Special: Gifts

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I glanced around at all the people moving around the shopping center with bags filled to the brim with stuff.

Like for the past couple of years, I had taken it upon myself to get the kids their gifts while they made crafts with their mom back home.

This year, I had come at the very last moment as we tried to put together as much money as we could to buy each one something.

"Hmm, seems that first on the list is Tekeshi's gift," I said as I unfurled the list. His had written three things. The first was 'I wish that I can spend a long time with Mommy, Daddy, and my little siblings'.

I laughed. The kid really was too kind.

Second was a book on ancient tombs. After we watched a documentary on the tombs of ancient rulers, he began to become more curious about them. With each visit to the city, we would make sure to search the historical works part of the public library to see what was new.

The third item on the list was 'I want a coat and boots to keep warm, if there's enough money'.

On the day we were putting up the lights outside of the house, I realized he had outgrown his coat. Meanwhile, his boots had gotten worn out from constant use.

I should get him the coat and boots instead of his book. But, it seems he really wants that book...

I sighed. Tekeshi really had to learn to set his priorities straight. Well, at least he included spending a long time with us as first.

I moved on to Selena's part which was a lot simpler as it included less expensive stuff. In fact, it only included one thing which was a plushie for her Doggokin to play with.

Next came Rocio who wanted a doll house and a tricycle.

Skah was too young to write, being only few weeks old, so Tulia had written 'buy him something cute'.

I laughed. That was rather vague, yet simple enough.

I dashed straight for the book store to get Tekeshi his book. Surprisingly, they had a lot of books to choose from regarding ancient tombs, most of them too long and with a vocabulary too complex for most ten-year-olds to understand.

My eyes twinkled as I came across a book with a shiny cover. It was of a pyramid tomb and has a red gem overlooking it with golden wings around it. I was sure that Shi would love it. Being a cat, he had a fascination for shiny things. So much so that he had a large collection of shiny stones and metals stored up in his room. It didn't have much value of course, but to him it was worth the world.

I opened up the book as I walked over to the counter to purchase it and saw that it had colorful illustrations, several of them shiny. The text itself was easy enough for a ten-year-old to read too.

"Want to buy that book?" the lady at the counter asked.

I closed in up and nodded. "Yup."

"Wish for me to wrap it?" she asked. "It's only a riku extra."

"Thanks, but I'll wrap it at home," I said, putting down a ten-riku bill on the counter. Well, actually it was Tulia who did all the wrapping. She could be rather OCD about it, which was strange as the kids would eventually shred all her hard work the next day... but it was what she wanted. Who was I to judge?

"Here you go," she said as she handed me a riku back and placed the book into a green and red-stripped bag.

"Thanks," I said, taking it from her. I walked out of the book store and headed straight for the toy store across from it. There, I would be able to find the girls' gifts and maybe even something for Skah.

I walked right in and smiled at all the brilliant colored toys. Most of them plushies. Finding a friend for Selena's doggy might only be hard due to all the options.

I made my way over the plush aisle and found a bear that was sticking out its tongue. I couldn't help but laugh as I thought of my eldest daughter. "Yup, you're coming with me. I got a little girl who would love you," I said, picking it up.

My eyes scanned the rest of the available plushies but there was none of a chick.

"Hello, may I help you?" a lady in a bluish-gray uniform asked.

"Yeah, do you have any chick-shaped plush toys?"

"Like a baby chicken? No, but we do got a build your plush toy workshop if you want to make one."

"Hmm, I think that'll work!" If memory served right, Tulia went to one of those for Tekeshi's Meowlit, Serena's Doggokin, and Rocio's Squil.

As I followed after the lady, my eye was caught by a small chick on a tin box of cards spitting out fire from its beak.

I chuckled. Now, there's an idea.

"I'll like a plushie like this," I said, pointing the chick on the box.

"A Tortorchi?"

I nodded.

"I see. Well, that should be simple enough," she said. "I can have it ready in a bit. Would you like anything special?"

"Yeah, could you add a little heart to its tail?"

The lady smiled. "Absolutely!"

"Thanks!" I turned around. Now, all that was left was Rocio's doll house. 

On the way over to where the doll houses were, I came across the bike area and found a red-tricycle big enough for a three-year-old Zionian girl. The thing was that Rocio was only two. She wouldn't be turning three for another ten months.

I could buy it for her and make some adjustment to it, or I could just buy the doll house.

I marched on to the doll aisle and was met by some odd stares.

"I'm looking for something for my daughter," I whispered, causing them to go 'ohhh'.

My eyes widened upon seeing the price. The doll house was three times as expensive as the tricycle! After accounting for what I had already spent on the book, plus what the plushies costed, I was going to fall nineteen riku short.

I turned around. Sorry, Cio. Seems you'll have to wait a year to fully enjoy your gift after all.

I picked up the red-tricycle from the rack and made my way back to the build-your-plush area.

Much to my surprise, there was an orange chick staring back at me on the counter.

"That was faster than I had expected," I mumbled.

"Well, we do aim for speed without compromising quality," the lady from before said. "Feel free to check for any mistakes."

I looked it up and down and found no defects at all with the stitching, nor with the material itself.

"Seems perfect, I'll take it. I'll also like to take this bear and this tricycle," I said.

"Alright," the lady said as she picked up a scanner.

I watched as the total rose to thirty riku, twenty of that from Cio's gift alone. Shi's book had costed nine, so that left me with twenty-one to spare.

I walked out of the store with the gifts in tow and decided to see what else I could get. On display was a beautiful pearl necklace, perfect for Tulia. The price though was forty riku.

I sighed. If only I had managed to save up some more money this year, then I could've gotten it plus Rocio's doll house and Tekeshi's...

I gasped. Wait, did I have enough for Tekeshi's coat?

I ran off to the sportswear store beside the jewelers. Sportswear coats tend to be rather expensive, but also were quiet durable and comfy, a great fit for a boy who spent a long time in the outdoors. 

I gulped as I saw the prices on some of the coats. They ranged from fifty to seventy riku, though those were the adult sized ones. Kid coats were cheaper.

I took a deep breath and made my way over to the kids aisle and saw some which costed forty riku and higher.

I shook my head. I had to continue looking. I walked on to the next display and found some where were thirty riku.

Close, but not enough.

My lips curved into a smile as I saw a boys coat for twenty riku and eighty cents. It was the right size for Tekeshi and all too! I snatched it up before anyone else could grab it and made my way to the cash register... which unlike the others was filled with people. At least I was lucky to not get a super long line at the book and toy stores...

Once I was out of the sportswear shop, I passed by the jewelers and glanced at the pearl necklace again. Maybe I could afford it next year... I just had to work harder to increase our crop yield and to sell more.

Next year I would definitely get Tekeshi his boots, Rocio her doll house, and Tulia that necklace!

I pulled up the fifteen cents I had left. In the meantime, was there anything I could use these cents for?

I sighed and continued on walking.

"Yay! I got it!" I heard a little boy say as he got a unicorn plushie from a machine. She looked over at his sister and handed it over to her. "Here, for ya!"

"Really? You're the best, big bro!" the little girl said, smiling.

He chuckled. "Anything for my little sister!"

I smiled. The boy and girl were around the same age as Tekeshi and Selena. I eyed the machine. There was no more plushies left, but there was some jewelry, but nothing fancy.

I took a deep breath and walked over to it as soon as the kids were gone. Years ago, I had gotten Tulia something from a machine like this. It wasn't anything great, but she was overjoyed.

I slid in the ten cent coin I had and slowly moved the crane over to a 'pearl' necklace. I lowered it and pulled it up.

Alright, now for the final step...

 I carefully shifted the crane over to the drop site and let go of the necklace as soon as it was lined up.

I smiled as I reached in and pulled out the necklace. Seemed my skills hadn't rusted over the years.

I slid the necklace my coat pocket and made my way to the parking lot.



[Two days later]

"Yahoo! Time to open our gifts!" Selena yelled as Tulia and I waited downstairs with the camera ready.

Our oldest daughter came running down the stairs in her dog form with Rocio, in her rat form, clung on to her head.

A shivering Tekeshi followed them behind.

Skah let out a chirp as soon as he saw his siblings gather around the tree.

"Wonder what Papa got us!" Selena said as she reverted back into her angel form.

I laughed nervously. She does recall that she only listed one thing, right?

Rocio jumped off of her big sister's head and reached for the gift marked for her. She smiled at its size. "Tricycle!" she said, hugging her gift.

"Ohh! A bear!" Selena said as she finished opening her gift. She snuggled it. "I'm calling ya Bearad!"

"Bearad?" I asked.

She nodded. "Yup! A combo of bear and rad, ya know, because it's a cool bear! Uh, cool as in it's awesome, not cold."

I chuckled. "I know. I'm not behind on slang."

"A book!" Tekeshi said, raising his gift into the air.

"A shiny one too," Selena said, eyes wide.

Skah let out a series of chirps. Did he like shiny stuff too?

Tekeshi smiled at his little brother. "If ya want, I can read it to ya."

"Can I join too?" Selena asked, looking over her older brother's shoulder.

"Yup! I can read to all of ya!"

As everyone else focused on Tekeshi's new book, I watched Rocio stood up from the floor and tried to get on her tricycle, but she proved to be too short.

I smiled and picked her up, sitting her on the seat. "Sorry, Cio. I got one that was a little too big for you, but don't worry, you'll grow into it."

Rocio smiled at me. "That's fine, Pa. I like gift!"

I felt my eyes start to tear up a little.

"I'm glad you do!" I said, hugging her.

"Hmm, there's two more boxes left," Tekeshi said. "Huh, this one is for me too?" He carefully removed the wrapping paper and took out a dark-blue winter coat. "A new coat! Thanks, Pa!" He stood up and hugged me from behind. "Ya the best!"

I smiled. "Glad you liked it too."

"How come Shi got two gifts?" Selena asked.

"Well, he needed a coat as his old one was ripped," I said.

"Ohh! Guess that's fine," Sele said, smiling. She turned to look at the last box. "But whose is that?" A large smile appeared on her face. "Wait, is this Skah's gift?"

I took the box from her and nodded. "Yup. Now, gather around everyone. Skah's going to open his first gift."

Skah gave us a confused look as all of us formed a circle around him.

Tulia giggled. "Here, let me help," she said. She removed the tape and unfolded the gift wrap to reveal a white box underneath. "Now, go on and open it, little birdie."

Skah reached his wing-like hands and pulled up the box to reveal a stuffed chick.

"A tortorchi?" Tekeshi asked.

Selena pulled out the plushie and held it out to him. "Hey, Skah, nice to meet you! My name is Tortorchi and I want to be your friend!" she said in her best 'guying' voice.

Skah let out a chirp and took the plushie from her. He chirped continuously as he hugged it.

His older sister laughed. "Seems he really likes it!"

"Good job, Pa! Seems everyone likes their gifts," Tulia said, smiling at me.

"I got one more gift," I said, reaching into my coat pocket to pull out a small box wrapped in red and blue gift wrap.

"Hmm, I don't recall wrapping that one," Tulia said. "If I did then I must've been exhausted as it's badly wrapped."

I laughed nervously. "I wrapped it. It's for you!"

She gasped. "For me?"

"Open it, Ma!" our three older kids said in unison.

Tulia tore off the paper to reveal a 'pearl' necklace inside a transparent box.

"I didn't have enough money to get you an authentic one, so I got one from the crane machine. I hope that you like it," I said, rubbing my neck.

Tulia smiled. "Of course I do." She furrowed her brow. "But... I didn't get ya anything."

I shook my head. "You did. You gave me this little birdie a month ago, and three other amazing kids in the past ten years." I took a hold of her hand. "That's worth more than any other gift anyone could ever give me."

My wife's face reddened. "Ya also played a role in that, so I wouldn't count that. So in exchange..." She leaned forward and kissed me on the lips. "I'll give ya that."

I laughed. "I'll take it!"

"Hey, let me see!" Selena yelled as Tekeshi covered her eyes.

"What's going on?" Rocio asked.

"No, we're too young to see this!" Tekeshi said, keeping his eyes shut as well.

Tulia and I laughed as Skah let out several cheerful chirps.

If only this moment could've lasted forever...

**Solar Note: Hope that you enjoyed this Christmas Special! Decided to do this as a follow up to the one I published yesterday on Christmas Eve ^_^. Have a Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year! May God be with you all!**

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