My gacha ocs pt. 2

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This is Dilana's mom, Dora

This is Aariel in her demon form.

This is Aariel in her human form.

This is Leaf his dad abused him and is in jail for it.

This is Leafona Leaf's mom. She had to leave to fight in the war.

This is Zalv. Nobody knows anything about him...

This is Lanna one of Kanna's moms.

This is Kylee, Kannas other mom.

This is Azza's dad..

This is Azza's mom...

This is Asher's dad...

This is Axis he gets judged because of how he looks. He is Bi and has a lovely boyfriend he'd die for.

This is Peter he is Axis's boyfriend he loves Axis with all his heart. He hates when people say mean things about him.

This is Jackal. She's a loving girl. She's straight.

This is Cecilia she and her sister Phoenix have a strong bond they do everything together.

This is Siren. She's a loner.

This is Phoenix she and her sister Cecilia have a strong bond they do everything together.

This is Coral. She's Siren's only friend.

This is Irma. She has a crush on Yang

This is Yang. He has a strange relationship with his twin.

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