01/07/2017- Writing Drabble

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Okay so I was talking with Emerald (ephemeralemerald27) about this idea I had and after developing it, I've decided to write a drabble about it here. So enjoy!


"This is the fourth possession since Monday. Fourth."

Rose looked up from fixing her badge onto her shirt to where another camper was laid on a stretcher, being carried away to the Hospital Wing. She stood next to her brother, Arthur, as a crowd flooded out of the Dining Hall and all ogled and gossiped to one another.

She never thought she would actually say possessions were a usual occurrence. But at Camp Spirit Heights, it appeared to be. Usually, there was at most two a day.

"Four? I thought there was three," Rose replied.

"No, there's been four," she heard Arthur reply.

"Who was the fourth?" Rose asked, looking up at him. "There was a girl and boy from Dawnor and that boy from Rothmore, at least I thought."

"Micheal was possessed two nights ago," Arthur replied, frowning. "I thought you knew that."

"Oh, yeah," Rose replied, leaning against the wall of the dining hall. "Forgot."

Arthur gave her a quickly glare, and she awkwardly stood up straighter. Despite being at a camp in the middle of a forest, her brother still seemed to treat it as if the two were at a formal party. Rose thought it was a little ridiculous, but never argued since she didn't like starting fights.

Arthur sighed. "This is madness, Rose. Utter madness. I don't understand, why is this place so haunted? You would've figured in over hundred years of a camp being around they would've found some way to at least keep the ghosts away."

"Perhaps, but maybe it's also too out of control at this point to control," Rose pointed out, to which Arthur didn't reply.

The two started to make their way around camp as the crowd started to dissolve. They looked around as the counselors started to set up activities and other campers, talking with other members of their own teams.

"What do you want to do?" Rose asked, looking around at all the activities.

She saw Arthur look around at all activities with what she understood was Arthur's look of thinking, although others saw it as disgust. She was aware she could split up from members of her team for activities, but she felt some comfort if she had someone she knew well.

"Fencing looks fun," Arthur said, glancing over at a short line of campers over with a counselor she recognized from Covingham jumping up onto the platform, sharing words with another counselor.

Rose nodded, walking over there and joining the line of students who were talking between themselves. As her brother left her to wander around. Rose looked up at the clouds, noticing their shapes and staring up at them, forgetting her surroundings and focusing on the sky above.

"You like clouds?" She heard a voice say.

Rose, startled, looked up to see a boy, looking at her with a lopsided smile. He looked as if he hadn't combed his hair that morning, but it didn't look bad.

"Oh! Um, yes, clouds are nice," Rose replied.

Inside, she felt herself go red out of embarrassment. The boy laughed and stood next to her.

"They can be such interesting shapes, can't they?" He said, pointing at one. "That one looks like a cat."

Rose looked where he was pointing, looking at the cloud. "I think it looks more like a snake, personally."

He kept smiling at her and shrugged. "I guess we can all see things differently," he paused. "I'm Beckett, by the way."

"Beckett," Rose reached out her hand, and he shook it. "Interesting name. I'm Rose."

"Thanks! Rose is also pretty name," Beckett replied.

"Thank you," Rose said quietly, looking up at the platform for a second.

"So, you're a Gallowyn?" Beckett asked, gesturing to her badge.

"Yes, I am," Rose replied. Although she didn't know if she was proud of that or not.

"Care to tell me where the cabins are for you guys?" Beckett asked, smiling at her again and Rose chuckled.

"Come on, you know that's not allowed," Rose replied, smiling. "Besides, my brother would murder me if I said anything."

"Who's your brother?" Beckett asked.

Before Rose could reply, she heard someone cut in and walk up behind them.

"I think a better question is, who might you be?" They asked, and Rose recognized it as Arthur immediately.

Beckett turned around, looking at Arthur, who didn't look too amused. Then again, Rose knew it took a lot to get a smile out of Arthur that didn't look incredibly forced.

"Oh! You're Arthur, aren't you?" Beckett said. "I heard about you, you must be Rose's brother. I'm Beckett."

"Beckett," Arthur repeated, just as she had. "And you have that correct."

"That's great!" Beckett replied. She could tell he was a little intimidated. While Arthur wasn't incredibly muscly or tall, his eyes had a way of instilling fear in people, as she had seen many times. "Do you like fencing?"

"In fact, I do," Arthur said, looking up slightly and adjusting his collar. "I used to take lessons."

Rose rolled her eyes. She never understood why her brother constantly had to sound aristocratic. Sometimes she wondered if it was just a habit that he happen to have picked up.

"Arthur," Rose said, her tone becoming cutting.

"That's pretty cool," Beckett said, leaning back slightly.

"Alright, campers, you all ready to get started?" The same counselor from Covingham said, and there was a cheer from most of the kids standing around the fencing platform. Except for Beckett, Arthur, and Rose, and perhaps one or two others who were all caught off guard by the sudden noise.

"Alright, let's start with the basics of using a rapier. First of all, despite the fact you'll be wearing helmets, do not try to hit each other in the head," the second counselor said.

"Who was that?" Arthur whispered to her.

"Oh, don't go crazy, Arthur, he's just a guy I was talking to about the clouds. I think he's just interested in nature."

"Rose, he might've been possessed at some point, then what would happen? He might pass a ghost onto you!" Arthur whispered back.

"Now you're sounding crazy," Rose snapped quietly. "How could he pass on a ghost? And how do you know that you can pass ghosts on as so?"

"I don't know that, at least yet, I'm just saying-" Arthur started, but was cut off.

"If you want to know, I've actually never gotten possessed," Beckett interrupted, who did not look quite as happy as he did a few minutes ago.

Arthur looked at Beckett, his face looking confused and surprised. "What? You haven't?"

"Not even close," Beckett whispered, relaxing.Some of the guys in my cabin say I'm cursed."

Rose and Arthur and looked at each other for a second, both as confused as the other. They thought they were the only ones who seemed to repel the ghosts, or at least keep them away from them without coming close to possession. Now this other by they had just met, Beckett, now had the ability too?

"What?" Beckett said. "Was it the cursed thing?"

"No," Rose whispered. "It's just the fact that, we thought we were the only ones who seemed to be, well, immune to the ghosts."

Beckett stared at the two for a minute, before replying "I thought I was the only one!"

All three stared at each other for a second, not sure what to say.

Rose saw Arthur straighten himself and look Beckett straight in the eye. She noticed he turned town the intimidation a bit.

"Beckett, meet us just after supper right at the largest oak tree just beyond the Center Hall, got it?" Arthur said. "We need to figure out what is going on."

Beckett nodded, before Rose fully processed what Arthur said. She started to scowl and tugged on her brother's sleeve, and he looked over at her.

"Arthur! What if we get caught? We're supposed to be heading back to our cabins by that time! Who knows what punishment we'll get?" She hissed, crossing her arms.

"If we get caught," Arthur said. "A lot of people do it, Rose, and no one gets caught. I saw some boys doing it yesterday and they didn't get in trouble. Besides, this is important."

"We won't get caught, promise," Beckett added quietly.

Rose, who was still scowling, took a deep breath before answering. "Fine, promise."

Rose looked around, and as she looked to her left, she saw a girl, from the colours of her badge was likely a Rothmore. who seemed to be looking right at Rose, Beckett, and Arthur in small glances, and Rose seemed to catch her right her right in the act. Her face looked confused too, and almost somewhat angry, to Rose's surprise. But as soon as she saw Rose look at her, she looked away, turning towards to someone a little too quickly, as Rose saw the girl reach to her neck as if it hurt.

"Aurelia, you okay?" Rose thought she heard someone whisper.

"Yes, my neck just hurts a bit. Probably just a bug bite," the girl, who she assumed was Aurelia replied.

"Alright! I think we're all good! How about you two go first?" The counselor said, pointing at Beckett and Rose.

Beckett smiled, going up, and Rose followed him quietly, starting to regret talking to Beckett and Arthur instead of listening.

"Wait! I have no idea what to do!" Rose whispered to Beckett.

"Just follow my lead, and don't swing at lethal areas or too hard!" Beckett replied.

"Beckett, I don't mean to be rude, but that's not very helpful!" Rose replied, sounding more distressed.

"You'll be fine!" Beckett said, as they climbed onto the platform.

As the counselors helped her into the protective gear, she knew one thing, and it was that this meeting by the largest oak tree was going to be very interesting.

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