Eric's doubts

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Tw: Clone hating, controlling behaviour, manipulation, loneliness

Please, do not hate on Saria for her choices. She has had years of manipulation inflicted upon her. 

Feel free to hate Eric tho.

Saria charged into their house, hurrying as fast as she could. If Eric had called her home from work, it must've been an emergency.

"Eric!" Saida signed as she saw him lying on the couch. "What's wrong?"

"Saria, datapad," Eric reminded her.

Saida angrily pursed her lips, but she grabbed her datapad and wrote down her question.

"Oh yeah," Eric laughed. "I got you home from work because I heard a rumour there were clones at the space port you were going to. I wanted to give you an excuse to come home."

Saria was shocked. Did he really just insult her best friend like that?

Well, he didn't know they were friends, but even so, how dare he be so rude?

Saris typed something out and handed him her datapad.

"You're working with those clones?" Eric looked up at her in disgust. "And they're your friends?"

Saria nodded.

Eric wrinkled his nose. "I don't like you being friends with them. I think you should cut contact with them."

"This is my job! This is how I bring in money, and they're nice people! They accept me for who I am! I like them!" Saria signed, then typed it out for Eric to read.

"Babe, I'm just protecting you," Eric hugged her. "I think you should quit your job. This is dangerous getting involved with clones. They're soldiers! Think about their purpose! They're designed to kill!"

"That's... not true," Saria frowned, typing it out as well.

"Is it?" Eric put his chin on her head. "At least think about it babe."

Saria nodded and went to the 'fresher, where she sat on the floor and thought everything over.

Was what he said true?

Was it actually dangerous to continue with her job?

Saria buried her face in her hands and sighed. 

Maybe she should follow Eric's advice.

Saria turned her datapad on and read through her messages with Tech. He didn't seem malicious. He seemed sweet and kind.

"Babe?" Eric knocked on the door. "I'm going out now. I really care about you, and I merely want the best for you alright? I think it would be best if you quit, just to be safe. Think over the decision okay?"

She heard his footsteps go away.

Saria typed out a new message.

To: Tech

Hello. I have a question, and I hope I'm not bothering or offending you. What are clones designed for?

Saria got a notification nearly immediately. She read his message with her stomach churning.

From: Tech

Hello Saria! I do not take offence to your curiosity, as details on clones are hard to come by, and I'm sure you've heard many rumours. I assume you're asking about military clones, and that is what I'll be explaining. We are designed to be the perfect soldier, loyal, strong, and we take less time to develop. I hope that answered any questions you had. If not, feel free to ask again!

Saria let out a heavy breath. That didn't answer her question, but she didn't want to bother him. 

Before she knew it, she was sending a new message.

To: Tech

Yes thank you! That helped a lot. I was curious about it. There's something else I need to a discuss with you. Unfortunately, something has come up and I am forced to quit my job. I loved working with you, and I wish you the best. Tell your brothers I said goodbye. Thank you for your cheery attitude as we worked, and for helping me with my anxiety today. 

Saria rested her head against the datapad, instantly regretting her decision. She couldn't back out now though. She had made her choice.

From: Tech

I was not expecting that. I hope whatever has happened turns out alright. I will tell my brothers you said goodbye. And as to the anxiety attack, it was the least I could do. Goodbye Saria, I enjoyed our conversations.

Saria felt a heaviness in her chest that she hadn't expected. She knew that he had turned into her best friend, but the loss of the friendship hurt more than she has expected.

But everything would be okay.

She'd find another best friend.

She'd have to find a friend that Eric didn't hate first.

Every time she had a friend, he found something wrong with them and she had to get rid of them. She was kind of lonely as a result of that.

She had Eric though, and he was enough for her.

But why did it feel like the loneliness was suffocating her?

Saria pushed it to the back of her mind and set out to her task of officially quitting her job. She messaged her boss and resigned, then started searching for new jobs. There was an opening at a bar nearby.

It wasn't exactly her cup of tea, but she needed to pay rent. 

She sent in her application and went to the kitchen. She made dinner and set it out for Eric's return, before checking her messages.

She got the job.

She'd be working at a bar in the sketchy part of town, at least until another architect job came up. Eric would be proud of her for making the tough decision.

She wondered how her new job would go.

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