🖤Chapter 27 | Open Up Yours Eyes!🖤

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(Song: Open Up Your Eyes by Emily Blunt! From The Mlp: The Movie!)

Hadeon: It's time that you should learn about something......

Dustin: Huh...? What do you mean??

Hadeon: .........

Hadeon: 🎶It's time you learned a lesson, It's time that you understand...🎶

Hadeon: 🎶Don't ever count on anybody else, In this or any other land, I once hoped for friendship...To find a place among my kind...But those were the childish wishes..🎶

Hadeon: 🎶Of someone who was blind....🎶

Hadeon: 🎶Open up your eyes!!!!  See the world from where I stand...~🎶

Hadeon: 🎶Me, among the mighty...You, caged at my command!!🎶


Hadeon: 🎶Give up your sweet fantasy land... It's time to grow up and get wise...Come now, little one, open up your eyes....~🎶

Hadeon: 🎶We all start out the same.With simple naive trust.Shielded from the many ways.That life's not fair or just....🎶

Hadeon: 🎶But then there comes a moment...A simple truth that you must face....If you depend on others You'll never find your place......🎶

Dustin: ......

Hadeon: I use to date Xingxi...The Most sweetest girl i've ever met in my life...I was also friends with Catalina.....

Dustin: Catalina's friend...? You know Catalina and Xingxi??

Hadeon: Yeah.....

Hadeon: ............

Hadeon:  🎶And as you take that first step...Upon a path that's all your own.You see it all so clearly.The best way to survive is all alone...🎶

Hadeon: 🎶OPEN UP YOUR EYES!!!!!! See the world from where I stand...🎶

Hadeon: 🎶Me, among the mighty....You, caged at my command!!🎶

Hadeon: Open up your eyes....And behold the faded light.....It's time to grow up and get wise.....Come now, Dustin...

Hadeon: Open up your eyes.....

Hadeon: *With a Corrupted Voice* OPEN UP YOUR EYES!!!!! 

Dustin: *Eyes wide open as he gasps* (Mind: He was Corrupted...THIS WHOLE TIME!?)

Dustin: Hades....You never told me that you used to date Catalina's best friend but somehow..Xingxi broke up with you since she was in love with someone else...

Dustin: It.....It must've affected you....real bad...I'm so sorry you felt so alone....

Hadeon: I saw the truth. My "friends" and my "ex" abandoned me when times got tough.Looks like I'm not the only one.... 

Dustin: *Tears up* All this time....I ALWAYS thought you didn't need me anymore...But somehow....My powers must've made you Corrupted....

Hadeon: *His eyes glow* Face it Dustin....You will NEVER get your powers back....And our Friendship...Plus....

Hadeon: Now our Friendship was ruined ....I think it's time to end your friends once and for all... *Starts to walk out of the room*

Dustin: *Holds the bars* HADES! DON'T DO THIS!!

Hadeon: *Stops as he had an upset look on his face* ....

Hadeon: *His face turns into a Cold face and exits the room* ...

Dustin: ........

Dustin: Friendship didn't ruined us.....

Dustin: Power really did RUINED us.....*Tears started to fall on his cheeks as his alien antennas went down* 

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