Special: Royal Twin Cubs

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"Where are we going?" my little brother asked as he hugged his lion plushie.

"To see what gifts Mommy and Daddy got us," I said as I glanced around the hall to make sure the coast was clear.

"Wait, shouldn't we wait for later? Plus, what if they moved the gifts someplace else this year? Mom knows that you tried the same thing last year."

"Maybe she expected us to think that. Plus, I want to see them right now," I said, smiling as I ran over to the other side of the hall. The room where they kept all of the gifts was only a little farther.

"W-what if we get caught?" he asked, staying behind.

"Come on, Osa. You're a fan of lions, right? They aren't cowardly creatures."

He gasped and puffed his cheeks. "I'm not a coward!" he yelled as he ran after me.

I covered his mouth. "Hey, you're going to give us away, Osa."

He gulped and looked around to see if anyone was coming.

Suddenly, something grabbed Osamu.

"Wahh!" Osamu yelled.

I turned around and saw our mommy holding her hands over my brother's eyes. "What are you two up to?" she asked with a mischievous smile that rivaled my own.

"Uh, we got lost," I said, laughing nervously.

She let go of Osamu and stood up to her full height. "Lost, huh? You've never gotten lost before."

"I, we, uh..."

She laughed. "Trying to sneak a peek at your gifts, aren't you? Well, for your information, I had the gifts put in another room this year."

I grumbled mentally. Darn it!

Osamu pouted and leered at me. "I told you!"

I turned away and whistled.

My brother grumbled.

Mom smiled. "Anyway, you two look nice in your suits."

The two of us wore matching white suits with white ties. 

Osamu grinned. "You did pick them out, Mommy."

"Momma's boy," I whispered, giggling.

Osamu pouted.

"Don't pick on your little brother, Azami," Mom said, sighing.

"But he makes it easy. Plus, he throws jabs at me too from time to time. Not to mention, he's only a few minutes younger than me."

Osamu nodded. "Yeah, I'm not a baby."

Mom ruffled his light brown hair. "You'll always be my baby. Same goes for you, Azami."

My cheeks reddened. "I'm not a baby!"

Mom laughed. "You two really are twins." She grabbed me and my brother by the hand and lead us away from the hall. 

I glanced over my shoulder at the white door at the end of the hall. Are the gifts really not there?

"Where are we going, Mommy?" Osa asked, glancing up at Mom.

"To have you meet the guests. They are the ones who brought you your gifts after all."

"Think they'll tell me what they got me?" I asked, swinging my arms behind my back.

"Why do you wish to be spoiled?" Mom asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

"He's impatient," Osa said, shaking his head at me.

I grumbled.

Mommy squeezed my hand. "Azami, you need to learn to have patience. You'll need it for when you become king."

"Dad isn't very patient, though," I said.

"True, but Papa is more patient than you," Osa said.

I pouted. "Who asked you?"

He smiled shyly.

Ha, think that your cutesy display will lessen my anger? Think again!

Mom squeezed my hand again. "Come on my cubs, don't fight."

"We aren't fighting," Osamu said.

"Yeah," I said, looking away.

I glanced back at Osamu and noticed that he was looking at the floor. Had I hurt his feelings?

I sighed. He's so sensitive... Maybe I should apologize.

"How are my boys doing?" a voice boomed. 

My brother and I glanced up and saw a man dressed in a gray suit make his way toward us.

"Papa!" I said, freeing myself from Mama's grip. I jumped and tackled my papa.

Papa patted my head. "Oof, your tackles are growing stronger, or maybe you're just getting heavier."

"I think it's a bit of both," Mom said, smiling.

Papa smiled at my brother. "Wonder if Osamu's have grown stronger too."

"Osa isn't one for tackles. He prefers bear hugs," I said, giggling.

"Oh, I'll take one of those!" he said, opening his arms wide.

My brother walked over to Papa and gave him a big hug.

"Hey, we might crush Mr. Leo," Papa said, noticing the plushie between them.

Osamu quickly let go of him and glanced over his stuffed lion to make sure that it was alright. "Mr. Leo's fine!" he said, smiling.

"Where's Mr. Tigris?" Dad asked, glancing at me.

"He's sleeping."

He laughed. "And here I thought that lions were the sleepy ones."

"Though, I bet he already got up and is looking for prey," I said, grinning.

Mom snickered. "You kids and your imaginations. Makes me wish that I were four again."

"Mommy, we're five now," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Oh, right! It's going to take some getting used to. My little boys will soon be all grown up," she said, hugging Osamu and me from behind.

Osamu giggled as she tickled him.

I tried not to laugh as she did the same to me.

"Azami, you look like you're going to explode," Dad said, laughing.

My face must've been red from tried to keep the laughter from escaping.

"He's a tough one to crack," Mom said, grinning.

Dad smirked and started to tickle me too. "Surely he'll break!"

"S-stop!" I yelled before I exploded into laughter.

Osamu giggled as he raised his hands toward me.

"W-wait, Osa! D-don't!" Too late, my little brother pounced on me and started to tickle me until I was rolling on the floor, trying to regain control over myself.

Mom laughed. "Victory!"

Dad high-fived her. "Yeah!"

Osamu walked over to me and smiled.

Why you little... I'll get you back for this, Osa!


I smiled as I walked back to my room as the party came to an end. I got a lot of cool gifts, such as a new bike. Mom said that she would teach me how to ride it. I also got some new toys, including a swing. Oh, and someone got me a hammock too. I knew just the place to put it up!

I opened the door to my room and saw my tiger plushie on my side of the bed.

"Hey, Tigris," I said, rushing over to it. I picked it up and snuggled it. "You should've seen my party! It was great!" I stared at it. "Sorry for not taking you." I didn't want others to think I was a baby for carrying Mr. Tigris around. My friends already thought that Osa was one for always carrying Leo around.

I gasped as the door creaked open all of a sudden. Looking at me with a shy smile was Osa.

"Need something?" I asked, sitting down on the bed.

"Uh, well this is my room too. That said, I got something for you," he said as stepped forward. It was then that I noticed his left hand was behind his back.

"You got me something?" I asked, tilting my head. I hadn't gotten him anything...

He smiled. "Yup!" He revealed a flat box and handed it to me. "Open it."

"What's this? A book?" I asked. I wasn't much of a reader like Osa was.

I opened it up and gasped and I opened the box. Inside was a locket with a picture of us as babies with our plushies. I think it was taken around the time that we were six months old.

"Do you like it?" Osamu asked nervously.

I put it on the bed and nodded. "Yeah, it's nice! Thanks! Though, how did you get this picture?"

"I asked Mommy if I could have a copy for the locket."

I lowered my eyes. "B-but I didn't get you anything."

"That's fine," he said as he sat down next to me.

I glanced at him and saw he was smiling. "Just having my big brother around is enough," he said before hugging me.

I sniffed. He was the better brother than me. I was angry at him for a lot of the day...

I hugged him back. "Thanks, little bro!" I yelled.

Osamu snickered. "Are you crying, Aza?"

"N-no! I'm not!" I let go of him and turned away. I put the locket around my neck.

Osamu crawled up the bed and pulled up the covers around him. "If you say so. Night, Aza."

"You're going to sleep so soon?"

"Yup. Today was tiring," he said as he closed his eyes. He snuggled his lion in his arms and smiled.

I smiled and pulled the covers around me too. "True, it was a busy day. Night, little brother," I said as I snuggled my tiger.

"Night, big brother," he mumbled.

I glanced down at my new locket and snickered. He still looked the same as when he was a baby. No matter what happens, I'll protect you, baby brother.

**Solar Note: Hope that you enjoyed this birthday special of the royal twins ^_^. Thoughts on kid Azami? Kid Osamu?**

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