Taken Care Of

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{I got a late start, this is day 2 prompt, nursing! I will eventually get day 1 up}

There were many things Levy McGarden could do, he knew. She could decipher any rune she came across in minutes, she could make delicious iron that she spoiled him with, and her expanse of knowledge left him baffled. There was one thing she couldn't do, he discovered. She had no idea how to care for a sick person. Gajeel groaned and squeezed his eyes shut tightly as another mysterious bang sounded from their shared kitchen. After a mission that brought him home around midnight in the dead of winter, Gajeel had woken up feeling terrible. With a fever, cold chills, and being unable to keep anything down,  his tiny girlfriend and exceed deemed him unfit to leave the house. So here he was, wrapped in their thick comforter, hair pulled back and a wet rag that was no longer cooling his heated skin.

At the fifth- or was it sixth?- bang from the kitchen, the sick dragon got to his feet. His body felt stiff and achey,  and he shuffled into the kitchen, a thin blanket around his shoulders. He stopped in the doorway and surveyed the disaster that was the kitchen. Lily and Levy looked back at him, they appeared to have been arguing about something,  Gajeel could only guess. "Gajeel you shouldn't be up!" Levy scolded, hurrying to her fever flushed boyfriend. "The hell are you two doing in here?" His already gruff voice was broken and hoarse, and he had to surpress a cough. "We were trying to make you something to eat!" Levy said.

Gajeel grimaced. While he appreciated the thought, the mear idea of eating made him nauseous. "Thanks, but I'm good." Levy puffed out her cheeks. "Eating will help you get better! No go back to bed, and I'll be in their with a nice warm meal!" She smiled. Gajeel raised a studded brow, "You've never taken care of a sick person huh?" She frowned. "What's that supposed to mean!" He chuckled weakly and ruffled her hair. "Shrimp, what do you eat when your sick?" She frowned again at his question. "Well the girls at the dorm usually made me soup or broth. Because anything else- oh...." She looked down at her feet, twisting her fingers together.

"I just wanted to help..." He smiled softly and tilted her chin up. "And you are. If it weren't for you I would still try to work like this, probably making it worse. If you really want to make me something to eat, there's soup in the pantry." Levy smiled and perked up. "Ok! Now go back to bed, I'll be in there shortly!" He chuckled slightly and headed back for the bedroom, stopping only to wet a new rag for his face.

Levy quickly made the soup for her sick dragon, after helping Lily clean up the kitchen. She got a sleeve of crackers as well as a glass of water before carrying it all on a tray into the bedroom. When she arrived she found Gajeel fast asleep and she smiled a little sadly. She knew he was tough, but the fever was kicking him hard. Just getting up for that short amount of time had completely wiped him. She set the tray on the bed side table, taking the already dry cloth from his forehead and wetting it once more. Levy pushed a few stray hairs off his sweat covered face and stroked his cheek softly. "Gajeel, you need to try and eat." She said quietly.

Gajeel grunted, only sinking deeper into the blankets with a shiver. She frowned softly as his face scrunched up in his sleep, wiping some sweat from his face. She gently shook his shoulder. "Come on Gajeel." He grunted again but this time he pulled himself into a sitting position, coughing slightly. He put a hand to his head as the room spun slight, and Levy repositioned the cool rag to his neck. She sat on the edge of the bed with a soft smile and held out a spoonful of soup to him. Gajeel frowned slightly, "Really?" She puffed out her cheeks, "Just eat!" Gajeel sighed slightly before opening his mouth, allowing the bluenette to spoon feed him.

She looked at him expectantly, ready to jump out of the way if he made a break for the bathroom. "I don't know how you did it..." He started, and she raised an eyebrow. "But you managed to ruin soup." Levy stared wide eyed at him before looking down sadly at the soup. The one time her boyfriend needed to be taken care of, and she was ruining everything. "But," He said as she started to get up. "I think I can actually keep it down." Levy perked up and sat beside him again, another spoonful ready. Gajeel chuckled and continued to eat, though he didn't finish.

Levy started cleaning up when a sweaty hand gently grabbed her wrist. She turned to Gajeel with a soft smile, he wasn't looking at her. "Thanks... Levy." She smiled happily and hugged him lightly. "Of course Gajeel. Get some rest, yeah?" He nodded before reaching up and kissing her lips. Levy squeeked and backed away. "Noo! Now I'm gonna be sick!" Gajeel chuckled as he laid back under the covers, while Levy ran to the bathroom to try and "cleanse" herself, as she said. Despite her efforts, a week later, when Gajeel recovered, Levy was now laying in his spot on the bed. Cold rag on her flushed face and under a mountain of blankets. "I hate you..." she grumbled as the dragon slayer arrived with her soup. He chuckled as he helped her sit up, "I love you too."

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