Chapter 1

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I was sleeping on my bed when I hear the door are knocked.

Minori: Hm...? Come in.

The door are opened... it's my maid.

Maid 1st: Milady Minori, it's time to get up. You're be late for first day of school.

She said, I sits up when I stretching my arms and I spoke.

Minori: Alright, make some breakfast and wake up for my little sister.

Maid 1st: Of course, milady Minori.

She said and left when she close the door. I get off my bed when I walked to the bathroom as I close the door from behind and locked it. I take off my pajamas, green bra and pantie when I step in the shower and I turn on the warm water as I started humming of tone.

*38 minutes later*

I turn off the warm water when I step out of the shower, I wrapped the towel around my body to walked to the door as unlocked it and open the door to walk out of the bathroom. I dry my body with the towel to remove away from me when I put it on my new green bra and pantie then my old school uniform and heels. I brushes my hair with my hairbrush as I set down my table.

Minori: Time for a breakfast~

I said to myself, I walked to the door when I open the door to walked out of my room and goes downstairs to go to the dining room. I see my mother and father when I spoke.

Minori: Good morning, mother and father.

My mother and father notice me was smile when my father spoke.

Cecil: Ah good morning, my lovely daughter~

Cecil: Awww you're so cute when my daughter is a princess~

He said to making me giggling.

Minori: Aww father, anyway~ what's good new about the school?

Cecilia: Oh, it's Morinomiya School and~ you have a "Babysitters Club".

She said to making me shocked when I squealing.

Minori: Oh my god! I love you mother and I'm so excited! My little sister gonna love it!

I said to make my mother and father chuckle then smiled when I hear my little baby sister call out of my name.

Mina: Minori-neechan~!

I turn my head when she run toward to me as I lift Mina up with my hands.

Mina: Wheeee~

We laughed and I hugged her softly.

Minori: Good morning, my sweet little sister Mina.

I said to smile and she smile back to me. I set Mina down to the chair cause she was sitting. My mother, father, Mina and I eating some breakfast. After the breakfast, I pick up my little baby sister into my arms when I walked to the door cause the maid who open the door.

Minori: We're off.

Maid 1st: Have a good day, milady Minori and Mina.

She said when she watched us to leave.

*In Morinomiya School*

I walked to the hallway when I saw... the tall man has light brown hair parted on the left, and dark eyes (but usually shown closed). He always shown wearing glasses and a suit. He has the overall appearance of a butler. He walked toward to us when he spoke.

Keigo: Hello, you are must be Aijima Minori and Aijima Mina. I'm Saikawa Keigo.

Minori: Yes and it's nice to meet you.

Mina: Hi Sai-kun!

Keigo: !?

He said when he hear my little sister Mina as cute tone. I laughed softly when I spoke.

Minori: Anyway, Kei-kun... um, do you know which way about "Babysitters Club"?

Keigo: Oh, why yes, right this way, Miss Minori.

He said to making me blushed when I stuttering.

Minori: H-Hey, you don't have to say it like that.

I said to make him chuckle when he spoke.

Keigo: Well, you two are princesses. After all, you are idol, Miss Minori.

Minori: Wha!

My cheeks are red when Mina giggle and Keigo chuckle again, before he told me to follow me. So I following him to the hallway when I holding my little sister then he stopped because we are arrived the babysitter club.

Keigo: Here we are.

Minori: Oh thank you so much.

Keigo: You're very welcome, Minori-sama.

He said as he bow like a butler when he walked past through me as Mina looked at me because she's so excited to making me giggled and I smiled.

Minori: Shall we?

I said when Mina nodded her head, I slide to the right open the door as the kids looked at me. I see a tall man with shoulder-length strawberry blonde hair which is usually parted in the center and pulled into a short ponytail. He has dark, half-lidded eyes which make him look sleepy. My little sister Mina looked at me when she spoke.

Mina: Minori-neechan, I think he looks sleeping.

Minori: Yes, he is... um can someone wake him up?

I said as suddenly someone who spoke.

???: Excuse me.

Minori: Oh!

I gasp because I startled when I turn around what I saw the boy has of average height with dark hair and large eyes. He hold his little brother has short, light green colored hair and a sleepy appearance.

Ryuuichi: Ah! I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scared you.

Ryuuichi: My name is Kashima Ryuuichi and this is my little brother Kotaru.

Ryuuichi: So, are you new student?

Minori: Yes. My name is Aijima Minori and this is my sweet little sister Mina.

Mina: Hiii~!

Ryuuichi: So cute.

He said to make my little sister Mina giggle when I spoke.

Minori: Um... I hate to say, I need someone to wake him up.

I said when I look at the man was sleeping.

Ryuuichi: Oh yeah. Usaida-san! Wake up!

Yoshihito groan when he woke up as he sits up and he looked at me.

Yoshihito: Oh? Are you new a student?

He said when I nodded my head, but he looked at me as what he shocked.

Yoshihito: Wait a sec... are you... "Starish" Princesses idol?

Mina: Yes, that's her!

Ryuuichi: "Starish Princesses"? Eh! Could it be it's you!?

Yoshihito and Ryuuichi was shocked to making me laughed.

Minori: Yes, I am. Because I'm Cecilia and Cecil's daughter of "Starish Princesses" idol.

Yoshihito: No way.

Ryuuichi: Oh my god... I'm your huge fan, Minori-chan!

Minori: Why thank you, Ryuu-kun.

I said to make him smile when Yoshihito spoke.

Yoshihito: Okay everyone, here let's for the naming train.

The kids clapped their hands as Yoshihito patted his arm softly.

Everyone: Here comes the naming train, choo-choo!

Yoshihito: Kamitani Taka!

A short boy has spiky dark brown hair and prominet widow's peak. He has round almond-shaped eyes and small dark irises, a trait he inherited from his father. He still clapping and he wave his hand.

Taka: Here!

Yoshihito: Kumatsuka Kirin!

A short girl has reddish-brown eyes and black her, which she normally keeps tied in pigtails. She held a stuffed giraffe in her left arm when she wave her right hand.

Kirin: Here!

Yoshihito: Mamizuka Takuma!

A short boy has unkempt, blonde hair and his eyes are light brown with rosy pink cheeks. He's always seen with a big smile on his face and is well known for his mother's "eye smile". He clapped his hands and he closed his eyes then he wave.

Takuma: Here!

Yoshihito: Mamizuka Kazuma!

A short boy has unkempt, blonde hair and light brown teary eyes. He's generally seen as the "cry baby" of the bunch and is seen with rosy pink cheeks. He clapped his hands and he bow.

Kazuma: H-Here...

Yoshihito: Sawatari Midori!

A baby girl has light-colored hair as that starts out short at the beginning of the series, but grows out and becomes more wispy as time goes on. Eventually, she starts wearing her hair up in a small bun atop her head with a pink bobble hairband. Her hair color light-brown. She has deep, black dot-eyes with two, single eyelashes that stick out on each a button nose, and her rosy cheeks. Yoshihito lift Midori's small hand up.

Midori: Ahh!

Yoshihito: Good. All the children of the daycare room...

Kids: ...are doing great!

I giggled when I spoke to say thank you.

Minori: Why thank you.

Minori: My name is Aijima Minori and this is my little sister Mina.

I said when I set my little sister Mina down and Taka run toward to her as he spoke.

Taka: You'll be a monst-

Mina: No!

Everyone widen their eyes when I laughs softly.

Minori: Haha, she's won't be a monster. Because Mina and I am a princess.

They gasped what I said and Kirin squealing.

Kirin: Are you two are a princess!

Mina & Minori: Yes.

Kirin: Wow! Let's play!

She said when she took Mina's hand to run as I spoke.

Minori: Be careful, you two.

Ryuuichi: So tell me, why did you become an idol?

Minori: Hmm... good question.

Minori: You see, my father want me to become an idol. My girls and I are together as friends, but...

Minori: They're moving...

Ryuuichi: Oh... I'm sorry.

I shook my head when I spoke.

Minori: It's alright. My girls and I called "Starish Princesses" from long time ago.

Minori: My father was happy because I was with them.

Ryuuichi: Ah I see.

He said when he smile himself, I felt patted my leg and I looked down.

Minori: What is is, Mina?

Mina: Minori-neechan, can you read this book with me?

She said when she show me the book is called "The Little Mermaid".

Mina: Please~!

Minori: Haha, alright.

I took the book when I pick Mina up to go to the book shelf to space as I sit down on the floor. Mina sit down on my lap when I started to read.


After I finished reading, Yoshihito looked at Mina cause she look at me... Yoshihito looked at me because I was tickle Tazuma and Kazuma when they giggled and I laughed softly, Yoshihito spoke.

Yoshihito: You know Mina, in this room. She won't notice unless you call for her, so don't feel bad.

He said when he stroke Mina's hair with his large hand softly as Mina nodded her head, then he called out of us.

Yoshihito: Minori-chan, Ryuu-kun.

Minori: Yes?

Ryuuichi and I turned our head to look at Yoshihito when he spoke.

Yoshihito: Sorry to interrupt the fun, but it's time for the end of my shift.

Minori: Oh no, not at all. But... what is it?

Yoshihito: Well, the old chairwoman is real stingy, so I don't get paid for overtime.

Ryuuichi sits up when Taka slides down and Yoshihito continue to speak.

Yoshihito: But now that you two are here, well...

Yoshihito: But anyway, the teachers should be coming to get them soon.

He said when he hand me of Midori as I took her and hold her gently into my arms.

Minori: Of course.

Yoshihito: Or do you two think you can't handle it?

Ryuuichi: We'll be fine.

Minori: Yes, we've taken care of babies before, even.

Yoshihito: Oh, really?

Yoshihito: I really will go, then. But are you two sure?

Minori & Ryuuichi: Yes.

Yoshihito: Really sure?

Minori & Ryuuichi: Definitely.

Yoshihito: I see.

He said when he stood up to leave babysitter club room as he slide close the door to the left. He watched us because I carried Midori into my arms when Taka sit on Ryuuichi's lap because he waved his toy sword as I spoke.

Minori: Uh uh, be nice.

Taka: Okay.

Yoshihito sighed when he spoke.

Yoshihito: I would've stayed if you'd ask..

He turn around and walk away.

Yoshihito: Those brothers and sisters are too much alike.

After while, I finished changing her diaper as I pick her up when Midori was happy to making me giggle. I see Taka climb up when he grab Ryuuichi's hair because he pull it hard.

Ryuuichi: Ouch!

Ryuuichi: Hey, that's not safe, Taka!

Taka: I'll be fine!

Taka: I'm real strong!

He said when he pull Ryuuichi's hair again as I yelled.

Minori: Taka, stop pulling his hair!

Taka startled as he stopped pulling Ryuuichi's hair when Kirin spoke.

Kirin: Hey, wanna eat?

We look at Kirin because she made a fake food when I was surprise and Ryuuichi spoke.

Ryuuichi: Um... well...

Minori: Well, wait just a minute okay?

Kirin: Okay, I'll be the mama. You be the baby, Midori-chan.

She said when pull Midori up as she spoke.

Kirin: Let's have a nap!

Minori: Oh no, no, no don't do that.

I pick Midori up with my hands when Kirin looked at me as I spoke.

Minori: That's not safe, Kirin. But I can handle it, okay?

Kirin: Oh okay.

Takuma: Here I go!

He said as he running because he destroy the fake food when Kazuma chase his twin brother, but Kirin was shocked.

I turn my head when I yelled.

Minori: Hey, hey, no running!

Kazuma still chasing his twin brother when he fall down on the floor and I gasp.

Minori: Kazuma, are you okay?

I said to worried when Ryuuichi pick Kazuma up and set him down then Takuma run back to his twin brother and he spoke.

Takuma: Kazuma! Pain, pain, fly away!

Kazuma close his eyes when he sniff and he spoke.

Kazuma: The pain flew away...

He said when he open his eyes as tears and look at his twin brother.

Kazuma: Thanks Takuma.

Takuma smile, I feel relief when I looked at Kirin was sad as she spoke.

Kirin: The food... I worked so hard on...

Minori: Oh... hey Kirin, would you please make the meal again?

I said when Kirin turn around because she smile.

Kirin: Okay!

Midori: Waaaah~

I gasp when I hear Midori was crying because I still holding in my arms as I hushed her softly.

Minori: There, there, Midori~ you want to cuddles, huh?

I said to her as sweetly when Midori giggling, but...

Ryuuichi: Ouch!

Minori: Hm?

I turn my head what I saw Taka pulled Ryuuichi's ear when he spoke.

Taka: Well? Give it up yet!

Ryuuichi: Ow, ow! I give up! I give up!

Minori: TAKA!?

I yelled at him when Taka startled as he slide down Ryuuichi's back as he spoke.

Taka: S-Sorry... Minori-neechan.

He apologize to me when I sighed as I spoke.

Minori: You should stop it... you know Ryuu-kun's hurt. Do you understand?

Taka: Yes Minori-neechan.

Minori: Good.

I patted Taka's head softly.

Ryuuichi's Mind: Looks like Minori-chan sound like a mother. I can't believe she's my favorite idol.

I hear a cough two times when I turn my head to look at Mina to call out of her.

Minori: Mina?

Mina: Hm...?

She lift up her head as look at me when I see her face are little red and I spoke.

Minori: Are you alright? I hear you were cough.

Mina: I... I'm alright, Minori-neechan.

Minori: Alrighty then.

Taka: Take that!

Ryuuichi: Ugh!

Minori: Taka! No surprise attacks!

Taka: S-Sorry!

Mina: Hehe- *cough, cough softly*

3 Mothers: Hello there!

Kirin, Takuma & Kazuma: Mama!

They run toward to their mother and hugged them.

Minori: Oh, you've come back to pick them up?

???: Oh? Who are you?

Kirin: That's Minori-neechan.

Ryuuichi: Yes. That's Minori Aijima, she's a princess.

???: Oh my! I never seen you're a princess!

My cheeks are red when I spoke.

Minori: Why yes, I am. My name is Minori Aijima and~

Ryuuichi: She's an idol of Starish Princesses.

3 Mothers was gasp.

???: For real!

Minori: Yes. And I'm in the babysitter club starting today with Ryuuichi.

???: Oh, I see!

???: The chairwoman mentioned it to us.

Yayoi: I'm Kirin's mother, Kumatsuka Yayoi.

Yukari: I'm Midori's mother, Sawatari Yukari.

Umi: I'm Takuma and Kazuma's mother, Mamizuka Umi!

Minori: Haha, it's nice to meet you all!

Minori: This is my little sister, Aijima Mina, over there.

I pointed to my little sister Mina was holding the book.

Yukari: Mina, huh? She looks adorable.

Umi: Hello, there!

Mina hear it when she lift her head up as she wave her head cause her voice are cute tone.

Mina: Hiii~!

Yayoi, Yukari, Umi: Soooo cute~!

They said to making me giggle when I spoke.

Minori: I know, I love my little sister Mina so much.

Yayoi: Well, it's nice for them to have a new friend.

Umi: I look forward to seeing you in the future.

Minori: Yes, same here.

Umi: Well, see you tomorrow!

Yukari: Thanks for all your hard work!

Yayoi: We'll be going now.

Kirin: Bye-bye~!

Minori & Ryuuichi: Goodbye!

We wave our hands then he close the door to the left when we sigh.

Minori: I feel nervous...

Ryuuichi: Don't be, you're a princess and an idol after all, Minori-chan.

Ryuuichi: When you say about your name and "Babysitters Club". Then I'll tell the teacher and say "She's a princess".

Minori: You forgot to say "She's my huge idol because she's Starish Princesses".

I gigged to teased him cause he blush.

Ryuuichi: Y-Yeah... that.

Minori: Haha.

Minori's Mind: Well I guess the teachers work pretty late into the day. But...

Ryuuichi's Mind: Now, once Taka's mother show up-

???: Taka! It's time to go.

Minori: Kya- wha!

I look at the boy is tall and considered handsome and he has short black hair and narrow eyes with light green irises, features he inherited from his mother, Shizuka. He looked at me when I startled and my cheeks turn red as he spoke.

???: Who are you?

Minori: Oh! I-I-I'm the new helper here, Aijima Minori. I came here from this school and I'm third year.

Ryuuchi: I'm same grade too, Minori-chan.

Hayato: I'm Kamitani Hayato, same grade.

Hayato: I heard there world be a transfer student in our class. Would that be you, then?

Hayato: Good to meet you.

Minori: Oh... um... the pleasure's all mine.

Minori's Mind: He looks scary... but seems like a decent guy.

Hayato: Sorry. My club kept me out late.

Hayato: Mom's still grading papers, so I came to get him instead.

Taka: Big bro.

Hayato look at his little brother.

Taka: I'm not goin' home yet!

Hayato: I told you, we're going.

Taka: No, no, no!

Taka: I'm gonna play with Ryu and Minori some more!


I widen my eyes because Hayato hitting his little brother's head.

Hayato: No throwing tantrums.

Taka started to cry like a baby.

Minori: You don't have to hit him!

Hayato look at me when he sits up as he spoke.

Hayato: Words aren't enough to convince him.

Taka: Big bro, you meanie! Meanie! Meanie!

Taka hits his big brother's leg.

Hayato: Hey, Aijima.

Minori: Ah. Yes?

Hayato: Mine's handled. You should pay attention to your own.

Minori: Oh.

I turned my head to look at my little sister when Hayato spoke.

Hayato: She looks lonely all by herself.

Minori: Oh dear... you're right.

Hayato: See you.

Minori: Thank you, Hayato.

Hayato take his little brother when he walk away.

Taka: No, no, no, no!

Taka struggling. I walked toward to my little sister when I bend my knees on the floor.

Minori: Mina, sorry about this.

Minori: You want me to read another that book to you now?

Minori: Mina?

I gasp when my little sister fall on my lap because she's breathing as I see her face are red.

Minori: Mina!

Ryuuichi: Minori-chan! What's wrong!?

Minori: My little sister... she's burning up.

I pick Mina up into my arms when Ryuuichi hand me from his jacket as I took his jacket.

Ryuuichi: Come on.

He said when he pick up his little brother with his arms, I stood up as he slide to open the door, I run out of the daycare as he goes out of the daycare when he slide to close the door. Ryuuichi and I run to go to the outside.

Minori: Hayato!

He stopped then he turn around as he looked at me when I spoked.

Minori: Would you... would you show me to the closest hospital with a pediatrics ward?

Minori: Mina... my little sister's got a fever!

Hayato: Sure. Just wait a minute, stay with Kashima.

Minori: Okay.

*In Hayato's house*

Taka: Mommy!

Shizuka: What's the matter, you two?

Hayato: Mom, keep an eye on Taka for a bit.

Hayato: I'll be right back.


Hayato, Ryuuchi and I was running because I hold my little sister Mina into my arms.

Minori's Mind: But why she's pretend she's okay as even when she's not...

Minori's Mind: But I know that, and yet...

Hayato: This way.

He said as we keep running.

Minori's Mind: But why did I leave her all alone!?

*In Ozawa Clinic*

Doctor: It's probably a fever cause by stress from a change in enviroment.

Doctor: She's sleeping now.

Doctor: The fever should go down after a bit of rest.

Doctor: No need to worry.

Minori: R-Right...

Nurse: We'll let Mina-chan rest in bed until your parents come for her.

Minori: Thank you so much.

The nurse smiled to me when she turn around and walk away. I went to the door as I open the door to goes outside then close the door. I took out of my phone when I started to call my father then I press my phone to my ear.

Cecil (Phone): Hello?

Minori: Father...

I said as sobbing because I was crying when my father spoke.

Cecil (Phone): Minori! Sweetie, what's the matter?

Minori: My little sister... Mina has a fever, because I'm in the hospital.

Minori: It's my fault... but I don't know why I leave her all alone. I'm bad sister.

I said but I can't stop crying when my father spoke.

Cecil (Phone): No, no sweetie. You're not bad sister, Minori... Mina loves you remember.

Cecil (Phone): Your mother and I will be there, so which the hospital is it?

Minori: The Ozawa Clinic, father.

Cecil (Phone): Alright sweetie, just make sure stay inside and stay with your little sister, okay?

Minori: Yes father.

Cecil (Phone): That's my girl.

He said as hang up the phone when I put my phone away, but... I felt someone who hugged me from behind softly.

Ryuuichi: Are you okay?

He said as worried when I nodded my head.

Minori: Yes...

Ryuuichi: That's good... but you know... I have no parents.

Minori: Why Ryuuichi...?

Ryuuichi: Because... my parents are die about the plane are crash as accident.

Minori: Oh... I'm sorry for your loss...

Ryuuichi: It's alright. Come on, let's get back inside.

Minori: Alright.

Ryuuichi and I went back inside when... I hear my little sister Mina was crying.

Minori: Huh?

The nurse slide to open the door to the right when she noticed at me because she carried my little sister Mina into her other arm.

Nurse: Oh thank goodness! Minori-chan's big sister!

Minori: Is something matter?

Nurse: Well, Mina-chan started crying from the moment but she woke up, and she just won't stop crying.

Minori: Oh...

I walked toward to her.

Minori: Mina...

Mina hear it when she turn her head as she reaches her small hands towards to me.

Mina: Minori-neechan~!

She said when I took my little sister Mina with my hands away from the nurse as Mina grabs my shirt with her small hands because she stopped crying, so I hold her softly. After all... I started to singing.

Minori: Listor Lu Jineil Los Agna

Minori: (AGUNA no uta wa ai no uta)

Minori: Ohroizz Wellt Mollvait...

Minori: (Onegaishi koi wo hakobu nari...)

Minori: Vi Kizz El Muse Feilis Wiltz Agna

Minori: (AGUNA no uta wa MYUUZU no uta)

Minori: Enne Fel Colfin Reijistar...

Mina stopped crying when she looked up at me because I continue to singing like our father's song.

Minori: (Soushi oto wa michibiite...)

Minori: Ka no hi no nukumori

Minori: Mune no oku nokotteru

Minori: Mahou no jubaku ga

Minori: Tokete yuku...

Minori: Taiyou no hi ga

Minori: Daichi e to KISU suru youni

Minori: Towa no rinne wo

Minori: Koi no na no shita

Minori: Tsumugiaou

Minori: Ikusen iku oku no toki

Minori: Anata ni deau tabi wo shite mo

Minori: Kanarazu mitsukeru kara

Minori: Kono ai wa RIINKAANEESHON

Minori: Hoshi ni chikau hanasanai yo

Minori: Sono te e to KUCHIDZUKE wo~

I done to singing when I look down as Mina was smile. Then...

???: My god... Minori.

I turn my head... it's my parents because they're shocked.

Cecil: That's my song... I'm so touch and I proud of you, Minori.

Cecilia: You made your little sister was smile.

She said when I look at Mina because she's smiled before she fall asleep.

Minori: Sleep well, Mina.

I said as sweetly tone.

Ryuuichi's Mind: Hey Minori, you're singing are amazing because I feel my heart are warm... thank you.

He smile when my father saw it.

Cecil: Minori? Who's that?

My father said to point to Ryuuichi when I spoke.

Minori: That's Ryuuichi Kashima, he's my fan. Because he saw me because I'm an idol.

Cecilia: Awww.

Cecil: My princess has her first fan~

Minori: Sheesh dad, hehe.

Ryuuichi: Haha... it's pleasure too meet you and this my little brother Kotarou.

Cecilia: Aww so adorable.

Cecil: Agree.

Cecil: Alright, Minori. It's time to go home.

Minori: Okay. I'll see you tomorrow, Ryuu-kun.

Ryuuichi: Okay. See you, Minori.

He said to watch us to leave.

*In Aijima's Manor*

*In my bedroom*

My mother pulled up the blanket on us softly when she kissed Mina's forehead and kissed my forehead.

Cecilia: Good night you two.

My mother said when she walked away to went out of my room and close the door, I open my eyes,

Minori's Mind: So warm... I promise to protect my little sister. I miss my big brother...

*Next day*

I walk to the hallway as I carried my little sister Mina into my arm when I walked to Chairwoman's room in front of the door and I knocked the door.

Chairwoman: Enter.

She said when I open the door to walk in and close the door.

Minori: Good morning.

Mina: Good morning~

Keigo: Morning, Minori-sama and Mina-sama.

Chairwoman: So, you two are a princesses?

Minori: Yes.

Youko: I see, I'm Youko Morinomiya and I'm Chairwoman.

Youko: I hear you're an idol, you're mother's friend about daughter as manager will be here sooner.

Minori: Okay.

Youko: Now, start tomorrow... I'll give you a new uniform and you can take care of your little sister to the daycare of babysitters club when you go to the class.

Minori: Okay.


After chatting from in the office when I walked to the door to open it and walked out and close the door then I walked to the hallway to goes to the daycare when I set my little sister Mina down and I spoke.

Minori: I'll be back, okay?

Mina: Okay!

Ryuuichi: Come on Minori-chan.

Minori: Coming.

I said when I walked out of the babysitters club as I slide close the door to the left as I follow to Ryuuichi. We walked to the hallway when we arrived to the classroom as the teacher notice me.

Teacher: Oh? Everyone, may I have attention please?

He said when everyone looked at the teacher as he spoke.

Teacher: This is Aijima Minori-chan. She'll be joining our class starting today.

He said, but a lot of girls looked at me as glaring and boys looked at me as doesn't saying.

Teacher: Go ahead and introduce yourself.

He said to me.

Minori: Oh, um...

I looked at Hayato and Ryuuichi. Still Ryuuichi nodded his head as he said 'go on' with his lips are quiet when I take a deep breath then I started to speak.

Minori: My name is Aijima Minori, I'm in the babysitters club with my fan Ryuu-kun.

Minori: I'm eaher to get know all of you and pleasure to meet you.

I said when I bowed.

Student Boy 8th: Babysitters club?

Student Girl 2nd: What's that?

Student Girl 8th: This girl is werido... she said 'my fan Ryuu-kun'

She said as mocking me, then...


Everyone was startled because Hayato glare at them when Ryuuichi spoke.

Ryuuichi: It's not a joke... she's my idol! That girl, Cecilia and Cecil's daughter of "Starish Princesses"! That's why!

Ryuuichi: That's why I met her from in the babysitters club!

Everyone was shocked when they heard as what Ryuuichi said.


Student Girl 8th: Wait... what! OH GREAT! I'm done! I'm sorry!

Minori: You better be... but you're not my fan. Because you hate me.

Student Girl 8th: N-No! I don't! I promise to be good girl!

She keep begging to making me sigh.

Minori: Fine.

Student Girl 8th: Thank you!

Student 8th: Oh! And I brought a lot of stuff like you!

She said because she can't squealing to making me chuckle.

Minori: Calm down.

I said when I wink at her then...


Student Boy 3rd: WOAH! She's faint!

Student Girl 8th: M-Minori is winking at me~

I laughed softly when I spoke.

Minori: Don't worry, she'll be fine. You can tell the nurse once she come in the classroom.

Student Boy 3rd: Oh okay.

*In the Babysitter Club*

Yoshihito: Really?

Minori: Yes.

Ryuuichi: But we got her little sister Mina to the hospital right away, so she's okay.

Minori: Yeah, that's making me so worried.

I said when Ryuuichi patted my shoulder and Hayato spoke.

Hayato: I'm glad it wasn't serious.

Ryuuichi: Yeah.

Minori: Thank you, Hayato.

Hayato: You're welcome.

Taka: Hey, Mina!

Hayato, Ryuuichi, Yoshihito and I turn our head to look at the kids.

Taka: I b-brought my best book with me today!

Taka: Wanna look with me?

Mina widen her eyes, but she smiled when she nodded her head.

Mina: Sure!

Kirin, Kotarou, Taka, Takuma and Kazuma widen their eyes because they're shocked and they're blush. Taka shows the book of "5 of Rangers".

Taka: Look! I'm Red!

Ryuuichi and I smiled

Minori's Mind: So this is Morinomiya Academy's daycare room.

Ryuuichi and I sit down on the floor when he open the book of "5 of Rangers" with his hands.

Takuma: Ranger Red!

Kazuma: Red...

Taka: I'm Red, not you!

Kirin & Mina: Turn to Pink's page!

They said to making me giggle when Yoshihito was sleeping because he holding Midori.

Minori's Mind: Well... this place where we have fun with children.

Minori's Mind: The babysitter club.

I feel happy when Ryuuichi notice me to making him blushes turn red.

Ryuuichi's Mind: I'm glad Minori-chan join about this club and she could take care of her little sister.

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