Misplaced (Jack and Mark) (Contest Entry)

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A/N This is a little contest entry thing for arc852's contest. I don't have a tumblr account so hopefully this gets to them in time 😅 It'll be on Archive too.

As for the requests on hold, don't worry dudes! I'm working on them as you read this, I just wanted to get this out before I'm too late

Enjoy! This takes place in the ReverseTiny!verse of Tiny!Mark and Giant!Jack. I might do a second part if you guys really want it, but I'll leave that up to you 😉 

Mark could swear he had the worst luck a borrower could possibly ever have.

After all this time he had tried to stay away from Jack to not have so many close encounters, but never before was an encounter as close or nightmare-inducing as this. It started in the late afternoon; Mark was getting ready for his borrowing session in the safety of the walls. As much as he hated to venture out into the open, he needed to go out there and get some salt. As he packed his few necessary supplies, Mark paused and listened for Jack's footsteps.

Good, he's in his room. His borrowing time took place after Jack ate dinner, so Mark could slip in and out of the kitchen with a better chance of Jack not walking in on him. His chest gave a little squeeze at the very thought of getting close to Jack again. Too many times for comfort the human had come so close to discovering Mark, a borrower hiding in the walls of his home. If he was caught, then Mark would have no idea what would happen then. Maybe Jack would sell him? Maybe the human would keep him as a pet, put him in a jar and ogle him like something in a museum. But no matter what, Mark knew that if he was Seen, if he was found... then that would be the end of Mark Fischbach. Doneso.

Mark shook his head out of his thoughts and grabbed his bag. I need to stop dreading, he scolded himself. If you keep thinking on it then it'll happen, just relax and get what you need... He instructed his body through the familiar routine and walked through the tunnel that led to the kitchen. He looked out, first only peeking his head out in the open. Then once the coast was clear he emerged. Every muscle in his body was tense and trained to run if something happened, and so Mark hoped this time things would go a little better.

He ran across the counter and headed for the cabinet he needed to get to. It hovered high over his head suspended over even the tallest of humans, but Mark knew that despite his size he could make it. It's gonna be a pain in the ass getting up there, but I can manage. He unwound his hook and swung it, aimed, and threw it. Luckily for him, the hook snagged the door handle first try. Pleased, Mark tested the string, then pulled the door open a little with all his might, and then he began to climb. He deftly made his way up his rope and crawled into the cabinet. Once he caught his breath, he got up and looked around at the assorted shelves.

All right, let's see... Mark  wandered down the row. He finally got more rosemary, some celery salt too... but all I need is regular salt. He frowned and looked up at the other shelves.

"Did he move it?" He murmured. Mark scratched the back of his head and climbed up the rough wooden wall, traversing onto the next shelf. Bingo! He ran to the salt and worked the lid off. Opening his bag he scooped a couple handfuls of the white mineral until the sack was full. When the borrower was done, he put the lid back on and made his way back to the bottom.

Ok. He sighed and started climbing down the string. I gotta hurry and get back home. But about halfway down, the borrower's sharp ears picked up approaching footsteps. Mark blanched. Oh no. No oh shit this is not good! Mark slid down and tried to hurry, but the friction of the string made his hands burn. Losing his grip, he fell the last few inches and collapsed on the countertop with a solid thump. Ow. Mark groaned and tried to sit up, but his breath had left his body. He couldn't move, stunned, and all he could do was lay there limp and out in plain view as Jack walked into the kitchen humming.

Play dead! Mark quickly closed his eyes and prayed his idiotic plan would work. It's stupid, but I can't move, maybe he won't notice me...

Jack hummed happily as he reached for the coffee maker and turned to the sink. As he filled the container, he noticed a speck of color that stood out against the white tiled counter. When he looked, his eyes widened, and he turned the faucet off.

Whoa! He set the container down and walked over to investigate. It looked like a tiny person, only it was lifeless. Of course it is you idiot, Jack scolded himself before his childlike wonder kicked in.

"Aww!" He exclaimed. He picked it up and held it up at eye level. "Aww yer so cute!" He fanboyed. "You're like a tiny little fella, d'aww." He put it in his hand and poked at it curiously. "It looks so realistic..." he mused out loud. Jack glanced around. Where did it come from though? But then Jack remembered his coffee, and he shrugged it off. "Oh well," he sighed. "I'll put ya in my pocket little action figure." He opened his pocket and slipped the small thing inside, and he closed the flap and pat his chest. "There we go, safe and sound."

Now content Jack carried along humming as he brewed some coffee and headed back to his room.

This wasn't good. This was the opposite of good! Mark had played dead so Jack wouldn't find him, and now he was trapped in the giant human's pocket! This wasn't what was suppose to happen!

I must have the worst possible luck ever, Mark thought grumpily. Inside the pocket it was confined and really warm, warmer than Mark had ever felt in fact. Due to the shape of the pocket Mark had been forced to curl up at the bottom, and so he was now stuck, in the hands of a human- or, rather, pocket- and worst of all he couldn't even move. Mark wondered if he was small enough to climb out without getting noticed, but in the end he was too scared to even scratch his nose.

He clenched his eyes shut tightly as Jack's stride swung him in a steady rocking motion that made the borrower think of the ocean. No, don't think about that! Mark frowned, anxious. You're just fine, you're on land! Actually, none of that is true, you're suspended five feet in the air and less than an inch away from Jack... damnit. When Jack finally sat down and continued working, Mark slowly relaxed and went limp. But now he had to figure a way out of the pocket, and without letting Jack know.

He thought I was a toy. Amusement flashed in his heart at the same time as he got annoyed. Seriously? I mean I'm glad he didn't realize I was alive or throw me out, but come on, how old is this guy? Mark knew he shouldn't be so quick to judge. Jack didn't know any better; he didn't know that borrowers existed or Mark lived in his walls. It was his natural reaction to assume the borrower was a toy and take it.

Mark sighed and closed his eyes, listening to the rhythmic booming of the human's giant heart. I suppose I could just wait until he goes to sleep. The idea of being so close to a human for so long made Mark's skin crawl despite the loneliness he had felt many times living under the human's roof, but what choice did he have?

It was either that or Jack would find out just how realistic Mark really was. 

Mark could have sworn he closed his eyes for only a second, but when he opened them he was in a completely different place. The overwhelming heat of Jack's body was gone, and in its place was solid black wood. Where am I? Groggy, Mark sat up and yawned. Looking around he noticed immediately that he was very high up, and he blanched. Oh shit... he recognized the room. In Jack's room there was a black shelf full of action figures and other sorts of things like that.

Oh goodie. Mark looked down and saw Jack conked out at his desk, his hair looked like a wild unkempt knoll, and he was snoring. Well, I got my wish. He's asleep, and I'm out of his pocket... Mark looked around.

But how the fuck am I gonna get down from here?

With a sigh Mark walked across the shelf and weaved past the assorted action figures to head to the shelf wall. Jack was right below him now, which made Mark very nervous as he started climbing down. He glanced at the human every time he had to look for the next nick or groove in the wood, hoping that he would stay asleep.

Come on, come on, go faster... His heart was hammering in his chest as he climbed down past the middle shelf. His arms were starting to shake, and Mark's hands were hurting. He regretted sliding down that string so fast. The burns would limit him for a couple of days until he could rest. I'll have to try wrapping them with cloth next time, Mark thought. If there's a next time. He looked down at Jack again. He was a foot above the human, but Mark could hear him breathing. Quiet snores told the borrower he was still sleeping, which was good for Mark's comfort. But he knew he didn't have much longer. The birds were already starting to chirp and sing outside, and it was getting brighter with every minute that passed.

Mark started climbing again before his arm suddenly gave out at him, and he gasped as his legs lost their sturdy disposition. He dangled with his last hand gripping on to a groove for dear life, but Mark knew he was about to fall; He had asked too much of his body for this crazy day. Quickly Mark scanned his environment, wondering where he could safely fall. The floor stretched out vast and far below him, and a no-go. The desk was solid wood, he'd break a few bones there too- if he was lucky.

The only thing below him was Jack's wild mop of hair; soft and a good landing pad to break the fall, but reckless and insane. Mark looked around for something else, but time was running out. His body was vibrating with effort to hold on as precious seconds ticked by. I gotta do it then. Mark groaned inwardly and let go.

For a few seconds all sounds except the rush of wind left Mark's ears, and then he landed on something soft and fluffy, and his senses came flooding back. Mark grunted as his breath was shoved out of his body again, and he lay there for a few seconds until his lungs worked again. He moaned and slowly sat up.

"Ow," he softly muttered. I never want to do that again, ever. His muscles were shaky when he tried to stand, and Mark had to lay back down to let his body recover. At least I had a soft landing, he thought drowsily. He closed his eyes and relaxed for a few seconds, letting the warmth emanating from his cushioning soothe him as the repetitive rush of wind calmed his thoughts-

Mark's eyes flew open when he remembered where he was- on top of a sleeping human's head. What am I doing? I'll get caught! Mark was about to leap to his feet and jump onto the desk when the surface under him suddenly emitted a sleepy groan and started to move. Mark flinched and wiggled under tufts of hair as Jack began to wake up, and once again the borrower cursed at his bad luck.

Jack opened his eyes and yawned. Oops. He sat up and saw he had fallen asleep at his desk. I could have sworn I only closed my eyes for a few seconds... Jack rubbed his eyes and wiggled the mouse. His screen woke up and displayed his work. Jack groaned and got out of his seat. First thing's first, coffee.

He pushed his bangs out of his eyes as he walked into the kitchen, feeling and looking like a zombie. He craved caffeine instead of brains though. He reached for the container and filled it with water, and then he inserted it in the coffee maker and got it set up to brew his coffee. Jack leaned on the counter and ran his hand over his head again. Jesus my hair is so messy. He smiled to himself and tried to fix a few of the stubborn locks of hair that stood out like prickly cacti.

Mark felt his heart thrash in his breast as cold icy fear overtook him. Every time one of Jack's hands swooped close to his hiding place, he felt like his heart was going to stop. He pressed down a little more as another giant hand brushed over the hair covering Mark, but to his relief none of the fingertips made it to him. If anything they covered more hair over Mark, which was relieving but also worrying.

How am I gonna get out of here? Mark wondered desperately. I need to go home. I'm hungry.

Jack messed with his hair until he decided it was as neat as it could ever get, so he settled for drumming his fingers on the countertop and humming again. He wasn't really hungry, so having to sit and wait for his coffee to brew took longer than he wanted.

Mark couldn't help but fidget a little. He hated sitting still, but he hated being so close to the human too. It wasn't that he had anything personal against Jack, but humans were just so powerful and loud, and they didn't really care about things smaller than them. Jack seemed like a nice guy, but he still scared Mark. A small guy like him could be crushed.

Jack was about to mess with his hair again when the coffee machine finally finished and beeped. He sighed in relief and poured it in his mug, and he took a sip before jolting.

"Ow!" He muttered. "It's hot!" Jack laughed at himself and carried his coffee back to his room. Duh Jack, you idiot.

Mark couldn't help but smile a little as he held back a laugh. Despite his predicament it was somehow funny to him to see the human pull such a stupid and obvious thing. You big goober, he thought, amused. Even I know coffee is hot. Mark had never had coffee before, being a borrower, but he had been around humans long enough to know a few things about their everyday things.

Yet Jack was still the strangest. Out of all the humans Mark had seen, which wasn't a big list but still, he had never seen or heard of a human with green hair before. And yet here he was in Jack's grassy and fluffy hair, hiding and waiting for a chance to get out and slip away.

If only the opportunity would present itself sooner...

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