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{Welp, I kinda bit it on making these prompts in time, and all out of order. I'm combining days 6&7, singing and AU, into one. I had to, a HTTYD AU}

Levy smiled as she watched everyone around the large fire. She, the young chief, had proposed a party in celebration of the summer solstice,  and everyone agreed willingly. Her village was a small one, the only inhabitants of the island, though that didn't stop visitors from showing up now and then. Her eyes drifted to the raven haired man to her right as he argued with a pink haired man. Gajeel. He had come to their tiny village over a year ago, a dragon hunter she had rescued from his ship wreck. Levys own dragon, Skyfall, had been testy, not wanting to carry the brute with them. After some persuasion to both parties, they had made their way home.

Now Gajeel was one of them with a large black dragon of his own. Shadow Storm was playing in the background with Skyfall and the other dragons, the occasional blast of fire flying over everyone's heads. Levy smiled softly, remembering when they had found the big softie. It wasn't long after that, that Gajeel had asked her out. In his gruff way of course. She blushed lightly at the thought, still smiling. She loved Gajeel dearly, and though he never said the words, his actions always told her he felt the same.

A thump sounded beside her that kicked up dirt, and she turned to see her closest friend, Lucy. "What a night ah?" The blonde asked with a grin. The young chief nodded with a smile, "Of course! I figured this would be a good way to let everyone relax after everything that went on." Lucy nodded with a soft hum as she leaned back on her hands, crossing her booted feet. The night was quiet, the dragons finally calming down and creating a pile of snoring scales. The quiet was broken by a soft whistle,  a tune that grabbed everyone's attention. All eyes landed on the crimson eyed man as he stood, still whistling the tune. " I'll swim and sail on savage seas," Levys eyes widened and her cheeks began to heat up. "With ne'er a fear of drowning."

As he sang, he slowly made his way to stand in front of her, and she could only stare. "And gladly ride the waves of life." He knelt in front of her. "If you will marry me." She remembered when Natsu sang this song for Lucy, and Gajeel had laughed when she explained it was a tradition. The song was made as a proposal, the man would initiate the song, and if the woman accepted, she would continue the song. Then they would dance. "No scorching sun, no freezing cold, Will stop me on my journey." His crimson eyes burned into her hazel as he held his large hand out to her. "If you will promise me your heart." His voice softened, "And love me for eternity."

Levy could hardly breath, and she could feel all eyes on her. Gajeel had sung with so much love and conviction she felt she would explode. She could see him waiting, a soft fear of rejection in his eyes and the slight tremble if his out stretched fingers. Levy already knew her answer. She reached out and gripped his hand tightly, "My dearest one, my darling dear, your mighty words astound me." Her voice was crystal clear like a bell. The brightest smile she had ever seen spread across his face as he pulled her to her feet. Everyone around them began cheering, and the instruments that had earlier been laid aside were now brought back to life.

"But iv no need for mighty deeds, when I feel your arms around me." The pair crossed arms and spun in a slow circle before the fire. "But I would bring you rings of gold, and even sing you poetry. And I would keep you from all harm, if you would stay beside me." They now stood flush against each other as their dance picked up pace, and they circled the bon fire. Everyone clapped to the beat of the music, even stomping their feet. "I have no use for rings if gold, I care not for your poetry. I only want your hand to hold," "I only want you near me."

Gajeel and Levy smiled brightly at each other before singing together. " To love, to kiss, to sweetly hold,For the dancing and the dreaming. Through all my sorrows and delights, I'll keep your love beside me. I'll swim and sail on savage seas With ne'er fear of drowning. And gladly ride the waves of life If you will marry me!" Gajeel lifted Levy into the air, spinning her around as she laughed brightly. Everyone cheered as Gajeel brought her down to eye level, holding her close. "Thought you weren't one for tradition." Levy said with a bright smile. Gajeel chuckled, "Yeah well, thought I could surprise ya." Levy snorted. "Lucy threatened you didn't she?" Gajeel grunted.

"Your damn right I did!" Lucy shouted, making the group laugh. "And I'm going to guess she and Lily taught you the dance?" She said. Gajeel grumbled, "It's been a long week..." Levy laughed brightly before cupping his face gently in her tiny hands. "You didn't have to." She said quietly. He smiled softly at her, "Yes I did. It's your tradition, it's part of your way of life. And I want to be part of it." Levy smiled before bringing her lips to his, kissing him sweetly. Their kiss was ended by a certain pair of dragons tackling their riders, eliciting cursing from the man. The blue haired chief laughed as she tried to push her dragon away. She could never be happier.

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