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Here we go again XD

I'm sorry I didn't see that sooner Iwriteokstories, but it didn't show me there was a new part until now, so here I am with another cringe fest instead of getting needed sleep lol

1. I am pigeon toed; I've always had my feet turned inward instead of outward when standing, walking or even sprinting. (Although when I was born I was bow-legged as hecc)

2. Chicken. That is not even up for debate XD I'm such a chicken lover that I love McDonalds even for their chicken nuggets— sue me (plz don't lol)

3. Oh, man...  If I'm gonna be honest, either Spore, Tomb Raider, Sonic the Hedgehog or Minecraft YouTubers. (Yes, I am a 2012/2013 OG Boomer, fite me). However, I was a common viewer but never really got into the other fandoms community-wise, so I guess the Minecraft YTers then even though I never got to play with anybody... But that's what my old account was around, fanfiction and fanart and everything-- it was cringey, but that means I've grown and evolved ^^||

4. Mo-Foxx45 and Noshanet <3

5. Way to out me XD (I had taken a screenshot of it earlier, so ignore me being lazy)

It sure is scarier than I expected, blown up on desktop lmao ._ .

6. Well, if we're not talking platonic ships, then Amyplier (and if we're talking not YouTube, then West-Allen from The Flash, I guess?) I'm boring in this department, being being an ace is hard sorry lol 🤷


8. Kenophobia, Bathobphobia, Hemophobia, Trypanophobia, Thalassophobia and Glossophobia.

9. [REDACTED] :)

10. At the moment, it's either The Phantom by Nathan Sharp, or Mark's latest I Don't Wanna Be Free (may or may not have listened to that on loop the first week or so after AHWM >^>)

11. Oh damn, here we go again XD 

Well, as some of you know I used to have an old and cringey account under a different name that I'm not saying, and I just... I dunno, I realized that I was growing up and my interests were changing. Because I've actually been on Wattpad since 2014, which is a looooong time to say the least. But on the old account, I more or less wrote G/T stuff with a different set of YouTubers, but over time I had shifted from a group of guys just wanting to mess around before the Algorithm was so bad, and 2016 was... Oof... 2016 was so rough for me. The stress of high school was kicking in, I felt so isolated and restless despite my best friend whom I have been roleplaying with for five years and counting, and my grandfather had just passed away. And so out of my desperation I was browsing for G/T, when I came across HiddenDreamer67/hiddendreamerfox 's Jack and the Beanstalk. Needless to say, I ate it up ravenously, and my poor BF had to endure the sudden wave of inspiration I got during the rp— although granted this was in the spring, after my next words:— and it was when my grandfather passed away that I found myself watching Jacksepticeye. 

See, over the summer, before the fateful day, I had found his Subnautica videos, and I remember he was on the alien GUN island when that intro admittedly scared me off, but I came back because I had nothing better to do, and pressed play. I found him a little vulgar but amusing, so I kept watching... And watching... And watching. And so it was him and the very end of 2016/beginning of 2017 Mark that consoled me with my first experience of death. While I was used to pets and the Circle of Life... Losing my first grandparent hit me hard. But I found myself attracted to that creative spark of "I'm going to do this thing because it's fun for me and the viewers" and I loved that despite their shits and giggles at the end of the day nothing mattered to them more than our happiness as viewers... And they gave me a reason to smile again.

And oh boy, did I come in at the perfect time. I found Layers of Fear, which was posted just a month before I was watching it, and man did I get a thrill discovering Antisepticeye and his sneaky little glitches. Even today, any little red herring gives me such euphoria, and then ADWM came around and... Hot damn, did I get quite an introduction to Anti and Darkiplier. I was familiar with alter egos from before... But the YouTubers acknowledging and even using them as creative characters? My respect was won quickly. I knew these two at the very least held profound values and really cared about what they did.

We won't talk about how I then found out they knew each other before grimacing at the Septiplier apocalypse that I thankfully had missed XD

And so it was when I was reading HillytheSlime 's The Giant, some good old Markiplier GT, that I decided, "Y'know what, I should make a separate account to keep tabs on this stuff. There's so little GT these days, but at least I can organize it all so I know what I've already read." And maybe even give others a collection of GT to check out... Maybe even write my own stuff...! And so, I made this pathetic little account, with no other idea except to make platonic stuff, and I was like, "Wwelll.... I don't want people to think I ship Septiplier... I want them to know what two people I write about and care for the most, but platonically... 💡"

And there you have it. And it didn't take long to come up with the courage to start writing random shit on here for the hell of it— and the subplot didn't take long at all either ;3— and then out of nowhere now are 200+ people? Why? XD

12. The Septic Egos. It's incredibly hard to choose between them— let alone how much I love the Host, Dark, and Eric Derekson— but I would say Marvin. Not because he's the most ambiguous and malleable character, but because I find his general character fascinating. Yes, he has a lot of potential, but I love anything to do with fantasy and magic whether real or not, and his character so far sounds so appealing to me. It's like the whole Yancy stans thing going on, we only got a peek at who Yancy is, but it's all we needed to fall in love with him XD. I can't wait to see what Jack does with Marvin though 🥰

 After that, it's either Schneep or Chase— Chase is a soft No. One Sad Dad TM, and Schneep's accent is fun to write out as well as how multidimensional they are (aka doc's a loveable prick and Chase is our soff depressed father/son lol). 

And then before those two, however, it's Anti; and Imma be honest, I non-canonically love "Soft Anti." Bear with me, though: I'm perfectly happy with Anti being purely goosebump-giving on camera, but in roleplaying I've found that I have a soft spot for my version of Soft Anti: meaning not that he wears flower crowns and frolics around with rose petals like "la dee da dee da~". No, I'm talking about Redeemable Anti. The kind of Anti that was neglected by the world, and so he failed to see any reason to give the world a chance. The kind that doesn't know how to interact with people and just lashes out to satisfy his needs, the kind that doesn't understand taboos and do-this or do-that stuff. So don't diss me for liking Anti as a secretly sensitive green bean, alright? It's non-canon fun (but if you guys really want, then just let me know if you want zero Redeem!Anti for the subplot, I will take it into considering. But I will not accept and will delete any hate or dissing on those who have a different opinion than you <3 I say this because it's a huge controversy on Tumblr, so let's keep that poisonous platform away from here, okay?)

After that though, it's the Host and then Darkimoo/Damien (I still believe in the "He loved the viewer" theory). I dig the Phantom too uwu.

And then if we're talking not YouTube related, then Shiro or Keith from Voltron, I guess XD (apparently tho I have a thing for soft dads in GT lol)

13. Aight

*cracks knuckles*

Here we go XD

(these are in random order btw, I am v tired lol)
























































I wrote this before the crack of dawn, somebody smack me XD

And if you weren't mentioned above (as I am aware many, were), don't feel left out! I just wanted to name extra people above the 20 requested because I know a lot of users have left or are no longer active, but if you wanna join in then feel free to! <3

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm late for lunch and tickling the old ivories~

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