Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Zeke found the trail of his fellow humans quickly. He followed it to the same meadow where he had found Vincent and quickly moved on. The signs of a struggle were everywhere in the meadow and Zeke almost couldn't bear to think of Betty Sue wrapped in a life-stealing cocoon.

He quickened his pace. If luck were with him, he would rescue her before it was too late.

An idea was hammering away at his mind until he couldn't ignore it any longer. He stopped to let it seep through to his forebrain. "What if he contacted the Grokmar?" the idea said. "Surely the ship would be able to trace the others now."

He pulled a comm bud out of his coverall and stuck it into his ear. "Grokmar."

There was relief in the ship's voice when it answered him. "Zeke, thank goodness! Have you found the others yet?"

"Ah found Vincent. Ah was hoping you could tell me where the others might be too."

"I am sorry, Zeke. I still do not detect any of them yet," the Grokmar said. "Jim Bob has returned with the wrapped creatures you found. I am running a query against my database to determine what or who is doing this."

"Grokmar, can you bring the dead back?" Zeke had been afraid to ask the question, but not as afraid of how he would find Betty Sue.

"What a peculiar question, Zeke. Why do you ask?"

Zeke shrugged. "Because if Betty Sue and the others are wrapped up like the critters I found, they could be dead."

"Let us hope you are incorrect, Zeke," Grokmar said. "Because restoration of life to a dead organism is beyond my technology."

Zeke sighed. "I was afeared you'd say that. Ah better get going then." He reached up to pull the comm bud out of his ear.

The Grokmar's voice stopped him. "Zeke, I must insist that you wear the comm bud. I cannot aid you if I cannot hear what is going on and speak to you."

"Ah need mah wits about me if'n I'm going ta find them, Grokmar."

"I agree," Grokmar replied. "But did you know that the comm buds also amplify any sounds around you?"


"Amplify. Make things louder," Grokmar said.

"Ohh." Come to think of it, the sounds around him WERE a bit louder. The big man sighed again. "Fine! I'll wear the cursed contraption. But you gotta keep yer trap shut so I can listen to the sounds around me."

"Thank you, Zeke. I will comply with your request."

Zeke wasn't entirely sure what the word 'comply' meant but it sounded like the ship would listen so he let it pass. He began to follow the trail again.

It was more than a little disturbing to the big man that the trail had changed from footprints to drag marks at the meadow. That likely meant they were wrapped up too. Zeke could feel helplessness and rage begin to build.

He had been following the track for more than thirty minutes when there was a small chiming sound in his ear. The voice of the Grokmar sounded shortly after.

"I apologize for the interruption, Zeke, but I have some information about the material used to wrap up the creatures you sent back with Jim Bob."

Zeke stopped and spoke. "What Grokmar?"

"It appears that the white wrapping is a favourite tool of a species known as the Predators."

"What's a Predator?" Zeke asked. The word sounded familiar. Like a school word. He'd never done particularly well in school. Too much thinking but he did remember some things.

"The Predators are a race of hunters. They average eight feet tall and are humanoid and muscular. They usually send their adolescents out on a rite of passage hunt, alone. The young Predator must capture a number of different beasts to be considered an adult." The Grokmar sounded very smug. "I knew I would find the answer."

"What has that got to do with Betty Sue and the others?" Zeke said.

"I imagine they got caught up in the hunt?" Grokmar said, not sounding quite as certain.

"What do these Predator thingys do with the stuff they catch?"

"According to my research, they kill anything they catch and take the skulls back as trophies."

Zeke didn't wait to hear anything more. He began to run down the obvious trail left by the dragged humans.

Grokmar continued to speak. "You must be careful, Zeke. Predators are extremely intelligent and dangerous. Several are even senior members of the Galactic Council."

"If you love them so much, maybe you should marry them," Zeke grumbled. "Ah've got to save Betty Sue before that there thing takes her head."

"Did you not hear what I said, Zeke? They are very dangerous," Grokmar said.

If the ship could see the dangerous look on Zeke's face it would have stopped talking. Instead, it  kept speaking. "They utilize an amazing array of weapons including particle launchers, mini-nukes and hypersonic zappo blades. What could you possibly have against that?"

"Ah've got mah rifle and knife. If those don't work, I'll rip off its head with my bare hands."⁠ (The ripping off of heads with bare hands is known to be quite effective, regardless of species.)

The ship finally got the hint to shut up. "Ah. Very well then. Good hunting, Zeke." It went silent.

Zeke continued running. He was so caught up in his fear for Betty Sue that he almost stumbled into the Predator's base of operations.

 As it was, the big man realized his mistake too late to stop. He dove behind a pile of white wrapped parcels. He held his breath for a few moments, waiting to be discovered.

Nothing happened.

He pulled his rifle out and checked it to make sure it was loaded. So far so good. Raising the gun to his shoulder, he stood behind the mound and peeked out.

In the middle of the clearing reclined a creature that was vaguely humanoid. It didn't look much like Grokmar's description. It did have two arms and two legs and it was big. But the big was less about height and more about girth.

The thing's belly hung out of its armour like sodden, unbaked bread dough. A mask was pulled up to the top of its head, leaving its face uncovered. The exposed grotesque face, complete with a pair of mandibles where the mouth should be, completed the picture of revulsion. It was surrounded by a small pile of the skulls of various creatures.

Zeke could only stare at it and its morbid collection in fascination.

The creature picked up a small metal pad and pressed a button. A robot lifted up from the far side of the clearing and came towards Zeke. The automaton had a large pair of pincers on its bottom.

Zeke huddled down as the machine drew close. It picked an unmoving bundle from the top of the mound and carried it over to the predator where it unceremoniously dumped the thing to the ground.

The predator reached down into a box beside it and pulled out what looked like a large can of beer. It ripped off a tab from the top and chugged the liquid, crushing the can with one hand while letting out a ripping burp that echoed through the clearing.

If the situation hadn't been so serious, Zeke would have laughed.

The creature pressed a different button on the metal pad and a second machine glided over to the white cocoon. This one had a massive spinning blade held between two outstretched metal arms.

With the precision of a surgeon, it delicately manoeuvred the blade through the wrapping, cutting through the cocoon. A set of vicelike grippers pulled the covering away to expose the creature contained inside.

It was Betty Sue. Zeke began to see red.

The creature leaned forward to get a better look at the woman. She lay on the trampled grass looking as peaceful as a sleeping child. The predator gently grabbed her head and rotated it this way and that, studying her closely. It obviously like what it saw because it threw back its head and made a deep honking laugh.

It was all too much for Zeke. He leapt to his feet and raised the rifle to his shoulder in one practised movement. Without a moment's hesitation he sighted the rifle and fired. The bullet struck the armor right where a human's heart would be, leaving a deep dent.

The creature fell with a howl of anger. It staggered to its feet only to be bowled over by a charging Zeke. The big man pounded on the predator, smashing his fist over and over into its face.

But the predator wasn't out of the fight just yet.

Its arms, though spindly compared to the rest of its bulk, were corded with muscle. It shoved Zeke, propelling the man several feet away to land with a crash. Both combatants staggered to their feet and faced each other.

The Predator pointed at Zeke, an shrill whine emanating from its forearm.

"Zeke, look out!" the voice of the Grokmar said.

Zeke didn't stop to think. Once again, his instincts saved him as he dove to the side.

A pulse of sound sizzled through the space he had been standing, leaving a smell of ozone behind. It smashed into a tree blowing it to bits.

Zeke hit the ground, rolled and pulled the knife out in one fluid motion. He threw the knife at the creature.

The Predator looked up from its wrist controls just in time for the knife to embed itself in its right eye. It stiffened and fell over backwards like a crashing tree. Moments after the alien struck the ground a beeping began to sound from its arm.

Again the voice of the Grokmar sounded in Zeke's ear. "Zeke, you have got to get rid of the device attached to the Predator's arm. It is about to explode!"

"What should ah do with it?" Zeke said, confused.

"I will take it," Vincent said. The little droid fairly flew into the clearing. It grabbed the device from the creature's arm, snapped it off, then roared into the sky.

Thirty seconds later a massive explosion flared brightly in the sky. The brightness of the light and the concussion from the blast knocked Zeke to the ground. He blinked once, twice, then, with a sigh lost consciousness.


We shift our attention to the studio of Galaxy News where a massive, black hover-limo has just pulled up. Two imposing Predator guards dressed in matte black battle armour leap out of the vehicle and do a thorough scan of the surrounding area.

Satisfied that there is no impending danger, the shorter of the two, a nine-foot tall specimen, opens the rear right door of the limo and steps aside. An older predator, clad head to toe in mourning orange, steps out of the limo and proceeds into the building flanked by his two guards. He wears no visible protection, but exudes an aura of danger and power.

He is escorted directly to a studio where MegaDan Scholes, voice of the galaxy, sits waiting. MegaDan is dressed in his customary flowing purple toga and cape and is having the last touches of makeup applied to his face. The artist is doing a masterful job of enhancing the slight visible facial scar.

MegaDan stands and extends his hand to his guest who ignores the gesture and sits in MegaDan's chair.

He utters five simple words in a growling tone. "Let's get on with it!"

His body guards back off and the cameras zoom in while the lights in the studio adjust.

MegaDan looks at the being sitting in his seat and thinks better of asking him to move. He sits in the co-anchor chair and begins.

"Hello Vice Chancellor Greklor and welcome to Galaxy News. Can I offer you an energy drink? Perhaps the head of one of my assistants?"

"Can it, Scholes. I don't have time for your clowning around. I am here due to a matter of extreme importance as I'm sure your producer has told you," the Vice Chancellor says leaning toward MegaDan Scholes. "I don't particularly care for you but my people tell me you have the galaxy's ear so you get this exclusive. Don't screw it up."

MegaDan sits back, a little offended by the Chancellor's tone. He stays wisely quiet.

"Are you and your crew ready to go?" the Chancellor asks.

"We are, Sir," MegaDan replies. "Whenever you're ready."

"Very well then. You may proceed." The Vice Chancellor settles back in his chair."

MegaDan turns on his best smile and turns to the cameras. The cameraman does a silent countdown and MegaDan begins to speak.

"Hello Galaxy. This is MegaDan Scholes bringing you a late breaking news story. In studio we have Vice Chancellor Greklor who brings a message of galactic importance. Vice Chancellor."

"Galaxy, earlier today war was declared against the race of beings known as humans. This declaration of war was made in response to repeated attacks perpetrated against citizens of our fine civilization. It is clear that these foul fiends seek nothing less than galactic domination."

"Vice Chancellor, is it true that your son, Monglor is the latest victim of the human menace?"

"My son died protecting us from another attack by these godless beings! He is a patriot! A hero!" the Vice Chancellor said, slamming his fist on the news desk, cracking the surface.

"Vice Chancellor, my sources inform me that your son, a self-confessed video freak and beer guzzling champion, was on the planet Cornucopia performing his rite of passage. There are no other citizens on that planet."

The Vice Chancellor glared at MegaDan. "You will report this news the way I tell you to or you will find yourself out of work."

"As you wish, Vice Chancellor."

The Vice Chancellor turned toward the cameras and spoke again. "Even as I speak, probes are scouring the galaxy for the home world of the human species. An armada is being assembled with representative war ships from every corner of our great civilization. We will find the humans and eradicate them!"

"Vice Chancellor, there are laws that are designed to eliminate the extinction of any one race. What do you say to your detractors about that?"

The Vice Chancellor glared at the camera. "When you find a reptiloid killing your livestock, you kill it for the good of all. This is no different."

"Interesting. Well, thank you for your time, Vice Chancellor."

"People of the galaxy, if you know the whereabouts of these humans, it is your duty to report it back to your government. My office is on standby waiting for your calls. If you are found to be hiding the humans, you will face a tribunal under the charge of treason." Flecks of foam were beginning to cover the creature's mandibles.

"Well thank you for that, Sir. That was Vice Despot...I mean Vice Chancellor Greklor telling us about the human menace and the government's steps to pull you into a war you don't want. I'm MegaDan Scholes wishing you good news and good luck."

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