My Monsters Inc Au - The Monster Orphans Part 1

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(after being separated  from sulley and mike, Frisk and Caleb fell into a straight town)

Frisk :  Caleb! Are you okay?

Caleb : thanks to your shield. *groans* My bones are only a little broken.

frisk*chuckles* My bones too. *holds out his hand*Caleb*grabs frisk's hand and gets up*

Caleb : Dude, those Guys with the mask were furious out there!

Frisk : They're the cda's they've been after the huamns if they came here., and now they're after that little girl! Come on, we gotta move.

(Frisk and Caleb get out from the broken car and begin running into the dark and desolate town of monsteples)

Caleb : How are we supposed to get off this road? Do you even know where you're going?

frisk : No, this is my first time here too.

Caleb : Oh, this is so messed up. What are we gonna eat?

Frisk : There's tons of food if you like rocks for dinner.

*hears a strange noise*

Caleb : Salt is a rock, right? Maybe we could season some dirt and make a meal.

Frisk : Wait! (Frisk cups his ears to listen out for the noise again, when caleb's stomach starts grumbling.)

Caleb : Ughhh, sorry.

(Just then, a shattering soul robonoids comes in behind frisk and Caleb.)

Frisk and Caleb : Aghh!

frisk : They found us! Run!

Caleb : Wait! If we stand perfectly still it won't see us. I saw it in a movie once back in gacha city!

(The Robonoid beams a red light at Frisk and Caleb begins scanning them both, when it detects frisk soul in her necklace soul.)

Caleb : That sounds good.

(The Robonoid then begins charging an energy beam.)

Frisk : should probably move!

Frisk and Caleb : Aghh!

(frisk quickly pushes Caleb out of the way when the Robonoid fires its energy beam, causing a part of the building behind them to explode.)

Caleb : I think that movie... was about dinosaurs.

(After missing, the Robonoid quickly turns its attention onto frisk again.)

Frisk : Caleb, come on!

Caleb : Woah!!

(Frisk grab caleb's hand along, and they both run around a corner, while the Robonoid gives chase and scans its surrounding.)

Caleb : What are we gonna do!? What's gonna happen!?

Frisk : We're gonna run, and we're gonna be okay!

Caleb : No!

(Frisk and Caleb stop running and seek refuge underneath a pizzeria building.)

Caleb : You just don't get it. I hate being scared all the time! I was scared of everything except riding a bike. Actually, I was scared of that too. I never even tried riding a bike because it looked so hard! I never had the guts to stick up for anybody. Not even me! And now I'm hiding again like a big, cowardly loser under some... Old building!

Frisk : hey, Don't beat yourself up like that, Lars. That's what the killer robots are for.

??? ; Quickly! Down here!

(Frisk and Caleb, startled by the sudden voice, turn around and spots a hand pointing out of a hole in the ground, beckoning them over.)

Caleb : frisk? What if it's a trap?

frisk : Uhh... I don't think we have a choice!

(Just then, the Robonoid catches up, and frisk and Caleb quickly jump down the hole before it can scan them. A rock covers up the hole, and a shivering frisk and Caleb sigh in relief.)

Caleb : close one, huh? (to frisk)

frisk : Ha, yeah. But, who...

???? Don't worry!

(A shadowy figure approaches Frisk and Caleb.)

??? : you're safe now! We're not gonna hurt you.

Caleb : Thank you! Whoever... you...

(The soul of the figure begins to glow, revealing a pair of a purple furry monster, conjoined at the waist. Caleb screams at the sight of the monster girl, and the monster flinch in response)

Frisk : It's okay, Caleb. Thank you for saving us.

Danna *inches close and inspect frisk and Caleb* How bizarre! Who are you guys? You certainly don't look like monsters i ever seen before.

( Danna gasp as the sound of the Robonoid looms overhead.)

Danna : Come, this way. I'll take you to safety.

( Danna begins walking ahead into the cavern and Frisk follows, when  Caleb halts her.)

Caleb : frisk, wait! Is this really a good idea?

frisk : her seem... different. I think we can trust them!

( Caleb and frisk begins walking through the cavern with Danna as their guide.)

Frisk : Umm... Excuse me, but umm... Where are you taking us?

Danna : Somewhere... long forgotten. Where only those who don't belong... belong.

Caleb : Heh, sounds like my kind of place. You don't happen to have any fast-food joints around there, do you?

The group arrives at the end of the cavern, at the edge of a cliff, to a place full of buildings being destroyed many years ago.)

Frisk : Whoa...

Caleb : What is this place?

Frisk : Metropolis.. A really, really big one.

End of part 1

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