oc dump I guess-

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//Steven Universe OCS//

Name: // Blossom Step

Age: // ???

Gender: // female

Looks: //

Gem Purpose: // Bloom Gems(which is what Blossom Step is) are ment to create organic life on homeworld. They are formed by different types of plants, after being formed, the gem would receive a name similar to the plant they came from.

Like(s): // Jasper- // water // quiet places // being with Jasper

Dislike(s): // White Dimond // loud noises // fire

Crush: // Jasper

//Next oc-

Name: // Blue Bolt

Age: // ???

Gender: // Female

Looks: //

Gem Type: // Deformed Sapphire: Blue Bolt the first Sapphire to have been made with two eyes. The diamonds thinking it would give her more powers or stronger abilities, but it unfortunately did not. They planned on rejuvenating her, but Pink brought her to earth instead.

Like(s): // Roller skating // amethyst // racing // doughnuts

Dislike(s): // The diamonds(except pink) // dogs // hot areas

Crush: // Amethyst

//Casino Cups OC-

Name: // Hazel

Age: // 21

Gender: // Female

Looks: //

Backstory I guess-: // Hazel was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 6. Having had gone through depression shortly afterwards during school as all of the children made fun of her for being bald. Hazel eventually got better and got a job at the casino.

Like(s): // Cake // hot cocoa // candy // coffee // balloons // birds

Dislike(s): // Heights // taking off her hat // gambling

Crush: // Pachinko

//Undertale OCS-(siblings)


Name(s): // Hades & Zeus

Ages: // Both are 12

Genders: // male

Looks: //

Species: // The "Monkey twins" are both skeletons but with Monkey tails. The reason why these two have monkey tails is because there father is a monkey monster, as their mother is a skeleton.

<Hades>Like(s): // Pulling pranks on his siblings // annoying Zeus // playing with fire // swinging // climbing // apples

<Hades>Dislike(s): // Taking baths // his siblings getting hurt // bananas

<Zeus>Like(s): // reading // hanging from trees // doing pranks with his brother // knitting // bananas

<Zeus>Dislike(s): // Hades bothering him // apples // getting yelled at

//Next Sibling- middle child-

Name: // Echo

Age: // 15

Gender: // Female

Looks: //

Backstory: // Echo spent most of her life with her father after he had divorced her mother. Her father knew a way to the human world and took Echo there one day. At some point, the two were spotted. Echo's father was shot and killed and she was shot through the right side of her skull. Escaping back to the underground in tears after the incident.

Like(s): // Reading // being left alone // hanging out with Crow // going to Grillby's // crying // watching cat videos // cats

Dislike(s): // Humans // guns // loud noises // bright things

//Second oldest-

Name: // Mochie

Age: // 17

Gender: // male

Looks: //

Backstory: // Whenever Mochie was born, he received alot of attention from his older brother and mother, which he DIDN'T enjoy. The skeleton had always hated being the center of attention and no one really knows why.

Like(s): // Watching TV // messing with Crow and Echo // playing with the twins // Grillby

Dislike(s): // being touched // getting stared at or looked at // crowds // small rooms

//Oldest sibling-

Name: // Crow

Age: // 22

Gender: // Male

Looks: //

Backstory: // he doesn't really have one cause I haven't come up with anything-  :p

Like(s): // Sleeping // flowers // popcorn // cookies // heights

Dislike(s): // His siblings being sad // his temper // his father

Extra thingy-: // Crow also has tentacles that cab turn into whatever he desires-


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