12/09/2017- Princess Emerald

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Okay, this is a one-shot based off of ephemeralemerald27 's chapter in her random book based off of her "Princess Emerald Movie" concept for a Disney movie, so I wrote a little piece about it including some of the people who became part of the movie in the comments. I couldn't include everyone but I did try fairly hard to get everyone in. Please enjoy!


Princess Emerald wasn't daunted easily. Though looking out at her kingdom and thinking she'd one day be the Queen of all the people that lived in the boundaries could more than definitely provoke nerves in her.

There were a million qualities she wanted to be as a Queen. Fair, just, kind, brave, wise, and practical were just some of the ones she could think of off of the top of her head. They all seemed to fall under the category of what most would consider a good ruler. And the very thought of having to possess all those qualities all the time was scary.

Emerald was leaning against the rail of the library balcony, the summer breeze warm against her skin. The purple fabric against her dress swayed and rippled lightly with the breeze as she stared out at the clouds. She took a sigh.

Princess Emerald knew how good she had it. She had amazing parents who loved her, most of the palace staff thought she was amazing, and she even had animals who seemed to enjoy her company. But as much as she loved them, there was something she craved that she wasn't all sure anyone else really understood.

She craved adventure. She craved to see every border that surrounded her kingdom, sail the seven seas, go on daring missions, solve mysteries, and explore the world  just like the princesses in books she had read.

But of course, her parents had insisted adventure was dangerous. And while Emerald was more than capable than taking care of herself, her parents insisted she had protected, being the next queen.

Emerald looked back at the library. The library staff had been restocking the library shelves, which meant it was the time of the month where new books were brought to the castle library. She had forgotten that today was the day, but a slight bit of excitement filled her anyway.

Emerald swished away from the balcony, her dress flying in the breeze of her fast. Her shoes clicked the wooden library floors. She quickly walked through the library aisles, looking up and down at the staff high up on ladders stocking the shelves. She swished by then all, making sure not to get too much in the way.

In one aisle, where she recognized some of the fantasy and mystery titled, she tapped one of the library assistants on the shoulders. The girl was initially startled.

"Sorry!" Emerald said. "I didn't mean to startle you."

The girl turned around, and upon seeing Emerald, she gave her a curtsy. "I'm so sorry, Princess Emerald. Do you need something?" Her face curled into a questioning expression.

"I was wondering if I could see some of the new books," Emerald replied, gesturing to the stack of books the girl was holding. "May I get your name?"

"Oh, excuse my rudeness," the girl said. "I'm Thia. I'm new here, sorry if I look a little inexperienced, Princess Emerald." Thia handed  Emerald a small pile of books carefully, and Emerald balanced them in her arms.

"It's okay! Thank you," Emerald give her a comforting smile, and Thia gave her a small, polite smile back.

Emerald scrolled quickly through the pages of the books in her hand, scrolling through their texts and looking at the back, looking to see if she could find one that might interest her.

"Do you want to take any?" This asked.

"Oh, I think-" Emerald started, before seeing the last book.

The cover was dusty and old, and considering all the books had just been delivered to the castle, it was a bit off. Either way, Emerald dusted all the dirt off the cover. Upon getting a clearer look of the cover, she saw a large, oval shaped green gem gleaming on the cover.

"Oh my goodness," Thia said. "Is that. . ."

"Is this what?" Emerald asked.

"I've been hearing about this all week," Thia continued. "All the staff have been talking about it all week since we got the date of the new books were coming."

Emerald didn't reply, but gave Thia a confused look, in a manner that urged her continue.

"You see, there's been this gossip about a book coming in with an odd cover. Apparently the text is unreadable by most. But it contains a huge clue to solving the conspiracy surrounding-"

"A conspiracy?" Emerald asked. Her eyes had lit up at the word. Her whole face had seemed completely endeared in Thia's words, before she had realized how rude she had been by interrupting her. "I'm so sorry. Please continue."

Thia took at look from both sides of the aisle, making sure anyone wasn't eavesdropping on what she was saying. "Yes," she said, though her tone became a whisper. "A conspiracy surrounding the kingdom. I didn't believe it at all at first, but this, this could be it."

Emerald opened up the book, seeing the cover one more time before slowly opening up its contents. Her eyes scanned the pages. The text toons shapes she couldn't identify. It didn't seem to be any language she would know, less be able to read.

"Do you know anyone who can read it?" Emerald whispered.

This bit her lip. "Well, yes, but you'd have to leave to the castle to get to her."

"What's her name?" Emerald asked.

"Well, I'm not totally sure, but I've heard that there's a girl who works at the town library, Astoria, who can read the text. I've only heard it in rumours, though," Thia answered, a shrug coming from her shoulders.

Emerald closed the book, looking towards the doors of the library. Her gaze drifted between the library doors and the book, as if considering what she was going to do. Though her heart was pounding, and excitement rippling through her body just standing there.

"I'm going to find her," Emerald said, walking towards the doors, and she slipping the book underneath her arm as she gave Thia a thankful wave.

"Wait, Princess Emerald!" Thia called after her, a slight jog in her step. "Can you please not tell anyone that I told you? I really wasn't supposed to say, and i could get into a lot of trouble."

Emerald looked at Thia, giving her a smile. "Of course! Thank you for all your help!"

"Good luck," Thia replied, giving Emerald a smile as she quickly walked down the hallways. She breezed past castle staff carrying plates, boxes, and other assorted items along with rooms and many intricate and ornate paintings that lined the walls of the castle.

"An adventure, a conspiracy!" Emerald whispered to herself. Her body was still pumping over the excitement of finding this. "How exciting! I'm finally going to get an-"

"Where are you going, Princess Emerald?"

Emerald whipped around to see a guard standing behind her.

"Oh, I was just going down to the stables to take a ride around town," Emerald replied, looking at the guard.

The guard's face didn't seem angry. Rather, he or she, Emerald could not tell under the mask, smiled. "You might want to take another guard with you, just for safety. I would go, but I will go warn your parents for you."

Emerald felt a groan inside of her want to bubble up, but resisted the effort. She understood why the guard wanted to let her parents know and have her take a guard. "Alright. Is there any who could assist?"

The guard thought for a moment. "I believe my friend isn't too busy right now and down by the stables. She'd be willing to take you down there. You might want to go check while you're going in that direction."

Emerald nodded. "Thank you for your help, uh-"

"Miss will do just fine, Princess Emerald." The guard chuckled. In an instinct, Emerald laughed along with her. "Have fun!"

"Thank you again, Miss!"

"You're welcome!" The guard called. Emerald began to go as fast as she could wearing the shoes she was. She made sure the book was still under her arm as she walked quickly through the narrower corridors that lead down to the stables, where her horse and the guard that was spoken about were supposed to be.

Eventually, Emerald felt her feet land in the part of the castle barns where the horses were kept. Stable boys carried pails of water and heavy tools around the barn, feeding and grooming the horses. Emerald had loved to spend time with her own horse, grooming and feeding him, but during the days where she spent time learning and taking care of her responsibilities, Emerald felt bad that she couldn't always make it to see her horse everyday.

"Excuse me?" Emerald asked some of the stable boys, grabbing her riding coat. "Is there a guard somewhere around here? I was told there would be one down here."

The boy nodded. "She's just over there, Princess." He pointed in the direction to where a girl was approaching, a smile across her face.

"Did someone need a guard, Princess Emerald?" She asked.

"Yes, I need you to come with me. I'm going out of the castle. Your friend told me you'd be willing to help me."

"Ah," the guard said. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going down to the main village, to the library in there," Emerald replied.

The guard raised and eyebrow. "You're just going to prance in there with your horse on the streets?"

Emerald lifted the riding coat over her shoulders and began to fasten it around herself, still looking at the guard. "Well, yes, unless you see a safer option."

"I'm just joking, Princess Emerald. Unless we take the back routes, there really is no other way. And the back routes are unsafe. I'm Dani, by the way."

"Dani," Emerald smiled. "Nice to meet you."

"Alright, let's get your horse out of the stable."

With a swift hand movement from Dani, one of the stable boys quickly released the light beige coloured horse from the stable, and Emerald walked up to the horse, giving him a pat on the head. The horse licked her hand in response.

"Oh, I've missed you too," Emerald said, giving him a rub on the head. "Now we get to go out for a ride."

"Emerald, at some point we do actually have to get you on the horse," Dani commented, walking closer to get her own horse, a one of darker colour than Emerald's horse, which she had grown attached to.

"Oh! Oh yeah," Emerald replied. With the assistance of Dani, she was then helped board her horse, who gave a happy whinny in response to Emerald.

"Don't you worry, I'll get you some apples," Emerald said to the horse, giving him another pat as one of the stable boys lead them, along with Dani's horse out of the stable. The horses movement pattern was something Emerald had grown to miss, and it was a joy to be back on a horse again.

Dani rode up beside Princess Emerald, as they trotted out of the side of exit of the castle gates. The horses hooves made loud clopping sounds against the stone pathways.

"So, to the town library?" Dani said. "Any particular reason? We have a rather large library of our town. It's nice in there."

"There's someone I need to see who works there," Emerald replied, holding the reins on her horse. "I need to speak with her."

"Ah. I see."

Emerald and Dani didn't talk much more, as Princess Emerald took in the sights of the city passing by them. She looked at the sights of the playing children and adults standing the multicoloured shops with signs outside of their businesses, it made Emerald smile. She didn't get to see the towns on a regular basis, besides festivals with her parents, but seeing the town on a daily basis brought a smile to her face.

"The library should be that one there. With the library sign," Dani said, pointing to a wooden building with bay windows, which a man was vigorously washing. Emerald rode up to the side, and slwoly got off her horse. The horse gave a grunt, and Emerald gave him another pat.

"Don't worry, I'll bring a treat for you once I get back," Emerald promised with a smile. Emerald looked up at Dani, who was smiling at her.

"Don't worry, I'll watch him. If you go in with me, it'll cause a scene," Dani told her. "I'll be right out here in case anything happens. Don't be too long or your parents will freak out."

Emerald gave her a nod of thanks. Ashe then adjusted her riding coat as she began to step across the cobblestone path towards the library building, passing the window washing man. He had just reached his cloth into the bucket and was bringing it up. Water drops flecked her coat as she passed into the door.

When she walked inside, the bulding was very cozy. The walls were lined with books, the floors were covered in a worn, but still nice looking green carpet, and for seating came comfy looking chairs and couches which were lined with pillows. The librarian sat up at the desk looked like a polite enough person. Emerald walked up the man.

"Excuse me? Is, Astoria in?" Emerald asked. "I need to speak with her."

The man nodded unenthusiastically. "I'll go get her."

The man got up from the seat. Emerald moved out of his way, walking over to the other room and speaking something she couldn't quite pick up on. But what she did see a girl dart out of the room. Her expression was a quiet and calm one, but it wasn't quite a smile.

"Are you Astoria?" Emerald asked when the woman was almost close enough to have a conversation.

"Yes, I am," Astoria replied, giving her a smile. "Though most people just call me Tori. Welcome to the library. You are?"

"Emerald," Princess Emerald replied, giving Tori a smile.

Tori suddenly froze, taking a look at Emerald. She gave her a quick curtsy upon realizing who she was. "My goodness, I'm so sorry. I really should've made the connection quicker. Please excuse my rudeness. Is there anything you need?"

"It's fine! I didn't want to cause too much of a scene," Emerald said. "I was wondering if you could-"

"Tori!" A childish voice came. Both Tori and Emerald looked to see a young boy run out from the other room, bolting up to Tori. "Are you going to come finish the story?"

Tori gave Emerald a quick gesture to give her a moment, then smiled down at the child. "Don't worry, I'll be back in a minute. I just have to help out this customer."

The boy looked up at Emerald, and she gave him a little wave and smile. His loud disposition became quieter and he began to cling to the ends of Tori's dress.

"Oh, don't be scared, she's nice," Tori said. "Say hi!"

The boy moved away from Tori, giving Emerald a wave and a small, nervous smile.

"Hello!" Emerald said.

"Hello," the boy responded.

"How are you?" Emerald asked, kneeling down to the boys level.

"Good," he responded nervously. He look up at Tori, who gave him a nod, and he disappeared. Emerald gave a laugh as Tori smiled.

"He's a cute one," Emerald said. "Is he your cousin?"

Tori shook her head. "He's one of the orphans from the orphanage. There's a group that often come to stay at the library during the day."

"Oh," Emerald replied. She looked towards the door where the boy had disappeared. There was a sudden tense feeling in Emerald for being optimistic.

"He's a sweet kid. I really hope he'll find a good home. I hope all of them will," she replied calmly and kindly.

There was a moment of silence between them. Emerald had no idea what to say in response to make the conversation less awkward. Until Tori spoke up.

"Is there something you needed help with?" She asked.

Emerald looked up from feeling awkward. "Oh, there's this book that came in. I can't understand the language. I was told you could make sense of it." Emerald showed Tori the book, who took it slowly out her hands. She opened the book, squinting at the text.

"I haven't seen this in a while," she muttered, flipping through the book's contents.

"You have seen it before?" Emerald asked.

Tori nodded, looking at the text again. "I can read it, but there's a problem. The letters are purposely scrambled," she told Emerald.

Emerald's face dropped. She felt her heart drop into her feet, thinking this might be the end of her mission. "Does that mean it can't be solved?"

"Not at all. I know someone who can unscramble it at the very least. And then I can read it," Tori replied. "I'll take you there after I finish reading the story to the kids."

"I can go by myself," Emerald replied. "You're working, I don't want to disturb you."

"It's the very least I can do to help the Princess out." Tori smiled. "Plus, you might want someone with you."

Emerald smiled. "Thank you, Tori. I'm really sorry about asking about the orphans, too. It made it awkward."

Tori smiled back at Emerald. "Don't worry. I didn't mind at all. You've been so kind dealing with those kids, you should see how some people treat them. It's gross." She said.

"That's awful," Emerald replied, glancing at the door where she heard children playing. "By the way, may I ask what you meant by 'I might want someone to come with me?'"

Tori's expression changed for a second, as if trying to find the most polite way to put this. "Well, she's a bit, how do I put it, vague?"


"So, this is the place?"

Emerald looked up at the building. There seemed to be a shadow that overcast that certain building. There were a few strange writings outside of the house. It made Emerald slightly uncomfortable.

She looked over at Tori, who was still pawning over the book with the strange language. When Emerald had gotten to know Tori more on their walk there, and she has found her quite and interesting person. Of course, the two were accompanied by Dani, who had insisted on coming this time and her sarcastic comments. But Tori had always been semi-focused on the book the entire time.

"Yes," she replied.

"Looks shady," Dani said.

Tori didn't answer to that comment, rather, walked up onto the porch, and Emerald and Dani followed. The porch creaked as Emerald put her first foot on the wood. Tori took a deep breath, knocking on the door firmly.

For a minute, there was no response, no noise at all. Emerald glanced at Dani, who gave Emerald a shrug. Tori didn't seem to be fazed by the few minutes of silence from inside the house.

"Maybe she's not home?" Emerald suggested.

Just as she said those words, they heard a groan from inside the house and something hit what Emerald assumed was a wall with a loud BANG. All three standing outside the house were slightly startled.

"Look, if it's those pesky bee sellers again, that was a one time order. Go away," Came the voice from inside the house.

Both Dani and Emerald gave a look of confusion at the voice's words about the bee selling, but Emerald could tell Tori was refraining a sarcastic gesture. "Roe, it's Tori."

"Tori?" The voice, Roe, asked.

"The library worker," Tori replied. "I need a favour, please."

"The dragon said the same thing. And how did that end?" Roe said, her tone cutting.

Tori took a deep breath. "Roe, please. A bit of a scrambled language has been found, and you're the only person I know who can unscramble it."

There was no talking for a second, and Emerald heard footsteps coming down and louder as they approached the door. She saw the rusty golden door handle twist from the outside the door, and in the doorway appeared another woman. She wore a witch hat and matching robe, and her expression seemed slightly irritated. "I'm done with the borderline stuff and now have advanced to screaming."

Emerald saw Roe in the door and smiled. "Your help with this would be very appreciated."

Roe gave the group an eyeball up and down, and Emerald tried to give her a polite, even though she was internally confused at what was happening. "So you guys aren't the bee sellers."

"Bee free," Dani replied, brushing off her shoulder.

Roe gave the group another eye. "Hmm, alright. Come inside."

Emerald followed Tori in, and the two were followed by Dani. As odd as the place was outside, it was weirder inside. There were symbols and strange images hanging from the ceilings and walls. When Roe showed the group where her desk was, papers were flying left and right on the workspace.

"Okay, what is it you need again? I do funerals, grave speeches, and necromancy, if you want to know. Don't listen to people when they say I can't do necromancy. I'm excellently trained." Roe asked. "I can do a lot of things."

"Well, um, we have this book," Emerald started slowly. "The language is scrambled so it's unreadable. We were wondering if you could unscramble it for us, please."

Tori nodded in agreement, placing the book on Roe's desk. Roe studied the cover for a long minute, and even when she was muttering somethings, she didn't look back at the group.

"I was right," Roe mumbled.

"Huh?" Emerald asked.

"I was right!" Roe said louder. "I was right, I was right. And they all said I was insane."

Emerald, Dani, and Tori all gave Roe strange looks.

"I was right, I was right!" Roe shouted in victory.

"What does it say?" Tori asked.

Roe looked at her. "I have no clue. All I know is I was right."

"So. . . You can't unscramble it?" Emerald asked, disappointment dripping from her tone.

"Well, I can, but I have no idea what context it's in," Roe answered.

"So then what were you right about?" Dani asked.

"EVERYTHING!" Roe shouted. "I have eight four pages proving I am right. And I was!"

"Can you at least unscramble it?" Emerald asked hopefully.

For a moment, Roe went quiet. She clapped with a bored expression on her face, and Emerald watched as the book words rearranged themselves, leaving Emerald in awe. Roe gave Emerald an almost smile at her amusement with her magic.

"Thank you so much," Emerald thanked Roe.

Tori gave Roe a nod, before picking up the book again, starting at the beginning. Her eyes widened as she scanned the pages of the book, pupils darting across each word and pages flipping every few seconds.

"What does it say?" Emerald asked.

"Hmm," Tori commented. "So far all I've read is a series of words explaining how the author had been researching about the conspiracy, without actually telling us anything about the secret," Tori replied. Everyone, even Roe, was now looking over Tori's shoulders as she read. "And the part where it gets to it, it just cuts off."

All looked with full concentration. Roe muttered something to herself.

"Do you know anyone who might know about it?" Emerald asked.

"Not off the top of my-" Tori started.


Everyone turned and looked at Roe. Everyone to some extent was confused, and Emerald's expression was prompting her forward.

"She lives down in the country. She might know about it. She believed I was right," Roe commented. "I can take you there if you want."

Emerald gave a look to Tori, who didn't look too partial one way or another.

"Princess, what about your parents?" Dani asked, giving a tilt of her head towards the direction of the palace. And don't you have to work, Tori?"

Emerald gave it a second of thought. her heart raced and her blood pumped as she considered what to do about it. Until a grand smile appeared across Emerald's face.

"My parents are going to have to wait, Dani. I'm going on an adventure!" Emerald said, getting up out of her chair and putting her fist up in the air. "Roe, if you could kindly, please take us to Wings."

Dani looked at Tori, expecting some kind of help for the situation.

"I guess I can take a day off," Tori said quietly. "I might have to say goodbye to the kids, though."

Dani heaved a sigh before looking at Princess Emerald with an adventurous smile. "To Wings, then."

"To Wings!" Emerald chanted.

"To Wings!"

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