Time For Revenge 🎃 (Jack and Mark) (Halloween special) (Part One)

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With Wednesday came a cold front that Mark hadn't expected. Sure, the weatherman had forecasted a drop in temperature, but the young astronaut didn't anticipate just how accurate it would be. He reminded himself with a mental note that- if their two species could ever someday live in harmony and share their knowledge- he would have to find a way to ask a meteorologist how they could get their forecasts done accurately. In one of his classes, his teacher had shown him just how inaccurate weather forecasting could be, back when they actually had weather. But for now, Mark could ask his friend and host; which he was on his way to do now, until he remembered what today was.

"Jack, Jack!" His halt in the middle of the hallway and his exclamation called over a pair of footsteps. Within seconds, Jack walked out and looked around for Mark.

"Mark? What is it? What's-what's wrong?" Mark bounced up and down to catch Jack's attention.

"It's Halloween!" He cried. Clarity came over the giant's expression.

"Oh!" He remembered now. Last year he had pulled quite the stunt on poor Mark, using their highly developed technology to spoop the human. Mark seemed to be recalling the prank as well, because Jack noticed a suspicious look jump over his countenance. "Don't worry," he laughed before Mark could say anything, "This year it'll be treat instead of trick." Mark relaxed a little.

"Okay. But I'm watching you, mister." Jack chuckled, and then he noticed how frigid the air was.

"What are ya doing going about without a coat?" Mark shrugged.

"Well, I was gonna come here to ask about meteorology, but..." Jack crouched and offered his hand. The astronaut climbed on, starting to shiver a little, but Jack gently used both hands to rub warmth back into the little guy.

"Guess we're gonna hafta make yer nest again, huh?" Mark couldn't deny that the "nest of blankets" sounded quite appealing.

"Agreed." The giant cupped Mark to his chest as he walked off to find his other stubborn guest. "Felix? You awake yet?" He rapped his fist on the door. From inside the spare bedroom, a sleepy voice requested to be left alone... with cursing, of course. Jack grinned and knocked on the door again. "Come on buddy, it's already almost noon, the hell are ya doing still sleeping?" There was a few seconds of silence, other than a shuffle of footsteps, and then Felix finally opened the door. He had quite the bedhead, and the odd fluffing made Mark giggle muffledly into his hand.

"What?" Felix asked sleepily.

"Have ye got any spare blankets? Mark needs some."

"Lemme check." Felix wandered back into his den with a yawn, and he soon came back with a bundle of blankets. "Here."

"Thanks Felix! Oh, Mark, you wanna stay with Felix while I go get this set up?"

"Sure," Mark responded. The two giants traded, with Jack under the overloaded ball of blankets and Felix now with a human perched on his shoulder. As Jack hurried off to set up Mark's warmer bed, Felix rubbed his eyes and yawned again as he followed partway and turned in to the kitchen.

"Eat lunch yet?"

"Jack was thinking about going out and grabbing some pizza." Felix let out a grunt, which Mark guessed was discontent. "Only weirdos put pineapple on pizza!" he agreed.

"I heard that!" Jack yelled from the other room.

"Good!" They both laughed as Jack yelled back jovially, "Well screw you, more for me!" Felix shook with a bellow of laughter, slapping the counter. Mark giggled as well as he made sure not to fall.

"So, how about something that doesn't include fruit on pizza?" The giant asked when he'd recovered.

"Sure!" With Mark pitching in, Felix was set to conjure up something for them all to eat as Jack finished and walked in.

"Ye wanna tell me if it's warm enough now, Mark?"

"Oh, it's ready?"

"Yeah! And it's nice and soft too."

"That's good to hear." Jack brought his hands around Mark and scooped him off his parroting shoulder. Felix glanced over to make sure the energetic giant didn't drop him, and then he returned his attention back to the sizzling food as Jack carried Mark off to his room. Mark's eyes rounded when he saw that the end table had been overtaken; the lamp and other essentials had been moved temporarily- at least, Mark hoped so- to the floor, making room for a mound of blankets with a a shallow dip in the center.

"Wow. You really outdid yourself this time," Mark observed with a grateful smile.

"Gee, yer welcome. No thanks fer anything!" Jack chuckled and put his hands out flat beside the new and improved bed. "Go ahead, try it out." Mark leaned forward and looked for a good place to start. He resorted to the right side of Jack's hands and climbed off, immediately sinking a few inches in to the cloths. Mark waved his arms a bit before he had his balance, and then he slowly made his trek up the mountain of fluff. Jack hovered behind, ready to extend a hand in case Mark fell, but the engineer made it to the top in no time.

"Oh!" Mark sat on the rim of the shallow crater and rubbed his hands through the soft textures. "It's even better than last time," he remarked.

"Well, I bought that blanket when I found it on sale after the cold weather was done, so it better be better," the giant chuckled. Mark giggled.

"Okay, no need to plead before the judge." He carefully lowered his way into the snug, and as soon as the blanket cradled his fragile body from all sides he sighed and visibly relaxed. "Oh yeah..." Jack smiled as Mark closed his eyes and nestled in a little deeper. "I could get used to this," Mark murmured.

"Good." Jack dropped onto his knees and put his crossing arms on the edge of the table. "Ye warm enough?"

"Oh yeah... I didn't even realize... how cold I was..." Jack smiled and reached in to tenderly ruffle the small man's raven hair.

"That's good. I mean, you'll probably never leave now, but..." Mark chuckled and nuzzled Jack's finger.

"Never," he echoed innocently. Before Jack could explode from cuteness, Felix rapped his fist on the door frame and poked his head through the door frame.

"Lunch is ready."

"Oh, good!" Mark sat up and yawned. "Come on sleepyhead," Jack chuckled, offering his hand again, "Let's eat!"

Needless to say, for Mark's own safety and independence he had his own seat at the table. Though a small plate was still way too big, it gave Mark enough space to avoid situations like the Great Pancake Syrup Incident, and enough space to himself to contentedly enjoy his meal. The grilled chicken smelled delicious, and he scarfed down an impressive amount as Felix and Jack talked between rabid bites.

"I heard they're finally gonna put up that signal tower to try and scan beyond the atmosphere," Felix mumbled eagerly.

"Really? They're finally gonna try it?"

"Yeah. Apparently when a giant space ship crashes in your backyard, you have a tendency to want to explore beyond your world." Jack chuckled.

"True, yeah. But what do they think they'll find out there? Hopefully not humans, we already saw how badly that went."

"I don't know, they didn't really say." Felix paused to politely swallow his mouthful before continuing. "But hell, if I had to guess they just want to see if there's life out there somewhere. Maybe even find out where the Aurora came from." Mark kept eating, pretending not to listen, but he snuck a glance at Jack to see his reaction. The green-haired giant frowned.

"Well I hope they don't find out. Who knows what'll happen if they find those little duders. I mean we don't even know how far away they are, or how far he had to go to even get here." Mark decided that he needed to step in now and shyly cleared his throat, capturing their attention. "Oh, sorry Mark," Jack quickly apologized, "But I'm just worried what might happen if our kind found your kind."

"I get it." Mark smiled to show no harm had been done. "I'm worried too. I mean, I know you guys wouldn't hurt anybody, but before you found me, I... well..." Mark fidgeted. "I'd have nightmares," he confessed, "And most of it was the virus, but all dreams come from somewhere. I was afraid, afraid of what might happen if one of you found me. There were a lot more negatives than positives..." Jack tilted his head sympathetically.

"I'm sorry." Mark shook his head.

"You don't need to apologize for anything." He grinned shyly. "I'm just glad it all worked out." Jack smiled back, and then he got up.

"Well, for better or worse, yer stuck with us, so enjoy." Mark chuckled as Jack took his plate to wash the dishes. The engineer then looked over at Felix, and with a sneaky glance over his shoulder he loped over to the blonde giant's side of the table.

"Psst! Felix," he whisper-shouted. Felix gave him a confused look. Mark gestured the giant closer, and Felix leaned over to hear what Mark had to say. "How do you feel helping me spook Jack this year?" He asked mischievously. Felix blinked, and then a smirk grew over his lips.

"That time of the year already? What was it again? Hayloween?"

"Halloween," Mark politely corrected, "And I think I should give Jack a little thank you for last year, but I'm gonna need your help. Interested?" Felix glanced mischievously at the ignorant Jack who was humming as he moved the loud dishes around.

"Sold. What do you need?"

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