average day

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"slays a goblin" hmph...."back turned as a horde of enemies attempt to hit him from behind"

"3 giant green claws slash them to bits"

Thanks Keito *looks around at the horde of enemies* but it's not over yet *sword in front of me* this is but one of the many battles to come let's go! *rushes forward slashing the first row* damnit there's so many!!!

Keito: this a problem

Yea....I could use the others right now bad hehe...*blood drips down my forehead* doesn't mean I won't retreat though heh....

Keito: can say that again *stands by me ready to fight*

"I get knocked to the ground by a corrupted swordsman" "I close my eyes thinking this is the end"

" a dark figure slashes it down"

Shishi: why do u both always rush off? Is it because u want me to save your butts?

Shishi heh....thanks for the save "gets back up stands barely" I wish I got some heals right now

Shishi: your wish is granted hehe

"heals me back to full"

Yuma&yumi: u guys are so reliant on us sometimes we should know by now heheh

Alright !! "Sword glow with the power of fire" let's go! Heheh!

"Slashes into the middle of the horde of foes" oh no "surrounded"

All: charlie!!!!

Shit! This isn't good!!  "Gets hit from all sides" gah!!!

"bright Yellow streaks of flashes surround the enemies knocking them all away from me"

Zeijur: u fool what have I told u if it wasn't for me you'd be dead by now "infront of me ready to fight"

Heheh...yea...we're a team we stick together sorry just can't help it u know me heh... "stands up being healed again"

Zeijur: yea and- "gets cut off by a large scythe hitting him flying into the others" gahhh!!

Woah....that's a big one "defensive stance" well let's do are best eh?

"A large dragon infront of me" damn...your big and tough this could be a problem tch....

then allow me to deal with it charlie

Flare: "rushes forward with a shield bash that explodes then raises her sword slashing the beast in half with fire" that's the end of that are u alright ?

Yea....I am as long as I got u guys with me nothing can beat us heheh we are a team and we stick together

All:that's are leader for ya hehe

Let's all relax now eh?

All: yes sir

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