Gaiden 14: Illness

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"That sure was yummy," Skah said, patting his little tummy.

"Ma always makes the best pie," I said as we exited the dining hall.

Ma blushed. "Oh, you boys flatter me!"

"It's true, Mommy," Rocio said, smiling as she clung to Pa's back like a baby Koala.

"Yeah. If Rocio compliments ya, then ya know it's really good. She rarely compliments us," Selena said, poking our sister's cheeks.

Rocio slapped her hand away and pouted. "Stop that!"

Pa and Ma chuckled.

"Though Azami's food was surprisingly tasty," Selena said, glancing back at the one-time crown prince who was still eating.

"Told you so," the prince called out, smirking.

His younger brother, who sat next to him, snickered.

"He heard that?" Selena asked, biting her lip.

I chuckled. "Seems like it."

Selena face reddened. "Great..."

"Well, I'm off to do some training," I said, waving at them.

"Take care, Shi. Make you not to get hurt too much!" Ma yelled.

"I'll try to dodge as many of their attacks as I can!"

"Do you even know where the training facilities are, peasant?" a voice boomed.

I turned around and saw the armored blond girl from yesterday make her way downstairs.

"No offense, but you didn't participate in the training sessions on either of the two days you've been here. Honestly, you're as much of a slacker as the wielder of Palantine."

"You mean Anis?"

"Is that her name?" she asked, putting a hand on her silver-armored hips. "Come to think of it. I cannot recall having met her."

"She seems like a nice girl, unlike you," Selena blurted out.

"Selena, don't pick fights," I said.

"What? She's looking down at you. I can't stand it."

"Takeshi can defend himself," Pa said, patting her head.

"Hmph, this place sure has become infested with peasants," she scoffed as she walked away. She came to a halt a black sphere flew at her at incredible speed. She raised her arm and slapped it in the direction it had come from.

"Wah!" Rocio yelled as she struggled to hold on to Pa. Luckily, Pa had moved in time that the sphere didn't hit her. Instead, her attack blew the upper layer of the black marble floor.

"Rocio!" Ma yelled.

"I'm fine," Rocio said, glaring at the Seven Hill girl. "Though she is the one who isn't going to be!" She leaped off Pa's back and formed a dark sphere in each hand.

"Funny, little girl. Like I would lose to a snot-nosed brat!" Eiko said, turning around. "You aren't even worth my time. Nor is your slacker of a brother."

Rocio gritted her teeth. "Why you..." Her purple orbs grew denser and denser.

"Rocio, stop that! This girl isn't worth your time," Ma said, hugging her from behind.

Rocio took a deep breath. "Okay, Ma." Her attacks dissolved into dark wisps.

Eiko scoffed. "How dare you peasants look down on someone of my status? You are lucky that I am feeling merciful today. Else I would wipe the floor with you peasants."

"Yes, we're peasants, and we aren't ashamed to admit it," Ma said, standing up to her full height. "We work the land daily, providing food for our families and others such as yours. Simply because you live off of your ancestral status and wealth doesn't make you any better than us. Looking at you makes me glad that my mom threw aside her wealth. Else I might've turned out like you."

She laughed and continued to walk away. "What a very plebian thing to say, madame," she said before turning to look at me. "Anyway, I, Eiko Kuroichi, am now looking forward to sparring with your son. I'll be sure to recall your words amidst the battle."

I gulped. She was going to pulverize me to get at Ma!

Ma grinned. "My Shi might give off the aura of a weakling, but don't underestimate him. If you do, then you'll be the one who will be on the ground, begging for your mommy."

"Ma, stop that!" I snapped. If she continued, Eiko would opt for killing me! I was too young to die!

Eiko grinned. "We will see. Now, I bid you adieu!" A pillar of lightning covered her, and she was gone.

"S-she teleported! Is she a mage?" I said, mouth agape.

"Good thing the floor is black, or else that would've left an ugly mark," Pa said. He turned around and saw the marks Rocio's deflected attack had made. "We better fix that, though."

Rocio walked over to me. "Big bro, beat that bit-"

"Stop right there, missy! Who taught ya how to cuss?" Ma asked as he kept her hand over Rocio's mouth.

"Pretty sure she learned it from you. And don't try to deny it. You're smiling right now. You wanted to curse her out, didn't you?" Pa said, winking.

Ma chuckled as she let go of Rocio's mouth. "You know me well, ya big bull."

Pa snickered.

"That really was quite the display," a pair of voices said as if they were one. I turned and saw Osamu and Azami.

"Sure was!" Pa said, putting his hands behind his head. "Then again, that's how I like it."

Ma giggled. "I guess it does beat having boring kids."

My siblings and I blushed.

Osamu and Azami smiled.

"Takeshi, the training facilities are upstairs on the seventh floor." Osamu said, sliding his hands into the pockets of his jeans. "But could you get Anis? She in the infirmary."

"The infirmary?" I asked, eyes widening. "Why? What happened?"

"She went there for a check up it seems," Azami said.

"Makes sense, when she returned she didn't seemed to be feeling all that well when she returned. Oh right, can you show me your phone? I'll transfer you a diagram of the building, that way you won't get lost," Osamu said, taking out his flip phone.

I took mine out, though I wasn't sure if what he wanted would work, I used a rather old model.

"That's a dinosaur!" Azami exclaimed.

"Yeah, it is."

I lowered my head.

"Regi, do we have enough money to buy Shi a new phone?" Ma asked.

"Huh? Ya're getting him a new phone? Why not get me?"

"You can get Shi's old one," Pa said, chuckling as he picked her back up.

Rocio stared at him with teary eyes. "Rocio wants one too."

What in the... was she trying to pull the cute little girl card on Pa?

"Hey, I want one too! Azami nearly broke mine two days ago!" Selena exclaimed.

"Alright, settle down, you two." He turned to look at Skah who simply watched us. "Do you want a phone too?"

Skah shook his head. "No. I don't want to break Pa and Ma's piggy bank."

"Nor do I," I said, rubbing the back of my neck.

"I could get you some," Osamu blurted out. "Communication between us knights is key. Though phone lines aren't exactly secure so we should only use them when here. Not on the battlefield."

"Yippee!" Selena yelled.

I sighed. Pretty sure he was talking to me there.

"In the meantime, I'll show you to the infirmary," Osamu said.

"Why don't you talk to Anis yourself?" Azami asked.

Osamu turned away. "She isn't too fond of me, to say the least."


"So this is the infirmary," I said, staring at a plain white door with a sign saying 'I-1'.

Osamu meanwhile knocked on the door for me.

"You may enter," Anis responded.

Strange, why didn't she ask who it was? Did she think it was the nurse who had knocked?

"Go on. I'll stand out here. Call me if you need any help," Osamu said, waving at me to enter.

I chuckled nervously. "Uh, why would I need help?"

"Just saying," he said, putting a hand on his hips and closing his eyes.

He sure was strange...

I opened the door and entered. Anis sat in one of the beds.

"Oh, it's ya," Anis said, frowning.

"W-were you expecting someone else?" Like Osamu?

"I thought that you were my little sister."

"Little sister?"

"Yeah, she's around the age of ya younger sister. Maybe ya can introduce Rocio to her!"

I chuckled. "I... don't think that's a good idea. Rocio doesn't get along with many people... She can be a hard one to handle."

"Oh..." she said, lowering her head.

I stared at her clothes. They were pajamas. To her side was a pile of books. "I thought that you came in for a check-up."

She sighed. "I did, but the nurse told me I should stay here, just in case there are any complications."

I gasped. "Why would there be any?"

She placed a hand over her chest. "You see, I was born with a weak heart. My pa and ma have searched far and wide for a cure and tried to find a donor, but it seems my body is odd. There is none I'm compatible with." She glanced up at me and gave me a small smile. "So if we marry, you can at least take refuge in that you'll be able to pick your partner after I'm gone."

"Don't say that!" I shouted.

She gasped. As did I. I... didn't think I had it in me to scream as loud as I had.

I clenched my fists tightly. "I mean, ya shouldn't give up so easily. There might be a cure out there, somewhere. Magic is a thing ya know!"

She lowered her gaze. "Magic, huh? Pa looked into it already. Magic can't heal natural organ-related illnesses. Not sure why that is, but it's one of the limits of magic. At least known magic."

My arms trembled. "T-then I'll take up learning magic and find a cure!"

She looked up. "Why?"

"W-why what?"

She averted her eyes. "Why... do ya care about what happens to me? I know we're engaged, but we've barely met. Plus, didn't ya say that ya loved someone else? With me gone, ya can be with that person."

"That's not the point!"

She smiled and slowly turned her head away. "So... ya have no particular reason, do ya? Ya just move and say things as they come to ya. Ya're like one of them heroes, aren't ya?"


She giggled. "Nothing, forget I mentioned it. Anyway, I take it that ya came to fetch me?"

"Yeah, the others are waitin' for us," I said.

"The others? Ya mean the Seven Hills? What for? They've never waited on me for anything."

I shrugged. "I'm not exactly sure myself. It might just be a meeting."

"I see." She pushed her dark purple hair back. "Tell them that I'll be out in a few."

"Alright," I said, smiling.

Anis suddenly started to unbutton her pajama shirt.

I turned around. Did she forget that I was here? O-or was it because we were going to marry anyway?

"Uh, A-Anis. I... I'm still here ya know," I spat out.

"Huh?" she said, looking up at me. "W-what? I told ya to go tell them not to stay here, ya voyager!"

"I was told to escort ya."

"Ya can wait for me outside then, ya big pervert! No wonder ya're friends with my cousin!" she shouted as she threw a pillow at me. Though at least she didn't throw one of those heavy-looking books.

"I'll be out," I said, whimpering. Why was this girl so irrational? Now I could see why Osamu was afraid to come in.

"W-wait, Takeshi," Anis said.

"Huh?" I said, keeping my eyes on the door.


"W-what for?" I asked, pulling on the collar of my shirt.

"F-for saying that ya'll find a cure for me. I appreciate it. Though I still think you'll be better off aiming to be with the one you love."

"I... plan to," I said. "I won't give up on the one I love, but that doesn't mean I won't find a cure for you. I want ya to find the guy of ya dreams."

"I... see. Thank ya."

"No need to mention it," I said, smiling. I grabbed the doorknob. "Anyway, I'm going to wait outside."

"Please do."


"How did it go? I heard screaming," Osamu asked once I stepped out.

"T-that was nothing. Though, I know a bit more about her condition now. D-do ya know how long Anis has to live?"

"I'm not sure. I overheard my aunt talking to my dad about it once, though at the time, I had no idea said cousin was Anis. She said that it varied. She could die as a child or live up well into adulthood. Thankfully she's made it into her late teens."

"I see. So she can die at any moment?"

"Yes," Anis said as she opened the door. She had changed into a blue school uniform. She held a book close to her chest. "That's why I want to make this life worth it. To live it to its fullest while I still can. Life is fragile, mine more so. I'm here one day and can disappear the next."

I lowered my eyes. "T-that's..."

"Sad? Yes, it is. I wish I could live a more normal life, but it wasn't meant to be. But, if anything, this illness has made me view life differently than I otherwise would have."

She smiled, though it was filled with sorrow. No matter how much she tried to hide it, she was afraid. Afraid of death's embrace. Fearful that it could creep up at any moment and take her away regardless of her actions at the time it decides to strike. Even if it was at her happiest moment...

**Solar Note: Hope that you enjoyed the chapter!**

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