn't forget. I rounded a corner and the materials under my feet shifted, the next thing I knew was I couldn't take another step. When I looked down I was stuck on a sticky trap. "OH FUCK!" I soon realized after my saying that, that I should be quieter, however, I immediately started panicking once I heard the bed in the other room squeak as the weight on it shifted. 

Thankfully I was able to escape as I was wearing cloth socks, the only bad thing was I had to leave them behind. "Oh god, I hope he just ignores that trap." I sighed realizing I may have to move again. I was just glad I wasn't caught.

Jack's POV

 I woke up to a what sounded like quiet yelling from my kitchen, I decided to check it out, but once I got there I saw there was nothing. The only thing different was there was these small sock like pieces of fabric stuck to the sticky trap. I immediately went to my computer and started searching 'tiny people' 'small humans in my house' etc, on google. I figured I should probably get rid of the traps since I wasn't dealing with mice. I ended up falling asleep on my computer for the rest of the night.

Mark's POV

It had been a few days since I almost got caught, he either knew and didn't want me to know or he didn't suspect anything, I was hoping it was the latter. I did my usual routine in my home and then waited for his loud intro that he did on that device I believe humans called a computer. After I got what I needed for the day I used my paper clip rope hybrid grappling hook to make my way to the shelf behind his desk. 

Once I got to the edge of the shelf I tossed my grappling hook into the next layer of shelf. I tugged to make sure it was sturdy and made my way up, I did this several other times before I made my way to the second highest piece of his shelf. Giving myself a view and an advantage in height so he couldn't just easily grab me if he some how spotted me. 

He was really involved in his game to the point of yelling several times every time he lost. It was interesting to watch but I eventually needed to head back to my home. So I stood up and carefully watched him while I stretched. It wasn't until I turned around to grab my bag did I hear both his feet hit the floor and his chair squeak, as well as a quiet "fuck." It was obvious he was trying to be quiet, but he failed at it. 

When I turned back around to look he was gone from his chair and I gave it no chances as I started to run. A pale hand stretched towards me at one point but gave up as he probably couldn't reach any higher. I was able to make it back home through a pathway in the walls. I decided that I would stay tucked away in my home for a few days since that was a pretty close call. 

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