The Heir

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Name~ "You don't know who I am?" The young, blonde woman looked extremely confused (Ellie Roseman)
Age~ "That's personal information" Ellie gives you an annoyed look (19)
Gender~ "Duh" she rolled her eyes "Look at me" (Female)
Sexuality~ "Why?" Ellie interrogated, raising an eyebrow (Bisexual)
Looks~ "Are you blind?" Ellie snapped, growling

Personality~ "If you actually wanted to know that, you would get to know me" (Ellie's honestly a bit of a brat. She was raised by an extremely rich businessman known worldwide, and has never known anything but luxury. She gets quickly annoyed, and you probably shouldn't approach her if you're a stranger. However, she's extremely persistent, as well as brave , and doesn't care what other people think of her)
Likes: "Definitely not you" she muttered, rolling her eyes (Ellie's extremely materialistic, and loves fancy, high quality things, as well as people who won't lie to her)
Dislikes: "Can you leave?" She snapped, hand on her hip (Annoying people, cheap stuff, posers, not getting what she wants)
Up for RP?: Not quite yet, sorry

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