Chapter 11

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 Minori's Mind: It happened one winter's day.

Minori: What? You're taking the day off?

Minori: It's something matter?

I was talking on my phone.

Yoshihito (Phone): Yeah...

He cough all over again.

Yoshihito: I'm... I'm really sorry, Minori-hime...

Minori's Mind: Yoshihito-kun caught a cold.

Minori: Oh dear...

Midori: Aww...

Minori: Hm? What was that?

Minori: Sorry... but those kids are too loud.

Mina: Taka, be quiet! She's talking on the phone!

Taka: But I wanna talk!

Yoshihito (Phone): I probably shouldn't have slept naked after my bath...

Minori: Hey stop being perv! Do you know it's winter!

Minori: You had to know you'd catch a cold if you did that!

Shizuka pick up her son Taka when she spoke.

Shizuka: Oh, Usaida-kun has a cold?

Taka: Wanna talk! Wanna talk!

Shizuka cover Taka's mouth with her hand.

Minori: Would you be okay? But should you go to the hospital?

Taka struggle as Shizuka let go of her son when Taka land on the floor as he took Mina, Taiki and Kotaro to run to the bookshelf when I shook my head as can't helped but chuckle.

Yoshihito (Phone): Well, I took some medicine...

Yoshihito (Phone): So I'll probably be fine, but...

He cough twice when he turn over.

Yoshihito (Phone): I won't be able to watch the kids today.

Minori: Well, if Ryuu-kun and I take off from classes...

Yoshihito (Phone): Actually, I went ahead and asked for some outside help.

Minori: Huh?

Saikawa: Your humble assistant has arrived.

I gasp when I turn my head as I hold my phone.

Minori: Sai-kun! Good timing!

Minori: Wait... what about your job?

Saikawa: The chairwoman agreed that my services would be most required here today.

Yoshihito heard it from my phone when he sigh.

Saikawa: And that you should prioritize your studies, as well.

Minori: I know but... we're because I promised to look after the kids...

Saikawa: Minori-sama.

Minori: Hm?

Saikawa: I may not be as capable as you and Usaida-sama, but I shall do my best to fulfill the duties required of me.

Saikawa: Would you please allow me to try?

Saikawa: I knew it might become necessary, so i consulted the relevant texts to fulfill Midori-sama's needs, as well.

Minori: Oh!

Midori: Oooooh~

Kotaro tugged Saikawa's pants when Saikawa saw Kotaro who nodded his head.

Saikawa: ...

Kotaro nodded his head.

Saikawa: Kotaro-sama...

Yoshihito (Phone): If he has any trouble, he can ask the teachers for help.

I hear it when I put on my ear as he spoke.

Yoshihito (Phone): Minori-hime, you can go to your classes with Ryu.

He said when he coughed.

Minori: Alright, but make sure you get some rest, okay?

Yoshihito (Phone): Alright.

I hang up on my phone when I spoke.

Minori: Kotaro, Taiki, Mina, be good and do what Sai-kun tells you, okay?

Kotaro nodded his head.

Mina & Taiki: Okay!

Shizuka turn her head when she spoke to her son.

Shizuka: Taka, the same goes for you.

Taka look at her mother.

Shizuka: Can you be a good boy?

Taka: I'm always a good boy!

Saikawa held Midori on his back when I tied it up gently as he spoke.

Saikawa: Please proceed, then.

Midori squealing, when the door are open, Kirin, Kazuma and Takuma gasp.

Kirin: It's the butler guy!

Three kids run toward to them when Saikawa spoke.

Saikawa: Greetings to you all.

He bow softly.

Minori: Well, everyone...

Ryuuichi: Usaida-san's out with a cold today, and we need to get to the class, but Saikawa-san will be with you.

Minori: Is that okay?

I smile.

Takuma: I'm with Kazuma, so I'm okay!

Kazuma: I'm okay, too...

Kirin: I'll be just fine!

Taka: I don't need stupid Usa around!

Taka: I don't like him, anyway!

Yoshihito: AAAAH-CHOO!

Minori: Taka, if you don't be good boy. Cause you're bad!

Taka: ...But-

Minori: No buts!

Mina: I like Usa too! Bad Taka!

Taiki: Yeah!

Ryuuichi: That's good to hear, Mina and Taiki.

Minori: Alright, we need to get to class, but we'll drop in whenever I can during my breaks.

Ryuuichi: Thank you for your help.

We bowed, Saikawa bow too when he spoke.

Saikawa: I pledge to do my utmost to see my duties through.

Midori: Weeee~!

Taka: Hey, do good in class!

Kirin: Minori-neechama, Ryu-niichama, see you later!

The kids waving their small hands when Ryuuichi and I wave our hand.

Minori & Ryuuichi: See you guys later.

He close the door then we walked away.

Ryuuichi's Mind: Now that I think about it, Saikawa-san's always so capable.

Ryuuichi's Mind: Maybe it was rude of me to act so worried...

The 4 kids surprise to stare at Saikawa.

Saikawa's Mind: As I expected, they have grown nervous in Minori-sama's absence.

Saikawa's Mind: What can I do to make them comfortable with me?

Kotaro: Sa-chan.

He nodded his head.

Saikawa: Kotaro-sama...

Kotaro nodded his head again when Saikawa stare at him as he close his eyes and spoke.

Saikawa: Indeed. You are unfailing in your judgment.

Saikawa: I could hardly hope to match Usaida-sama, Ryuuichi-sama, and Minori-sama through my efforts alone.

He said when he place his fingers of hands on the floor as Kazuma gasp.

Saikawa: Kirin-sama, Takuma-sama, Kazuma-sama, Taka-sama...

He bowed when he spoke.

Saikawa: I fear that, in taking on an unfamiliar task, I must request your aid and encouragement.

Midori squealing as she patted his shoulders with her small hands. The 4 kids gasp as surprised.

Kids: We're in charge!

Taka: I'll teach you the best games!

Takuma: Let's play!

Kazuma: Me... me, too!

Kirin: I'll tell you the right things to do!

Saikawa's Mind: It appears they feel comfortable with me now.

Midori: Mmmm....

Saikawa: Hm?

He turn his head about something wrong with Midori.


Yoshihito's Mind: I never thought he'd actually agree to it.

Yoshihito's Mind: Guess it always pays to ask.

He cough all over again and again.

Yoshihito's Mind: Still, I hope they're not missing me too much...

Taka: Usada...

Kirin: Usa-chan...

Takuma and Kazuma's eyes are tears and Kotaro's eyes are tears when he hold the book "The Sad Panda". Midori was crying.

Mina & Taiki: Yoshi~!!

Yoshihito's Mind: Yeah, no chance of that.

Yoshihito's Mind: Anyway, I guess I can sleep easy for now.


Yoshihito: Ugh...

He turn over when he grab the phone and answer.

Yoshihito: Hello? Something happen?

Yoshihito: Eh?

Yoshihito: Uh, sorry, I've got a bad connection and I can't hear you...

Saikawa (Phone): There has... emergency... Midori-sama's...

Yoshihito: Eh?

He surprised.


Yoshihito: Hey!

He sits up when he spoke.

Yoshihito: I guess I'd better call him back...

He tried to call Saikawa back on his phone.

Woman's voice: The device you have called is either out of range or turned off.

Yoshihito: Hey.

(Back to daycare room)

*10 Minutes Earlier*

Midori was crying cause Saikawa was hold her with his hands.

Saikawa: I see now that even when one wears a diaper, one may still spring a leak.

Midori: Waaaah~!

Saikawa: Forgive my ignorance.

Taka: Midori peed on your back!

Takuma: It's pee!

Saikawa: I see. That can be resolved through the removal of my jacket, though.

Saikawa: For now, we must prioritize the changing of Midori-sama's diaper.

Kirin: I'll get the diapers!

She said when she run to get it.

Taka: I'll get a wipe!

He said when he run to get it as Saikawa spoke.

Saikawa: I greatly appreciate your aid.

Saikawa: But I urge you, don't rush...

Kirin and Taka run but they bumped their head as they fall down, the bucket of water spill on the box of diapers. They whimpers when they open their eyes as they gasp... cause it's ruined. Kirin and Taka whimper as crying when Saikawa gasp.

Saikawa: The both of you, there's no need to panic.

Kirin and Taka looked at him.

Saikawa: I shall simply ask Usaida-sama if he has any in reserve.

He called Yoshihito on the phone.

Saikawa: Hello? Usaida-sama?

Saikawa: There has been an emergency with regard to Midor-sama's backside.

Saikawa: If, by chance, you have a spare supply of disposable diapers, I would appreciate--

But suddenly, Midor hit Saikawa's phone on the box of diaper to make sploosh of water. Kirin was crying.

Kirin: Taka-kun's such a jerk!

Taka: !?

He's crying.

Taka: It ain't my fault!

Taka: Stupid Kirin!

Kirin: I'm not stupid! You're stupid!

They're crying, but Kazuma and Takuma saw it cause they're crying and Midori too. Kotaro looked at Saikawa.

Mina: Sai-kun...

Saikawa: Well said, Kotaro-sama, Mina-sama, Taiki-sama.

Saikawa: Although I may not be as capable as the other two...

He said as he set Midori down on the floor. He took off the jacket when he roll up his sleeve and adjust his glass with his two fingers.


He spread the purple cloth with his hands when he spoke.

Saikawa: As I have promised to devote my all to this task, I can't leave you in this condition.


I jogged by myself as I breathing softly.

Minori's Mind: I hope the kids aren't making too much trouble for Sai-kun.

Minori's Mind: I'm worried about Yoshihito-kun, too.

Minori's Mind: Next time I get a break, I'd better go look in on-


???: WHAAA!

Minori: Hm?

I turn my head when I saw Yoshihito on the ground and Ryuuichi was freak out.

Ryuuichi bend his knee.

Ryuuichi: A-Are you okay?

Ryuuichi: Hello? Should I call an ambulance?

Yoshihito: I-I'm fine...

Minori: Y-Yoshihito, oh my goodness!

I run to them when I spoke.

Minori: What are you doing here?

As I take Yoshihito's hand.

Minori: Yow! You've got some fever!

Yoshihito: Yeah, I do...

Hayato: What's all the yelling about?

Ryuuichi: Kamitani! Great timing!

Ryuuichi: I need you to help us to get Usaida-san to the nurse's office!

Yoshihito: Actually...

Minori: What is it?

Yoshihito: Could we check in on the daycare room?

Minori: Huh?

Yoshihito: I got a call about an emergency with Midori, but I can't seem to call them back...

Ryuuichi: Eh?

Yoshihito: And I keep getting this chill up my spine...

Minori: Geez Yoshihito-kun, that's probably because of the cold!

*Back to the daycare*

Minori: Huh?

Midori coo as she changed a new purple baby outfit.

Kotaro: Nii-chan... Minori-neechan...

Mina & Taiki: Minori-neechan!

Minori: Wait... I heard there was an emergency with Midori...?

Saikawa: Yes. As I told Usaida-sama on the phone, there was an issue with Midori-sama's backside...

Yoshihito: Huh? Her backside?

Saikawa: There was an incident that rendered her disposable diapers unusable, so I had hoped to ask where you might keep your spares.

Saikawa: But then my phone became unusable, as well.

Saikawa: Thus, I was forced instead to improvise a cloth diaper.

Midori coo as happy.

Yoshihito: Ryu... is it okay if I pass out now?

Ryuuichi: Usaida-san, hang in there!

Hayato: No, we should probably let him sleep.

Taka: Usa! Usada!

Yoshihito: Huh?

Taka: We been doin' real good without you!

Kirin: We're fine!

Yoshihito: Hey, good to hear it.

Taka: So we're just fine if you take off 'cause you got a cold!

Yoshihito: Hm?

He surprised cause Taka and Kirin was smile.

Taka: Leave it to us!

Kirin: I can take care of Midori, too!

Takuma: Usa, rest and get better soon!

Kazuma: I'll help... too.

Kotaro, Mina, and Taiki nodded their head.

Kotaro: Lemon tea.

Yoshihito felt tears from his eyes.

Hayato: You're a little old to be crying.

Yoshihito look at Hayato when he spoke.

Hayato: It's embarrassing.

Yoshihito turn his head when his face are pink.

Yoshihito: I'm not crying.

Ryuuichi and I giggling.

Ryuuichi: Isn't that nice, Usaida-san?

Yoshihito: Uh, yeah... okay, I'm going home.

Midori surprised.

Yoshihito: I'll go home already, so give me a break...

Yoshihito: I'm not used to this kind of thing.

Saikawa: Usaida-sama.

Yoshihito: Hm?

Saikawa: The others claim to be unaffected, but I was only just able to achieve stability with their help.

Saikawa: Thus, I must request your swift recovery.

Yoshihito: I think that if you know how to make cloth diapers, you're probably fine...

Yoshihito feel tugged his pants when he look down... it's Midori cause she's pouted.

Saikawa: But the matter of greatest relevance is that Midori-sama seemed quite perturbed about your absence.

Midori: Udda!

Yoshihito and I gasp.

Midori: Udda!

Ryuuichi: Eh! D-Did Midori-chan just say Usaida-san's name?

Minori: Yes she is.

I picked Midor up with my hands.

Midori: Mino!

Ryuuichi: She say your name too!

Saikawa: It appears I must prepare a celebratory meal.

Hayato: Are you sure about that?

Hayato: It sounded like her usual "ubbu"s and "adda"s.

Yoshihito: Uh, yeah...

Yoshihito: Anyway, guess I'll have to get better right away...

Hayato: Don't act flattered, weirdo.

Minori: Hayato-kun, hush.

Minori: I'll help with Yoshihito-kun to get better now.

Yoshihito gasp.

*Next Day*

Ryuuichi's Mind: The next day, Usaida-san earned a bit of ire because she-maybe-said his name before "Papa" or "Mama".

Minori: Now now, Yukari... you see Yoshihito's have a fever, so he's better now.

Yukari: It's not your fault, but it's still not fair.

Yoshihito: I'm really sorry.

Yoshihito: But I'm pretty sure it was a fluke...

Ryuuichi laughed as nervous.

Midori squeal as happy.

Yuki was getting the tennis ball when she reached it.

Yuki's Mind: I... I just came here to get my ball...

She gulped.

Yuki's Mind: I didn't come here to peek on Kashima-kun! I promise, please God!

Yuki's Mind: I'm not trying to go behind your back either, Maria-chan!

Kirin: Ryu-niichama, Minori-neechama, try to find me!

I giggled softly.

Ryuuichi: I can see you all pretty plainly...

Midori crawling when I pick her up with my hands, Yuki take peek to look at us.

Yuki's Mind: But Kashima-kun really is amazing... but... I love Minori-chan... she's looks like a mother.

Yuki's Mind: Are those two little boys heavy?

Yuki's Mind: They're so cool...

Takuma turn his head when he saw it as surprised.

Takuma: Found you!

Yuki: KYA!

She ducks down to head.

Minori: Hm?

Ryuuichi: Outside?

I open the window to check look around.

Minori: Takuma, I don't see anyone here.

I close the window when Yuki sigh as relief.

Maria: What have you been doing over here?

Yuki gasp when she turn her head.

Yuki: M-Maria-chan!

Maria: Wah!

Maria blush turn pink.

Maria: D-Don't call me by my first name!

Yuki stood up as she walked to her when she places her hands on Maria's shoulders.

Yuki: I-It's not what you think, Maria-chan!

Yuki: I'm not skipping out on club to spy on Kashima-kun and Minori-chan!

Yuki: I was f-fetching the ball...

She gaps when her face are blue because the tennis ball are missing from her hand.

Yuki: It's g-g-gone!

The cat play with the tennis ball.

Maria: You don't have to make excuses.

Maria: I understand how you feel.

Yuki: Eh?

Maria's face are red and her cheeks turn pink.

Maria: I... find those children c-cute, too...

Maria: S-So...

Maria: If you're too embarrassed to go play with them by yourself...

Maria: Ugh... I could be convinced to accompany you!

Yuki: U-Um...

Maria: Uh...

Maria turn around when she spoke.

Maria: But if you don't want to go with me, forget I said anything.

She said when she walked away.

Yuki: N-No, Maria-chan!

Maria stopped walking when she spoke.

Maria: Don't apologize. I'm sorry for being so forward with you.

Yuki walked toward to Maria when she holding Maria's arm.

Yuki: That's not it!

Yuki: It's not that I don't want to go with you.

Yuki: I just feel like... watching from a distance is best...

Maria: Eh?

Maria turned her head.

Yuki: Oh, not like that! I just don't have the courage to go in, you could say...

Yuki's Mind: I'm sure Kashima-kun would hate me if he knew, but... Minori-chan too...

Ryuuichi open the window when...

Yuki: The truth is, I have a hard time with small children!

Takuma: Found you!

Kazuma: I found you... too...

Yuki shocked as widen her eyes.

Ryuuichi: Ah.

Ryuuichi: S-Sorry, I heard voices, so I thought...

Yuki's Mind: God...

Yuki's Mind: My romance is dead.

Minori: Hm? Maria? Yuki?

Yuki gasp when her cheeks are pink.

Minori: What are you doing?

Maria: Well, if you heard us, that speeds things up.

Maria: We're on our way to join you.

Yuki: Eh.

Maria grabbed Yuki's wrist with her hand.

Maria: Please help her to grow accustomed to small children.

Minori: Alright, bring her in.

Maria: Okay.

She pull Yuki to walk away.

Yuki: Eeeeeh!

Ryuuichi: But are you okay with that, Ushimaru-san?

Minori: No Takuma, don't climb out of the window, you get hurt.

I pick Takuma up away from the window with my hands. Maria stopped walked when she turned around to face at Yuki.

Maria: "I have a hard time with them" doesn't mean "I hate them", does it?

Yuki: O-Of course not!

Maria: Then you need to get used to them for the sake of your future.

Maria turn around to pulled Yuki to walked when Yuki's face turn pink.

Yuki: Eh?

Yuki: Eeeeeh.

Maria: I can't hear you!

Yuki: R-Right!

*In the daycare room*

Yuki was here as nervous.

6 kids: Oooh~

Yuki: Um... wh-what should I do?

Kirin: Onee-chama, what's your name?

Yuki: Oh, um... Ushimaru Yuki!

Kazuma: I'm Kazuma!

Yuki gasp as her cheeks are pink.

Kirin: I'm Kirin!

Taka: I'm Taka!

Ryuuichi: You said you have a hard time with kids, but they're so comfortable with you already.

He close his eyes when he spoke.

Ryuuichi: Even I got the side-eye for a while at first.

Yuki gasp when she turned her head as her face are pink and blush.

Yuki's Mind: No way! Did Kashima-kun just give me a compliment?

Ryuuichi: Eh?

Yoshihito: She has a hard time with kids, huh?

Yoshihito: Ryu, I think you might want to give her some distance.

Ryuuichi: Eh?

After all, Kirin saw it when she jump.

Kirin: Yuki-oneehcama!

Kirin play with Yuki's boobs with her small hands when Yuki freak out because her face are pink.

Kirin: Your boobies are like my mommy's!

Kirin said when she nuzzle Yuki's boobs.

Taka: I'm gonna touch her boobies, too!

Takuma: Me, too!

Taka and Takuma run toward to Yuki who freak as scream. Ryuuichi takes Kirin, Takuma and Taka away from Yuki, because the 4 kids who touch Yuki's boobs, I pulled Yuki away from the kids when I scold at Kirin, Takuma and Taka as the 3 kids' face are blue.


Minori: You 3 are ground!?

Kirin, Takuma and Taka was crying.

Kirin, Taka & Takuma: We're sorry!

I sighed when I look at Yuki as worried as Yuki's cheek are pink.

Minori: Are you alright?

Yuki: Y-Yes, M-Minori-senpai!

Mina: Taka, pervert!

Taka: I'm not pervert!

Yoshihito: I thought so. It's the sexual harassment-type stuff that makes her uncomfortable.

Minori & Ryuuichi: Stop analyzing it and help us!?

Yoshihito: Okay, okay.

Yoshihito: Well, in that case, why don't we all take a walk together?

Kirin, Taka, Takuma stopped crying when they heard as smile.

Kirin: Outside! Outside!

Taka: We're goin' outside!

The 4 kids was running to outside. But Maria place her hands on her breasts when her face are blue.

Minori, Ryuuichi & Yoshihito: Hm?

Maria: The children have never shown that kind of interest in me...

Ryuuichi: Inomata-san!

Ryuuichi: They've never shown that interest in me either, so don't worry!

Yoshihito: Ryu, you're not helping.

Ryuuichi: Eh?

Minori: Yoshihito-kun, hush.

Minor: Maria, you're fine. Because the children loves you.

Maria: Minori...

Yoshihito: Wow...


Yoshihito: Okay, everyone holding hands?

Taka: I don't want you, Usaida!

Mina: Shush Taka! Leave Usaida-kun alone!

Yoshihito: Now, now, no fighting.

Kirin: Ino-neechama, you gotta hold my hand tight and don't let go.

Kirin: I'm gonna lead you around, okay?

Maria: Th-Thank you...

She said when her cheeks are pink.

Ryuuichi: Okay, Taku and Kazu, you two can come with me.

Takuma: I'm gonna hold hands with Ryu!

Kazuma: M-Me, too...

They hold Ryuuichi's fingers with their small hands when Kotaro hold my finger with his small hand.

Minori: Yuki, could you holds hand with Taiki?

Yuki: Eh? O-Okay!

Minori: Hehe, he's probably the calmest, because he's small an idol like his sister and us from our family.

Minori: But call me if you have any problems, okay?

Taiki nodded his head.

Yuki: W-Well, I guess we'll be holding hands. Is that okay?

Taiki: Yes.

He take Yuki's finger softly when Yuki surprised as they walked.

Yuki's Mind: Huh?

Yuki's Mind: He's really cute...

Yuki's Mind: Is it because of Minori-senpai's little brother?

Yuki remember back then.

Yuki's Mind: He doesn't look like he'd try to flip up my skirt or spit on me...

Yuki's Mind: I might be okay hanging out with a kid like this.

Yuki's Mind: Actually, I might really like it!

Yuki giggle as they walking, but Taiki stopped walked cause he sneezing.

Yuki: Ah, bless you.

She bend her knees when she wipe his nose with her handkerchief, but it's a snot.

Yuki: Kya!

Minori: Uh-oh. Watch a learn, Yuki.

Yuki: Eh, Minori-senpai?

I take out a tissue when I plugged Taiki's nose as he blow his nose.

Yuki: Wow...

Taka: Minori-neechan! I'm sneezing!

He run toward to me.

Minori: Hold on Taka.

I take out a tissue then I plugged Taiki's nose when he blow his nose.

Maria: I never seen Minori is good like a mother.

Ryuuichi: She is.

Takuma: Minori is the best!

Kirin run toward to Yuki.

Kirin: Yuki-neechama, hold out your hands!

Kirin: I wanna give you something what I found.

Yuki: Eh?

Yuki hold out of her hands.

Kirin: Here!

Kirin place about something on Yuki's hands... it's a bugs.

Yuki: Thank--

Yuki's face are blue cause she widen her eyes... when she fainted.

Ryuuichi: Ushimaru-san!

I catched Yuki with my hands to lift her up like a princess style.

Yoshihito: Oh nice one, Minori-hime.

Minori: Kirin, you shouldn't give her... you made her scared.

Kirin: I'm sorry...

I sighed when I spoke.

Minori: I'll take her in the nurse room.

*In the nurse room*

Yuki sighed

Yuki's Mind: Maybe I'll just never get along with little kids the way Kashima-kun and Minori-senpai do...

Yuki open her eyes as the curtain slide to the right.

Ryuuichi: Ah.

Ryuuichi: Are you awake?

Yuki: Eh?

Yuki sits up when her face are pink as she spoke.

Yuki: K-Kashima-kun?

Yuki: Wait... did you carry me here?

Ryuuichi: It was Minori-hime who carried you here, actually.

Minori: Hang in there, Yuki...

Minori: Ryuu-kun! Maria! Watch for my sister and adopted brother and the kids!

Ryuuichi: Okay!

Maria: Alright.

Minori: Yoshihito, I'll be right back.

Yoshihito: Okay~ don't rush.

Yuki's Mind: How shallow can I be, getting my hopes up in this situation?

Yuki's Mind: Minori-senpai... thank you...

Ryuuichi: Um... are you okay?

Yuki look up at Ryuuichi, but she look down.

Yuki: You must be disappointed in me, Kashima-kun.

Yuki: To see a girl who's so bad with little kids...

Ryuuichi: Hm?

Yuki: If something doesn't change...

Yuki cover her face with her hands when she spoke.

Yuki: I'll never be able to get married, will I?

Ryuuichi: Eh?

Yuki: I'm sure Maria-chan and Minori-senpai is disappointed in me, too.

Ryuuichi: Hmm...

Ryuuichi: Ushimaru-san.

Yuki: Eh?

She removed her hands away from her face when Ryuuichi spoke.

Ryuuichi: I don't like snot and gross stuff, either. Nobody does.

Ryuuichi: I'm just used to it, like Minori-hime.

Yuki: Eh?

Ryuuichi: Even as a boy, I was pretty freaked out by those bugs.

Ryuuichi: They don't know how to hold back when we play, so I get hurt or get tired.

Ryuuichi: Their hands get sticky with drool and snot all the time, and sometimes they wet themselves on you, and it's awful.

Ryuuichi: They crawl inside my uniform and do other stuff I can't stand.

Ryuuichi: Being with little kids is really tough.

Ryuuichi: So I totally understand why you have a hard time with them.

Ryuuichi: It's not that I just like little kids or anything.

Ryuuichi: It's that the little kids stopped being "little kids", and they become Kotaro, Taka, Kirin-chan, Takuma, Kazuma, Midori-chan, Mina-chana and Taiki.

Ryuuichi: They's why Minori-hime and I can deal with it, and that's why we love them.

Ryuuichi: So It's okay. You don't have to worry.

Ryuuichi: I'm sure the day will come when you'll be just fine with wiping away snot.

*Knock* *Knock*

Yoshihito knock the window when Yuki gasps as Yoshihito slide to open the window.

Yoshihito: They said they wanted to apologize for before.

Yoshihito: Is that okay?

Yuki: Eh?

She look at the kids.

Kirin: Yuki-neechama, flowers aren't scary, right?

Yuki saw the flowers.

Yuki's Mind: Once the "little kids" each become individuals to you...

Yuki offer her hand when she spoke.

Yuki: Yeah.

Kirin place the flowers on Yuki's hand.

Yuki's Mind: Just watching from afar feels so boring now.

Yuki cupped her hands of flowers when she holds the bouquet of small flowers.

Yuki: Um... thank you for the flowers.

Yuki: Would you mind if I came by to play again sometime?

The kids was surprised as they're smile. Yuki smile too.

Yuki: Eh?

Yuki: Kashima-kun, um... where's Maria-chan? And Minori-senpai?

Ryuuichi: Inomata-san said she was going on ahead.

Ryuuichi: She wanted me to apologize for forcing you into this, though.

Ryuuichi: But I'm not sure where is Minori-hime...

Mina: If you look for Minor-neechan, listen to her singer.

Ryuuichi: Ah! Oh yea, her father's song.

Yuki: Minori-senpai's father's song?

Taiki hear it.

Taiki: Yuki~ listen!

Yuki listen when she gasp.

Yuki: Kashima-kun... and Usaida-san, thank you bother, too.

Yuki: I have to catch up with Minori-senpai.

She said when she get off the bed to put it on the shoes then leave the nurse room.

*Meanwhile... outside*

Minori: 🎶Listor Lu Jineil Los Agna
(AGUNA no uta wa ai no uta)
Ohroizz Wellt Mollvait...
(Onegaishi koi wo hakobu nari...)🎶

Yuki was running when she saw me was sing like my father's song as she widen her eyes.

Minori: 🎶Vi Kizz El Muse Feilis Wiltz Agna
(AGUNA no uta wa MYUUZU no uta)
Enne Fel Colfin Reijistar...
(Soushi oto wa michibiite...)🎶

I turn my head as I looked at Yuki when she widen her eyes and I offer my hand toward to her then she place her hand on top of my hand as I pulled her toward to me as I continued to sing.

Minori: 🎶Ka no hi no nukumori
Mune no oku nokotteru
Mahou no jubaku ga
Tokete yuku...🎶

Minori: 🎶Taiyou no hi ga
Daichi e to KISU suru youni
Towa no rinne wo
Koi no na no shita

Minori: 🎶Ikusen iku oku no toki
Anata ni deau tabi wo shite mo
Kanarazu mitsukeru kara

Minori: 🎶Hoshi ni chikau
Hanasanai yo
Sono te e to KUCHIDZUKE wo~🎶

As I finished singing when Yuki hugged me softly.

Yuki: Minori-senpai... I love you!

I hugged her back softly with my arms when I spoke.

Minori: How are you feeling?

Yuki: I feel better and thanks for carrying me.

She said when I patted her head softly.

Yuki: Um... Minori-senpai. I promise I will write lyrics for you!

She said to make me widen my eyes then I smiled.

Minori: Thank you, Yuki.

Yuki's Mind: The one who gave me the chance to change... was my senpai who I love as friend.

((Admin Nisey: Okay I have 2 left.

Minori: Last final chapter? And Event Christmas?

Admin Nisey: Yes Minori.

Admin Nisey: Okay last chapter, what will you do about Hayato was talking to chairwoman Youko.

Admin Nisey: Ask her about surprised for Minori's Aunt is coming from her mansion for a party? Or her school. You will find out about last chapter, from 2 days. So get ready!))

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